Hired Hero
posted October 04, 2005 09:01 PM |
Boat rarity?
Ok I have almost 2000 cards and I don't have a boat at all. I have around 7 ship builders (I don't know for sure), but no boats. What's the rarity of a boat? Was this a mistake and they were they suppose to be more common?
Known Hero
posted October 04, 2005 09:16 PM |
Quote: Ok I have almost 2000 cards and I don't have a boat at all. I have around 7 ship builders (I don't know for sure), but no boats. What's the rarity of a boat? Was this a mistake and they were they suppose to be more common?
I have about the same amount of cards and own only 1. I am thinking maybe it only has a chance of showing up in one faction, like maybe Life. But its hard to guess.
Check out the Summon Ship card as an alternate. It acts as a boat.
Hired Hero
posted October 04, 2005 09:47 PM |
Quote: Check out the Summon Ship card as an alternate. It acts as a boat.
Yeah, but I hate to have to put life magic in any deck when I want to play with islands. I'd rather play with an underground tile or two and make connections.
So if we put both of our sets together, then that's 1 boat in 4000 cards. Weird odds for having 1 tile with an island out of 28 different types. Is this another mistake? Should my ship builders be boats instead?
Tavern Dweller
posted October 05, 2005 02:24 AM |
I bought 2 starters (and I have 2 more coming any day now)
1 booster box and 10 additional booster packs and got 2 boats, 2 shipyards and that's it.
I guess that's not too bad considering the odds so far.
Wish I had more, though.
Seems to be usefull in any deck, like a gold mine.
Tavern Dweller
posted October 05, 2005 06:46 PM |
A friend and I each got 2 Starters and 1 Booster box, for 720 cards each. We each got 1 Ship and 1 Shipyard, and no Summon Ship spells. I also got the Tile set with mostly Water in one of my Starters, kinda sucks since do not have enough Boats to use them.
Adventuring Hero
posted October 05, 2005 11:59 PM |
I will have to ask the printers about this one, because there were supposed to be 6 times as many boats as any other location printed. Clearly that didn't happen...so if you have a boat, guard it with your life and build a deck around it!
Jonathan Bjork
Director of Games Development
DGA Games
Hired Hero
posted October 06, 2005 05:53 PM |
Edited By: taraba on 6 Oct 2005
Quote: I will have to ask the printers about this one, because there were supposed to be 6 times as many boats as any other location printed. Clearly that didn't happen...so if you have a boat, guard it with your life and build a deck around it!
Well, on average I have about 2-3 of each location (Not counting the mines and such, which I have a lot more) so I SHOULD have 12-18 boats? hmmm, I wonder what I would have done with my little armada.
Right now with what was posted previously by people in this thread it seems that boats are around 0.07% of the cards. Which means that after you buy 72 packs (or 3 booster boxes), then you'll probably have 1.
Known Hero
Event Coordinator Annapolis MD
posted October 11, 2005 01:38 AM |
For those of us without boats, can someone post a picture at the 'Geek and/or share the card text? I can always take one of mu dupes and mark it as a boat, but only if I know how they work....
I'll give you the text:
Location: Ship
Mobile Location
Ship Location Effects:
This location is mobile. It may be played as a location, or bought at a shipyard location by discarding any 1 card. This card must be placed in an adjacent water space. Any army may then move onto this location as if it were dry land. Doing so ends the army's movement. If an army starts its turn on a ship, the ship may move 4 spaces over water and/or unload the army it caries onto an adjacent passible non-water space. Unloading ends the army's movement.
Known Hero
Event Coordinator Annapolis MD
posted October 11, 2005 02:40 AM |
Hired Hero
posted October 20, 2005 11:41 PM |
hey i didnt know boats were so rare. I must have gotten lucky because i have a few. If anyone is interested in trading for one, email me. Flyingpenut@aol.com
Adventuring Hero
posted October 20, 2005 11:48 PM |
Quote: hey i didnt know boats were so rare. I must have gotten lucky because i have a few. If anyone is interested in trading for one, email me. Flyingpenut@aol.com
I'll trade for it! (chuckle) Seriously, if you have a boat, I'm game (my wife has one in her deck, and it sucks that I don't!)
Jonathan Bjork
Director of Games Development
DGA Games