Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted November 17, 2003 04:44 AM |
Give Explanations to Penalties in Profiles
I think that people need to see examples of bad behavior. Many members have said that the profiles should show the post where people received penalties in the profile.
Mods have said that the posts shouldn't even be shown. I feel that the posts should be deleted. However, I think that any instances where a member received a penalty, it should state the offense with a brief discription of what happened in the user's profile.
profanity - racial slurs
direct insult to another member
direct insult to mods - harassment through IM's
This will exemplify any punishments to other members of what happens to people who break the rules. I feel that this would also help out our cause in reducing spam.
In TOH and Myths, there is a hall of shame. I feel that we should do something similar to this. I feel that this would actually work better, because it simply state what the person did wrong.
In TOH and Myths it can give people ideas on how to cheat. Here it simply makes an example of people ruining our forum.
Go Red Sox!