Thread: artifact can't pick up! | |

Tavern Dweller
posted February 10, 2005 09:37 AM |
artifact can't pick up!
Im new here!
Btw i got a question for the game might and magic 3 inside of the map editor you can place artifact you know? so,i had placed 1 artifact but when i was going to the artifact i wasnt possible to pick it up why?
Which character or so do i need to get the artifact.
PS: Sometimes i can pick it up directly but in my opinion there are in this place some artifact for a specific hero, this is a bit strange so can some one explain me how?
Gain Campaign:
Also if you like to see the campaign map just start the game normaly then go to the campaign you want to play then start playing it then just quit and go to your editor then choose file, open and choose campaign.tmp this file is the last opened file of campaign. NOTE: there can only be one campaign at a moment be inside so you have to save the campaign.tmp under some oder name to get it then delete the campaign file and so on.

Tavern Dweller
posted April 08, 2005 01:36 AM |
Perhaps there was a piece of scenery in front of the artifact, and the highlight box of that was targetted instead, thus making it impossible to pick up the artifact... I sometimes get this when editing maps, simply remove the blocking piece of scenery, move the artifact where you like, and put the scenery back where it was.. simple!
Sorry if I am sounding demeening, this is as best answer as I could think of.
*edit* Sorry it's late, re-read the post and it seems you are having this problem in-game... if so, maybe the hero was not worthy of the artifact? did the "You are not worthy bla bla" window pop up? That could be the cause.. or perhaps there was a charge of 10gems or whatnot for the artifact and you couldn't afford it.

Known Hero
posted April 08, 2005 05:19 AM |
Im not exactly sure what the problem is that you are having but if the problem is that something is blocking your artifact, you can find out for sure by using the map validator function in the map editor. Click on Tools > Validate Map and it should tell you if the artifact is not on a reachable tile. Hope this helps.

Supreme Hero
Supreme Noobolator
posted April 08, 2005 06:47 AM |
To know that for sure you must use the passability hex grid feature in the toolbar(it's right next to the underground icon).Basicaly red squares means no pass, yellow squares means pass.