Thread: "In Stock Shipping Now!" | |

Known Hero
posted September 20, 2005 03:56 PM |
"In Stock Shipping Now!"
The DGA site says its in stock and shipping now, but limited quantities.
But it should be making its way out to us all now.

Tavern Dweller
posted September 20, 2005 06:40 PM |
Quote: The DGA site says its in stock and shipping now, but limited quantities
I really hope there will be enough for those of us who ordered through other companies.

Known Hero
Event Coordinator Annapolis MD
posted September 20, 2005 08:18 PM |
So this means that the shipment from India (or at least part of it)has cleared customs and now must get trucked from DGA to the various middle men (distributors), who will then ship to the retailers whom we've pre-ordered from, unless we pre-ordered straight from DGA in which case those individuals should get their's at the same time as the distributors.

Tavern Dweller
Naga Hide Merchant
posted September 20, 2005 08:33 PM |
That would be yes! --
I called Jonathan yesterday and he was quite busy as they boxed and shipped out orders yesterday (and I assume probably the rest of this week too - lol)
1) DGA Games has the cargo container now.
2) They are loading up and shipping out the shipments.
3) Soon you can slay your friends in combat on the hexagons... *grins*

Known Hero
posted September 22, 2005 08:56 PM |
Quote: So this means that the shipment from India (or at least part of it)has cleared customs and now must get trucked from DGA to the various middle men (distributors), who will then ship to the retailers whom we've pre-ordered from, unless we pre-ordered straight from DGA in which case those individuals should get their's at the same time as the distributors.
My order is shipped! I'll get my case of starters on Monday!!! Wooohooo!!


Hired Hero
posted September 25, 2005 02:06 AM |
I get my BOX of STARTERS AND 2 BOOSTER BOXES on Wednesday.
I told my kids, they are extremely happy!!
1200 cards baby HOMM come my way!!

Tavern Dweller
posted September 25, 2005 06:45 AM |
Lucky, those who are getting theirs soon! Here I was hoping that I would get my cards before I leave home for a job, and leave my only guaranteed opponent (my brother lol) But, seeing as how I was probably one of the most recent to order it, I'll probably be one of the last to get it. Maybe it'll come at least before the move and I can convince someone in my new "home" to play...

Tavern Dweller
posted September 25, 2005 08:59 PM |
Got mine yesterday at The Source in St. Paul, Minnesota.


Hired Hero
posted September 25, 2005 09:51 PM |
Hey cool I go to The Source whenever I am in the Twin Cities. In fact my wife is down there (St.Paul) today.
Is the source going to running some tourneys on this at all?
Anyway if you ever hear of any tourneys down there, would you mind telling me.
So how much did you have to pay for them at the Source?

Tavern Dweller
posted September 26, 2005 06:33 PM |
Not sure about any tourneys. The starting set is $25 and the boosters are $3.50, normal price you'd pay from the company directly. I called there last Thursday and they said they thought the order was still ''on the boat''. But I just happened to drop in on Saturday and they had them.
Quote: Hey cool I go to The Source whenever I am in the Twin Cities. In fact my wife is down there (St.Paul) today.
Is the source going to running some tourneys on this at all?
Anyway if you ever hear of any tourneys down there, would you mind telling me.
So how much did you have to pay for them at the Source?

Known Hero
posted September 26, 2005 08:43 PM |
My local store Games Plus has them in stock now too and a vendor at Flatcon had some for sale. Even though I have a case of starters on the way and already own two booster boxes, I can't resist buying a few packs more here and there. Its a scary thought. There goes my lunch allowance! I'll be brown bagging it for a while. ;-)

Tavern Dweller
posted September 26, 2005 09:09 PM |
My local game store said they weren't going to carry the game. A friend of mine who works there says he does a lot of the handling of the card games, and that those based on computer games haven't sold well (such a generic statement!). I also asked a manager there and he said he could special order it, if I wanted, but other than that, he wasn't going to get any in. I'm rather disappointed, since the store generally carries a large assortment, from miniatures games to puzzles (in fact, it's my favorite stop for 3-D puzzles.) It just means I'm going to have to rely on other sources to get my cards, which is unfortunate, but means more business for someone else!

Known Hero
posted September 26, 2005 09:25 PM |
Quote: A friend of mine who works there says he does a lot of the handling of the card games, and that those based on computer games haven't sold well (such a generic statement!). I also asked a manager there and he said he could special order it, if I wanted, but other than that, he wasn't going to get any in.
You're right. That is a really generic way of deciding possible interest in a game. By the same token one could say that all games based on Anime will be remarkably successful since one or two have been in the past. A statement which is clearly not true either.
You might want to try and talk him into stocking just a small amount to see what type of sales it will generate. The volume of HOMM CG players who will have interest may surprise him.

Tavern Dweller
posted September 26, 2005 09:52 PM |
Quote: You might want to try and talk him into stocking just a small amount to see what type of sales it will generate. The volume of HOMM CG players who will have interest may surprise him.
I don't think that's going to happen. I just actually talked to him (the friend, not the manager) a few minutes ago (he happened to be online) and he said the store got demos in last week, and nobody who works there liked it (of course this is only coming from one person, someone else may have liked it). If I was going to be living where I am now for much longer I might try to get my brother to come with and just sit at one of their open game tables and play, to see what kind of other people we get interested in it. But it also all depends on when I get my cards The store tends to sell mostly miniatures games and Magic cards, but they do keep other things in stock. I think they just don't have people that don't know about the store coming in anymore, so new interest wouldn't be generated very easily-- they used to be in a large indoor mall, and people were in there all the time. Now, the few times I've been in the past couple of months, there's hardly been anybody in the store besides the workers (including ones who are not actually working that day), since they're relocated to a tiny strip mall in an area that doesn't get much traffic. I'm surprised they have enough business to stay open, but it is the only place around that carries Warhammer and some of the other miniatures games.

Known Hero
posted September 26, 2005 10:09 PM |
We have a store like that locally too.
What area are you in?

Tavern Dweller
posted September 26, 2005 10:22 PM |
Near Indianapolis (which made it so nice when I got to go to GenCon!) Now that I think about it there is another tiny miniatures store, if it's still open, but that one must get less traffic than the one I go to, the Game Preserve.

Known Hero
Event Coordinator Annapolis MD
posted September 26, 2005 11:45 PM |
Take a friend to any hobby/gaming store that will let you, and simply PLAY. Pick a time when they have at least an average number of customers in the store (say after school or maybe just before or after another tournament) and see who starts looking over your shoulder. If you can, place the starter box on the table next to you so anyone can see the name of the game. That'll be good for some kind of recongition from many people alone. From there it's easy to get people to at least check it out. If you don't mind having others play with your cards, bring and extra deck or two and let them join in.
THIS WORKS!!! I just did it last weekend. A 2 hr demo for 2 people turned into a demo for 5. If no one at your local shop sees anyone playing, they'll *ASSUME* no one's playing it. No playing, no demand. No demand, no product at your local shop. Not to mention no tournaments.... 
Grass roots efforts go a long way.
Get out there and GAME!
Humbly submitted,