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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: Legend of the Great Tiberia
Thread: Legend of the Great Tiberia

Supreme Hero
[ Peacekeeper of Equilibris ]
posted March 25, 2004 07:33 PM
Edited By: regnus_khan on 31 Mar 2004

Legend of the Great Tiberia

I present you with newest RPG I had to think of. I saw that nobody has joined another RPG of mine, so I created a new one which will be totally new and more interesting. It will have a new system that will be *a bit* similar to the old thread (which wasn’t popular, so I asked RSF to delete it). Now, I shall begin.


Each member has to follow these seven easy steps. But at first, I suggest you to look below and see the FAQ/Info.


There are four simple races in this game that are always enlisted in RPG games. I thought to give some short info about them too.

Race: Human
Plusses: +1 Strength, +1 Vitality, +1 Valor

Race: Elf
Plusses: +1 Dexterity, +1 Vitality, +1 Wisdom

Race: Halfling
Plusses: +2 Dexterity, +1 Valor

Race: Dwarf
Plusses: +2 Strength, +1 Vitality


There are six simple and usual classes in this game, but they have some unusual things. One of them is that they have plusses, flaws and other useful things.

Class: Soldier
Plusses: +3 Strength, +1 Valor, +1 Dexterity  
Flaws: -1 Stealth, -1 Wisdom
Restricted To: Human, Dwarf
Soldiers were the only ones who were trained to fight in battles with such strength and power that the other ones were unable to defend theirselves. Although they were slayers, they were honored, because they helped the citizens and peasants by defending the towns.
Only the Tiberian soldiers were trained to use melee weapons that are mostly used in battle by footmen. They weren’t as intelligent or stealthy as rogues or magical characters, though, their strength was the most honored and powerful thing here.  

Class: Ranger
Plusses: +2 Dexterity, +2 Vitality, +1 Stealth
Flaws: -1 Strength, -1 Valor
Restricted To: Human, Elf, Halfling
Rangers were the only rovers over these lands. Their pathfinding and logistic skills were so immense, that it was almost the same as the strength of soldiers. They walked over the lands just to explore and help the poor ones.
Only the Tiberian rangers were able to move as fast as the wind with such vitality that the other ones can just admire. They weren’t the magical ones, but they could force their energy to turn into vitality.

Class: Rogue
Plusses: +3 Stealth, +2 Dexterity
Flaws: -1 Valor, -1 Wisdom
Restricted To: Human, Halfling
Rogues were the only ones who could camouflage without making any noise. Their stealth skills were absolutely perfect. They were able to use them anywhere, anytime and anyhow.
Only the Tiberian rogues were able to move, be camouflaged and attack at the same time without any notice, ecen the smallest one. They weren’t so intelligent as they could be, though, they were able to think of ideas that could even surprise the magical ones.

Class: Druid
Plusses: +2 Wisdom, +2 Vitality
Flaws: -1 Strength, -1 Valor
Restricted To: Human, Elf
Druids were the only ones who were capable of healing and summoning good, maybe decent, things. They dealt almost none damage (like all magical ones), though, he had to deal it just to defend the light.
Only the Tiberian druids were able to heal their friends. Their vital powers were the only to help them in their quest. They also had Battle Meditation spells that could increase their friends strength or other things.

Class: Wizard
Plusses: +2 Wisdom, +1 Valor, +1 Strength
Flaws: -1 Vitality, -1 Dexterity
Restricted To: Human, Halfling
Wizards were the only ones to create illusions or mistaken the enemies. They could deal very high damage and punishments to those, who deserve that. These servants of light were capable to defend theirselves alike the other ones.
Only the Tiberian wizards were able to destroy enemies using their mind. Their wizarding staffs held so immense power that even 2/3 of it had to be transferred to the mind of its owner just to help him defend and act for the light.

Class: Necromancer
Plusses: +2 Wisdom, +2 Strength
Flaws: -2 Valor
Restricted To: Human
Necromancers were the only ones to be mistaken with the witches and evil sorcerers. They could deal very high damaging plagues, poisons or rays, but they couldn’t hurt innocent people, just because of their looks. Often they were the outcasts.
Only the Tiberian Necromancers had an opportunity to help people, even if they were unpopular or may have frightened them with their looks. They used their spells to defend the light, even if they were once associated and allied with evil.  


There are eight useful skills that are vital to characters, so they have to increase them, because they are necessary in battles, in game and in everywhere else here.

Determines the damage done with all non-magical weapons by and to the character (+1 Strength determines +0.5 damage).

Determines the movement and speed of the character (+1 Dexterity determines 0.5 speed and 0.5 movement)

Determines the hit points of the character (+1 Vitality determines +8 hit points).

Determines the valor (more valor you have, more XP you get) of the character (+1 Valor determines +2% increase).

Determines the stealth (more stealth you have, more chance to pass the enemy without battle!) of the character (+1 Stealth determines +2% of chance)

Determines the spell points of the character (+1 Wisdom determines 5 spell points).


Each class has the weapons that are restricted to. There are some weapons that won’t or may fit to the others, though, there will be some unfortunate minuses. Anyway, I’ll list the main groups of weapons that are aligned with some of the races. Plus, I want you to know something. All one-handed weapons have the damage equal to half the two-handed weapon,

Group: Axes / 2-5
Restricted To: Human, Dwarf
Use: One-handed
Types: Double-bladed Axe, Mithril Axe, Battle Axe, Mining Axe, Throwing Axe

Group: Bows / 1-6
Restricted To: Human, Elf, Halfling
Use: Two-handed
Types: Longbow, Wooden Bow, Crossbow, Arbalest

Group: Swords / 1-7
Restricted To: Human, Dwarf
Use: One- or Two-handed
Types: Longsword, Broadsword, Steel Sword, Mithril Sword, Holy Sword

Group: Clubs / 3-4
Restricted To: Dwarf
Use: Two-handed
Types: Bludgeon, Mace, War Club, Dragon Club

Group: Sabers / 1-5
Restricted To: Elf, Halfling
Use: One-handed
Types: Short Saber, Long Saber, Dagger of Elves, Halfling Dagger, Dragon-slayer’s Dagger

Group: Staffs / 1-3
Restricted To: Human, Elf, Halfling
Use: One- or Two-handed
Types: Divine Staff, Staff of Illusions, Horned Staff, Archmage’s Staff, Staff of Elementals, Staff of Light, Staff of Darkness, Staff of Dragonslayer


Well, there are a few things. I will list weapons as one- or two-handed. Then, there will be the level restriction and cost. Each level the damage of the weapon is increased by 1-1.


Double-bladed Axe - 50 - Level 4
Mithril Axe - 1200 - Level 9
Battle Axe - 0 - Level 1
Mining Axe - 0 - Level 1
Throwing Axe - 75 - Level 5

Steel Sword - 50 - Level 4
Mithril Sword - 1200 - Level 9

Short Saber - 0 - Level 1
Long Saber - 35 - Level 3
Dagger of Elves - 130 - Level 6
Halfling Dagger - 130 - Level 6
Dragon-slayer’s Dagger - 1200 - Level 9

Divine Staff - 0 - Level 1
Staff of Illusions - 0 - Level 1
Horned Staff - 0 - Level 1
Staff of Dragonslayer - 130 - Level 6


Longbow - 250 - Level 8
Wooden Bow - 0 - Level 1
Crossbow - 0 - Level 1
Arbalest - 100 - Level 4

Broadsword - 600 - Level 5
Holy Sword - 1200 - Level 7

Bludgeon - 130 - Level 5
Mace - 130 - Level 5
War Club - 600 - Level 5
Dragon Club - 1200 - Level 7

Archmage’s Staff - 250 - Level 8
Staff of Elementals - 250 - Level 8
Staff of Light - 2000 - Level 15
Staff of Darkness - 2000 - Level 15


Spells will be able to be upgraded three times, but only four spells will be chosen from the list (necromancers have only three spells, so they get them all). Feats will be chosen this way too.

Class: Druid
Prerequisites: Level 1 -----> Level 3 -----> Level 6
Character Spells:
Spirit Strength -----> Knight Strength -----> Divine Strength

Spirit Strength: adds +1 Strength
Holy Strength: adds +2 Strength
Divine Strength: adds +3 Strength
Spirit Speed -----> Knight Speed -----> Divine Speed

Spirit Strength: adds +1 Dexterity
Holy Strength: adds +2 Dexterity
Divine Strength: adds +3 Dexterity
Cure -----> Treat ----> Heal

Cure: removes 20 points of damage
Treat: removes 50 points of damage
Heal: removes 100 points of damage
Prayer -----> Delight -----> Bless

Prayer: adds +1 Wisdom
Delight: adds +2 Wisdom
Bless: adds +3 Wisdom
Hostile Spells:
Force Knockdown -----> Force Wave -----> Force Earthquake

Force Knockdown: knocks the target down, so he cannot take any action for one turn
Force Wave: knocks the target and all adjacent targets that are *aside* from it, so they cannot take any action for one turn
Force Earthquake: knocks all targets down (enemy’s), so they cannot take any action for one turn
Divine Retribution -----> Divine Judgement -----> Divine Scourge

Divine Retribution: deals 10 points of damage to all targets (enemy’s)
Divine Judgement: deals 25 points of damage to all targets (enemy’s)
Divine Scourge: deals 50 points of damage to all targets (enemy’s)

Class: Wizard
Prerequisites: Level 1 -----> Level 2 -----> Level 8
Character Spells:
Power -----> Overpower -----> Aura

Power: adds +1 Strength
Overpower: adds +2 Strength
Aura: adds +3 Strength
Mist -----> Blur -----> Fog

Mist: adds +1 Stealth
Blur: adds +2 Stealth
Fog: adds +3 Stealth
Exorcism -----> Dispel -----> Cancellation

Exorcism: dispels all spells
Dispel: dispels all negative spells
Cancellation: dispels all negative effect from the party
Hostile Spells:
Frenzy -----> Berserk -----> Insanity

Frenzy: target attacks the nearest friendly target for one turn
Berserk: target attacks the nearest friendly target for two turns
Insanity: target attacks the nearest friendly target for three turns
Lightning -----> Chain Lighthning -----> Lightning Storm

Lightning: deals 35 damage to the target
Chain Lightning: deals 80 damage to two targets that are adjacent to each other
Lightning Storm: deals 200 damage to all targets within 3x3 area
Hypnosis -----> Mesmerism -----> Obsession

Hypnosis: makes the unit yours for one turn
Mesmerism: makes the unit yours for two turns
Obsession: makes the unit yours for three turns

Class: Necromancer
Prerequisites: Level 1 -----> Level 3 -----> Level 5
Hostile Spells:
Wound -----> Kill -----> Hekatomb

Wound: deals 10 damage to the target every turn
Kill: deals 20 damage to the target every turn
Hekatomb: deals 25 damage to all targets every turn
Disease -----> Poison -----> Plague

Disease: instantly kills an amount of targets in stack
Poison: instantly kills half amount of targets in stack
Plague: instantly kills a target stack
Fear -----> Horror -----> Panic

Fear: makes the target unable to retaliate anymore
Horror: makes two targets that are adjacent to each other unable to retaliate anymore
Panic: makes all targets within 3x3 area unable to retaliate anymore


Before the creation of character, read all things enlisted above:

-- 1 ) Choose a race: Human, Elf, Halfling, Dwarf

-- 2 ) Choose a class: Soldier, Ranger, Rogue, Druid, Wizard, Necromancer

-- 3 ) Choose skills: Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, Valor, Stealth, Wisdom (total: 20 points. Each skill has to be at least increased by 3)

-- 4 ) Choose weapons: One LEVEL 1 Weapon

-- 5 ) Choose spells (if you have appropriate class)

-- 6 ) Join the game

For further info (the start, the story) look into game’s thread. It will be posted 26.03.04, when there is at least two players. Please join. You are welcome.

EDIT: I will add a few things soon, beware!


Active Party:

Roin Pellagasth (regnus_khan)

Human, Wizard

Strength: 3 + 1 + 1 / 5
Dexterity: 3 - 1 / 2
Vitality: 3 + 1 - 1 / 3
Valor: 3 + 1 + 1 / 5
Stealth: 3 / 3
Wisdom: 5 + 2 / 7

Staff of Illusions

Damage: 3.5 - 5.5
Speed & Movement: 1
Hit Points: 24
Spell Points: 35
XP: 0




Erion Vadskye (Vadskye91)

Halfling, Rogue

Strength: 3 / 3
Dexterity: 4 + 3 / 7
Vitality: 3 / 3
Valor: 4 + 1 - 1 / 5
Stealth: 3 + 3 / 6
Wisdom: 3 - 1 / 2

EDIT: since Vads, was left with 2 more stat points, I've added them.

Short Saber

Damage: 2,5-6,5
Speed & Movement: 3,5
Hit Points: 32
XP: 0

(greetings to Vadskye! Thanks for joining the party )

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Supreme Hero
toss toss toss
posted March 26, 2004 02:17 AM

Ok for once i actually like one of your threads, this sounds pretty good. But first i have a suggestion. I think the ranger class should be restricted to humans and elves, not elves and dwarfs. You dont get many dwarf rangers, but you do get alot of human ones. Plus that would be my desired class, a human ranger.

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted March 26, 2004 02:46 AM

I have a question as well. Is there a maximum stat pointage that you can have to begin with?

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Supreme Hero
posted March 26, 2004 08:48 AM

Nice one, regnus. Still, I expect that you will come up with a story soon

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Supreme Hero
[ Peacekeeper of Equilibris ]
posted March 26, 2004 07:09 PM
Edited By: regnus_khan on 29 Mar 2004

Now, you can participate in the game. Please register your user in this thread. I will treat with the main thread carefully (like RSF ), but I'll use homm3 combat engine in battles because I do not know the Thac0 or similar to it system (dices etc.)

I won't edit the game anymore! If you don't like it, do not post at all. I've see you posted you like this. Join then! So the thread will be revived again and again.

The "interesting story" of my game will be continued everytime I join. So play the game or not. It's for you to decide.

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted March 31, 2004 08:09 PM
Edited By: Vadskye91 on 31 Mar 2004

Okay, I'm in!  Here's my character:
Strength:  3     =  3
Dexterity: 3 + 4 =  7
Vitality:  3     =  3
Valor:     3 + 1 =  4
Stealth:   3 + 3 =  6
Wisdom:    3 - 1 =  2
Equipment: Short Saber
Knowledge is power...

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Supreme Hero
[ Peacekeeper of Equilibris ]
posted March 31, 2004 08:11 PM

NOTE: Do not post how many damage, movement etc. you have. This will be my job. Gamekeeper's job.

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