Thread: Revising the Code of Conduct | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · «PREV |

Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted September 09, 2008 04:44 PM |
I don't mean to be picky but how exactly is "racism" defined anywhere?
Quote: Insult is a remark that undermines another person.
Sure it's true and it leaves ridicously much room for interpretation (not that I mind the mods having more "space" now) but I think that perhaps sometimes a more definte definition would solve problems even before we get in an argument over the "racist" reply.
But thats me being picky I guess .
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord

Legendary Hero
Cerise Princess
posted September 09, 2008 05:02 PM |
Quote: Excellent update 
As most posters in the Otherside know, we've been trying to douse some of the flames that have been burning over there - the revised rules will certainly make it easier to clarify what we're talking about with support from the CoC.
May Order finally return to OSM .Good update of CoC

Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted September 09, 2008 05:15 PM |
Edited by pandora at 17:16, 09 Sep 2008.
Azagal, its in there - maybe you need to refresh your page?
Quote: Racism is any remark that associates negativity with a person or group of people based on their nationality, ethnicity, religion, race, place of origin, or skin color.
This was specifically updated as a response to the recent types of discussions that have gone on in the Otherside.
Naturally different people will have a different idea about what's racist, and what's just a joke - but it's important to try to be mindful that what might be funny to you could be hurtful to others.
We don't want to be the Politically correct police over there, nor do we wish to have to babysit people and slap hand anytime someone's feathers get ruffled - but quite a few of the comments in the last months have certainly stepped beyond that, and that is what we aim to put an end to.
Remember though, that we aren't all present - so if you see something that you feel is offensive or over the line please let us know in the feedback thread, or over HCM - whichever you feel most comfortable with.
Also, lets do try to be adult about this - try not to hunt for the offensive meaning in what people say, or twist a comment to be taken as a racist thing. As much as the moderators are here to watch over what happens, you should all be responsible for yourselves - and just try to treat each other as you'd like to be treated.

Mage of the Land
Naughty, Naughty Valeriy
posted July 02, 2009 01:59 AM |
Point 2 of Code of Conduct has been updated to:
Quote: 2) NO bad language, profanity, vulgarity or swearing.
Correctly censored vulgar words may be used, but not for insults, abuse, racism, sexism, provocation or aggravation.
Correct censoring means replacing all letters in the vulgar words with asterisks by holding the SHIFT key and pressing the number 8 key (US keyboards). For example: when**** hit the fan. Any other method of censoring vulgar words partially or entirely will be considered incorrect censoring and may be penalized. Actual or misspelled vulgar words will be penalized immediately.
Our aim is to keep Heroes Community children and family friendly. Instead of blurting out vulgarity, take it as a creative challenge to find alternative words to express strong emotions.
Other languages: posts or public profile settings in languages other than English may be removed without notice, as moderators often have no easy way of verifying whether they contain a breach of Heroes Community Code of Conduct.
Intention of this change is to clearly define: prohibited uses of bad language, correct censoring, actions that will be taken in different situations, and the intention behind these rules.
You can wait for others to do it, but if they don't know how, you'll wait forever.
Be an example of what you want to see on HC and in the world.

Undefeatable Hero
No gods or kings
posted July 03, 2009 12:56 AM |
There's a word that means: child outside of a legal marriage.
May I ask why it suddenly was deemed necessary and in the past it was not? I've seen two mods use that word, even. I doubt it is as offensive as the other words. I'm not a native speaker but the b-word is used a lot more friendly than the f and s-word, is it not?
If you have any more questions, go to Dagoth Cares.

Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted July 04, 2009 02:19 PM |
Edited by pandora at 14:21, 04 Jul 2009.
The word was allowed becuase there was formerly a tournament for heroes 3 called the snow tournament, and it was rather difficult to discuss it with all the asterisks flying about. It was never used as a derogatory term towards anyone.
lol - by snow I mean the b word 
Because that tournament is long gone (but fondly remembered by some   the word is back to being censored so its not used in a derogatory way towards anyone.
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted July 11, 2009 06:33 PM |
Kinda weird IMO I didn't know the B word was an offensive one... I mean it's even a common fantasy name for a large sword to be named "B" sword. Now all those posts will say "Snow sword"

Undefeatable Hero
No gods or kings
posted July 11, 2009 07:03 PM |
No one will be able to say William The Conqueror's true name as well, now 
Of course, since we're out to ban all words that can be used offensively, I see a far greater threat in idiot than in snow, because snow is prone to be used fondly many times. Also, maybe OSM would be much better without fool... (Or nazi, capitalism, socialism and atheism )
If you have any more questions, go to Dagoth Cares.

Tavern Dweller
posted October 17, 2010 01:15 AM |
Multiplayer- HELP!
Hi Heroes community. I am brand new to the Heroes genre (don't ask why) and my friend and I have been wanting to play Heroes 3 online and have so far had no luck. I would really really appreciate it if someone can give me and easy (and obvious!) way for it to work. E.G. what patch do we need to be make it work, do I need something like Gamespy or Hamachi or can I connect through TCP/IP? This would be so much help if someone can give me hand here. I've tried reading the other posts, but get completely lost. Thanks a lot, Ollie Cramer aka Olmirs (oliverlcramer@msn.com)

Famous Hero
Lord of Image Spam
posted October 17, 2010 02:51 AM |
Quote: Hi Heroes community. I am brand new to the Heroes genre (don't ask why) and my friend and I have been wanting to play Heroes 3 online and have so far had no luck. I would really really appreciate it if someone can give me and easy (and obvious!) way for it to work. E.G. what patch do we need to be make it work, do I need something like Gamespy or Hamachi or can I connect through TCP/IP? This would be so much help if someone can give me hand here. I've tried reading the other posts, but get completely lost. Thanks a lot, Ollie Cramer aka Olmirs (oliverlcramer@msn.com)
Wrong thread. Go to The Temple of Ashan and ask that in the FAQ.