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Heroes Community > Age of Heroes Coliseum > Thread: ICTC: Hollow (by Kongo Team)
Thread: ICTC: Hollow (by Kongo Team) This thread is 2 pages long: 1 2 · NEXT»

Tavern Dweller
posted February 03, 2006 01:27 AM bonus applied.
Edited by Valeriy on 5 Feb 2006

ICTC: Hollow (ex: The Forge)

All Concept Arts created by Kongo Team

Why dwarves? There are a lot of ideas which we could work with, but we decided to choose this nation because IT IS REALY POSSIBLE for it to exist IN THE WORLD CREATED BY NIVAL (and we're going to prove it below)

General Information

Aka: Dwarven Clans
Associated colors: White & Brown
Worship: Sylath, the Dragon of Air
Core philosophy: "Dignitious as ancient stones, might as neverending blizzards" and also "No mine - no life, no beer - no fun"
Country / kingdom: Ithavoll - realms of everlasting winter
Capital city: Nidavellir
Terrain: Winter
Key symbols: Anvil, Four Hammers, Roundshield

Hollow is a faction of dwarves, honorable and diginitious, but greedy and short-tempered beings. They live half in the snow-capped picks and half in the underground realm. The harsh reality they've got to face made them tough and strong fighters. It is a faction that unites both, Light & Darkness, as well as Air & Earth. This ambiguity makes other nations distrustful, it could be a cause of fact that they never had any allies. Hollow is a faction which appreciate its independence. It is a tradition that has never changed for a thousands of years. They never meant to interfere to relation or conflicts between any other nations. Also they never liked leaving their lands. Only individual groups of dwarves made expedition to trade the dwarfish artifacts, and meet other civilizations. Nowadays most of the civilized world know them only as a great artisans, miners and merchants or even believe they are mythical, fictional creatures and bagatelize the might of their army. Many greedful fools wanted to invade their fotresses to plunder dwarfish goods, but most of such expeditions found their dead end on the stage of passing the mountains. Those "lucky ones" that were able to keep their lives while the passage, got the chance to experience the stupidity of this stereotype on their own, although none of them were able to share the new acquired wisdom.

The lineage of Dwarfs is rather dark amd mysterious. There are many various myths concerning on their creation, but even the elder clans members can't be quite sure of the right one. Most common version says that Sylanna (Earth Dragon) is the one who brought them to life and that later they turned to Malassa (Darkness Dragon). The most controversive one speculates that the Dwarves were created by Malassa, but she has quickly noticed that they won't serve her well, because of their neutral nature. So she has left them alone to die in the darkness of underground, and created herself "greater" servants called Faceless. But all those stories are just myths. The first fact noticed by the dwarven chronicles are the pioner expeditions to the upper world. It is said that at that time their faith in Malassa was alredy weak.

Modern Ages

0-28 YSD: First expeditions to the upper world
On their first voyages Dwarves admires the winter reallity of high moutains. Some single individuals begin to secretly worship the new god - creator of these lands - with they call Frostig. It supose to be their homage to the creator of such a harsh mightful reality.  

28-40 YSD: Wars of Fire
-First great demon incursion.
The dwarven civilization suffers badly. The demons rolls like an avalanche through the underground, choosing the easiest way to the upper world. This passage that leads exactly through the dwarven vilages. Many Dwarves die desperatly trying to hold the demons back.

40-330 YSD: The Years of Healing & Revealience of the Dwarves
New greater strongholds rise from the ashes. Dwarves start to build fortresses on the hill-sides, fixed around the gates leading underground. Frostig believers use the confusion of their siblings to teach about their god. Malassa is still the official religion, but most of her followers are worshiping Frostig. Formally it is forbidden, but honestly even the monarchs know and accept this fact. Individual groups of dwarves makes expeditions to face other civilizations, mostly to trade the dwarfish artifacts and goods. Some Humans and elves notices the probable location of a Dwarven lands. Dwarves are known as great artisants and traders, altough not much is known of their fighting skills and army.

48-49 YSD: the Falcon Empire becomes the “Holy” Falcon Empire
– Founding of the Free Cities of the East & "the 1st exile"
Emperor Brian Falcon gives absolute power to the Church of the Dragon of Light. The Human kingdom is renamed “Holy Falcon Empire”. Dissent grows among many citizens who resent being forced to abandon the Dragon of Air. Many leaves the Empire’s territory seeking for a shelter. Some of them goes East to found the Free Cities of the East, while others continue their voyage to finally set their new principality in the frontiers of elven lands. Those who settle there, are mostly the Higher priests.

257-262 YSD: Creation of Irollan & "the 2nd exile"
Elves want to unite and create a "formal" kingdom from now on known as Irollan. Affraid of the growing principality, wihich seems to them as a bridgehead of Holy Falcon Empire, elves sets an ultimatum. Exiles will leave principality, which elves says to be lying on their territory, otherwise elves will wage war against them. Holy Falcon empire do not interfere. Exiles are obviously too weak to face the elves, so they are forced to choose exile. Exiles seek a safe inaccessible shelter, where they can peacfully worship their god. Finally the Realms of Everlasting winter becomes their asylum. They feel like the presence of Sylath is ubiquitous there in raging blizzards and storms bursting rapidly. Dwarven strongholds are situated on a moutain slopes, while exile's villages are lying in the lake valleyes, so they meet rarely and the (stosunki) beetwen them are cold. None of them would wish to fight.

330 YSD: 1st Eclipse - War of the Blood Moon & the 1st alliance
A total lunar eclipse provokes a massive rupture of the Demon Prison. They're many but Dwarves are better prepared than in the Wars of Fire. Mostly they are able to stop inferno forces, but some strongholds, are  being destroyed. The Demon Lords force their way out, (also using gates which are not protected by Dwarves) and raven across lands. After the first demon strike has been stoped, The Holy Falcon Empire decides to use the demon rupture as a excuse to attack the dwarven fortresses and plunder their treasures. "Propaganda" says about destroying the evil in its (zarodek). For (zawykli ludzie) it seems right since the demons are coming also from the land of Dwarves. Highlanders (exiles) are also (zagro¿one), because their villages are lying in the way of the coming army. Their only chance is to allie with Dwarves, who accept their offer greetfully, since their forces are seriously reduced by the demon strikes. The allied forces are able to hold their enemies back, but their looses are also high. The Holy Falcon Empire chronicles didn't even care to mention any of those facts.

330-345 YSD: Creation of Ithavoll
Dwarves and Highlanders, highly familiarized by their victory, begin to rebuild their homeland. Since their proper villages are plundered and totally destroyed, by the Holy Falcon Empire's divisions march throught the mountains, Highlanders have to build their new homes from scratch. First houses rises around the Dvarven fortresses. Fiffteen years laters both races are a highly similated community. Highlanders still cultivate their ancestors faith. Their influence on the dwarvish comunity turns out really strong, and on the 15th anniversary of taken alliance the Kingdom is created. It's name is Ithavoll. The faith in Air dragon - Sylath becomes the kingdom's official religion.

564 YSD: 2nd Eclipse -  The 2nd alliance
Total lunar eclipse. This time the Blind Brothers had predicted it, and the Alliance, helped by the Dragon Knights, is quick to react. Only a small band of demons manage to escape into the world. But truely demon forces were stronger than human chronicles noticed. Same as the fact that dwarfs had badly injured demons. Those facts were never mentioned, because The Holy Falcon Empire used this eclipse as an excuse for another ride on Ithavoll. This time with much stronger army, not really weakened by the demons. First battles are victorious for the agressors, but they become to confident and make the mistake that reverse the faith of war. They dare to atack the Wind Dragons to conquere their lairs full of goods. As a consequence dragons, which are already opressed by demons, help Dwarves to fight their common enemies. Later, when agressor is finally knocked out of Ithavoll borders, Hollow inhabitants will start to build dragon sanctuaries, wher the dragons can set their lairs safetly. It's noticed in scripture that a sub-race of dwarves originated (check: gnome, unit description). This alliance firstly didn't stop usless strikes. Soon toll causes commandment reaction. Government unofficialy spreads propaganda that dwarves are just poor highland villagers covered by the myst of myth.

717 YSD: 3rd Eclipse – Dragon Hunt
As always while eclipse demons are trying to reach surface. This time
dwarves are prepared for war, battles are harsh and bloody, besides the fact that demons forces aren't many, probably that's why demons choose differnt strategy - they decide to "seek out the hidden strongholds of the Dragon Knights and begin a bloody secret war". These days dwarves are already forgotten.

575-969 YSD: Dark Elves
Dark elves appears in the underground, but it do not cause any bigger revelations. Dwarven underground borders are concerning under the moutains were they can find resources. There aren't any bigger conflicts between those races, expect some little urges.

843 YSD: 4th Eclipse
Total eclipse. This time, the Demons storm the capital of the Falcon Empire and massacre the royal house, but none of them arrives from Ithavoll. All strongholds are able to hold demons back, but their looses are serious.

951 YSD: 5th Eclipse
Total lunar eclipse. Great forces of demons arrive. Few strongholds are destroyed. Hollow community suffers of great losses. Demon armies are confronted by a combined force of Haven Knights allied with two other factions.

969 YSD: 6th Eclipse
An eclipse not forecast on any calendar grips the Blind Brothers in a panic. The demon forces are to great to be hold back by already weakened, while 5th eclipse, Hollow. Most stronghold crumles to ashes. The Demons emerge in force and march towards Haven’s capital. Seems like the terrible war and chaos are about to emerge, and the Dwarves will be forced to defend their lives taking part in it.
The greatest force of a Hollow army is their ability of defense. Their skills in ranged attacks are miserable, but they are good in close combat

Lv1 Kobold Servant
   (up: Kobold Veteran)
It's said that they accompanied dwarves almost from the very beginning. When they first met Dwarves thought of them as the ancient spirits haunting the mines, digging corridors in random directions. Later, after many years of taming, they found them as a great servants and thought them the new ways of mining. Kobolds don't have their verbal language. They understand and respond basic orders and signs their masters give them. They move by making small, two-legged jumps. In the Hollow army they are used as a cannon-fodder. They are numerous, but their attack and defense skills are pretty poor. Kobold veterans wear leather armors, and use better weapons, with makes the more endurance.

Lv2 Dwarven Warrior
   (up: Ironclad)
Dwarven Warriors are basic dwarven troops. In the times of peace they work as a miners and blacksmiths, expanding their strength and endurance. Dwarves breed slowly, so the Hollow heroes got to reduce their losses as much as possible. The small growth is fully compensated by their great attack & defense skills. The masterpiece of a dwarven equipment also increase their value as soldiers. "Shield strike" is their special attack, which alowes them to use defense points in place of attack points.

Lv3 Wolf
   (up: White Wolf)
Highlanders (check Highland Trapper below) instantly noticed the great animal insticts and strenght of those hunters. It didn't took long until they assumed it might be useful. It surely wasn't easy to familiarize them, but know they are proudly said to be the human gratest comrades. Since they are seriously binded to their masters, they will do anything to make them glad and secure. While there is no highland Trapper (or Elder Priest) in the Heroes Army they will recive -1 mods to morale and speed. They are striking their opponents, biting and scretching them badly. Their special skill is "Claws of Fury" with doesn't let the opponent unit the possibility of counterstrike.

Lv4 Highland Trapper (Human)
   (up: Elder Priest)
Highlanders are the descendants of the highest priest of Sylath - exiles from the Falcon Empire, who didn't mean to abandon their faith in Air Dragon. After they left their homeland they traveled along the world seeking a shelter. Some of them has gone East to found the Free Cities of the East, while others continued their voyage until they came to the Realms of Everlasting winter which seemed to be a great asylum. They felt like the presence of Sylath was ubiquitous in raging blizzards and storms bursting rapidly. After many years spend at the mountains they have got used to living there mostly as the trappers. They are very attached to their origins, so they are still cultivating the art of swordsmanship and also some simplified aspects of Magic Skills. Highlanders fight with the sword and crossbowa, while Elder Priests are also able to throw magic balls. It's a miserable souvenir of passe glory.

Lv5 Gnome
   (up: Dragon Minder)
It is said that this race originated right after the dwarves started to worship Sylath, and allied with Wind dragons. Chronicles noticed that fact. There are even writings which says that with the alliance a new "race" was born. The dwarves that wasn't as strong and tough, as the rest of their siblings, were always called gnomes. Since they were useless as workers they were sent to take care of the dragons. After the years of dealing with them they have noticed that they earned some magic skills. It was extremely surprising, because until then the dwarves had no magic abilities at all, or at least they weren't able to awake them. Those abilities are now inherited from generation to generation. In the beginning of the round Gnome casts random spells affecting opponent units only (Dark Magic I-III level, except Slow). After the effect of the spell expires Gnome casts another spell. On their basic level they can only attack in close combat. Dragon Minders can affect also own units (Light Magic I-III level, except Dispel). They also cast thunderbolts as a ranged attack.

Lv6 Frontier Guard
   (up: Suppressor)
They are mightiest fighters of all the clans, their way is leading through the battlefields. Most of their life they spend in the underground as the lone assassins, hunting beasts. Sometimes they accompany the heroes on their journeys. At the time of war they never stay behind. Their honorable hearts always order them to face the upcoming enemies. It is common for them to get berserk in the middle of battle. This is their special attack which increase their attack skills and also reach 2 random adjoining units with one attack. The danger of this attack is injuring your own creature (if there is any). Most experienced Guards are called Suppressors. Their insane berserk can reach 3 units.

Lv7 Wind Dragon
   (up: Blizzard Dragon )
Wind & Blizzard dragons are personification of Sylath, but Dwarves usually call them Sylath Offsprings. Naturally they choose caves situated in the most windy valleys to set their lairs. Since they allied with the Hollow, Dwarves build them sanctuaries in the biggest cities of Ithavoll, where gnomes are taking care of them. The Dragons attack with their storm (later blizzard) breath, which causes damage and decrease enemies attack skill.

Defensive strike (1st abilitie)
Since Hollow units allways trained how to properly defense their attacks are mostly brought out of the defensive positions (block, parry, dodge). It means they use their defense skill in place of attack.
Next levels of this abillitie allow higher level units to use. This abilitie will affect any faction unit.

Defense tactics (2nd abilitie)
Every nation has it's own strong spots. Hollow domain is defence. All humanoidal units (even from the other towns) defense increases while staying under heroes leadership.

Adds +3 to desfense of all player units, while they are attacked form distance and +1 in close combat. (Only while town is atacked in the upper ground)
Deep Walls (upgraded: Stronghold)
Same mods as in Stronghold, while the underground gate is attacked.
Also increase the "Defanse Tactics" special abilitie.

This building is able to creata a specific "warmaschine": beer-waggon, a barrel of beer lying on a cart. This helpful item rises army morale. Every hero is able to possess it, but it won't affect necropolis units. (this item probably replaces the wagon "warmachine"). This building increases all Dwarvish (gnomes also) growth by 1.

Multiplies the gold amount, by 10% of the 1st day quanity.
Mine supplies (upgraded: Treasury)
Weekly rovides one (two of wood & ore) resources for evry mine owned by player

Artisan Workshop
Sells dwarfish artifacts. Only Weapons, armors & Jewelery (no clothes). No artifacts refering to magic skills. Reserved for second class special ability.

Subterranean Gate
This building allows Hero to leave the town directly to the underground. If the opponent hero attacks the underground gate the castle siege will begin, just like the town entrance had been attacked, but in the changed underground scenery. This building can be build only when the underground area (lying directly below the town) is not used by any other game element. (This building will propably replace the common shipyard building. Hollow are lying in the mountains were shipyarding seems insane)

Hollow Voice of Forge
Requiers: Grail
It's the huge, great horn built uppon the town at the tower set at flank of the stronghold (or it could be a horn handle by a huge stone monument). History of this relict is long and glorious. Dwarven enginiers know the exact ways of avalanches, so Hollow towns are safe of them. Hollow (rumbling) and strong sound of this horn is able to cause an avalanche at the tactical places, as it has happend before, at the ages of wars. Great horn - "The Hollow Voice of Forge" has saved Ithavoll from the unavoidable defeat pr an avalanche few miles away from the town, all the grate army was defeated. Since than "Hollow Voice of Forge" is symbol of might and glory.  
Increases weekly creature growth, provides your empire with an additional gold each day, increases morale of the defending hero.
Concept Arts & Sketches


Town - fast Sketches

Kongo Team:
Fargoeth & Hellward

by the way, I supose that many of visitors wer quite shocked by my interpretation of Kobold, I know that it should be a dog-like creature, so I fell that as a designer it's my duty to skretch an explanation why does my Kobolds could be called as "dog-like beast".


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Tavern Dweller
posted February 03, 2006 10:43 PM

Any comments ...is this town really that bad it doesn't worth any?

I supose there is no time for sugestions, but there is still time for your opinions. Frankly speaking I'm getting insane...

would You be that kind to say something, anything, please.

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Adventuring Hero
posted February 04, 2006 12:35 AM

First ý think the castle is too dwarwish,you need some creatures to spice up the line.Also last level no dragons please,the underground is filled with fine stuff(maybe a remorhaz)
umberhulk could be fine.
Also without updates in skills the creatures real nature cannot be shown properly.
Maybe some bat-like underground creatures could be interesting.Anway keep trying.

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Tavern Dweller
posted February 04, 2006 03:19 AM
Edited by Kongo_Team on 3 Feb 2006

First of all thanks for your critique. We hope You will stay with us.

First ý think the castle is too dwarwish
I know it, your right, but there are more aspects of this case which I couldn't forget:
Dwarven castle schould have any dwarf in the low level, it's obvious. You have to agree that warrior, crossbowman & gnome are nessery. But in the name of dwarvish might I decidet to give the fourth dwarf unit but stronger one(Frontier Guard).

...anyway, dont you think that Heaven is too much humanish, dungeon - too DarkElvish, Inferno too demonish, Necropils too NecroPOLISH ...Ok, I'v been joking ; )

you need some creatures to spice up the line.
I have just updated the units info. I think it's more "spicy" right now ; ) ...I supose you agree.

Also last level no dragons please

And here is the point where I have to fully DISAGRE!
first, the history detrmines the alliance betwen dwarfs'n'AIR dragons (BUT... You couldn't knew about it.. yet (UPDATE SOON)] , secondly in my opinion we have to remember about delicate balance. It's easy if you think, why didn't dwarfs ever shown up [they arent in official timline ; P] - its because of their NEUTRALITY. You can perfctly feel this idea on the Gnome abilities which unite Darkness & Light ([why?  take a look on Shadow Wchich (dark) & Priest (light)]

the underground is filled with fine stuff
I don't mean to be unpleasent , but...
From the very begining of the contest i couldn't stop laughing of those who push themselfs too much to tought up "fine stuff" wich dwarves could be mixed with. How do expect such diginitious beings like dvarves to allie with some stuff-like creatures (bat-like?).

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Supreme Hero
A leaf in the river of time
posted February 04, 2006 04:31 AM

Remorhaz are giant centipede thingys, Umber-Hulks are big lobster people. No bats.
I wish I were employed by a stupendous paragraph, with capitalized English words and expressions.

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Tavern Dweller
posted February 04, 2006 05:48 AM

very nice, you worked in a way for the dwarves to have some magic and a dragon (loved heroes 3 i see...).  although you definetly need the filler units, you could use a way to weave them into the back-story a little more.  a huge, dwarven balsa for castle defence woulnt hurt either.

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Tavern Dweller
posted February 04, 2006 05:24 PM
Edited by Kongo_Team on 4 Feb 2006

very nice, you worked in a way for the dwarves to have some magic and a dragon (loved heroes 3 i see...).  although you definetly need the filler units, you could use a way to weave them into the back-story a little more.  a huge, dwarven balsa for castle defence woulnt hurt either.

Seems like you are the first one that noticed and understood our intentions and the overall concept of a Dwarven race.

I'm Glad

Also we have deicided to replace Crossbowman unit with wolf (tained by Trapper). As You can see right now Highland Trapper is basic Range Attack unit. Maybe You will find it as a filler unit.

Thanks for your comment, and stay with as.

Here is a descrtiption of the THROWN AWAY unit:
Lv2 Crossbowman
   (up: Crossbowman marksmen)
Dwarves are said to be the inventors of crossbow, but that weapon never fit them. Since the ranged weapons are very useful in castle sieges they were forced to train some units in using crossbows. The damage caused by them seems miserable compared to this done by the other dwarven troops.


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posted February 04, 2006 06:06 PM
Edited by fortress_fan on 4 Feb 2006

It looks fine, but change the name of the town! (Forge reminds me of Si-fc)
Anyway, you gave me the idea of buildings in the ICTC! (I should make some to my Seerhome town!)

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Tavern Dweller
posted February 05, 2006 04:00 AM
Edited by Kongo_Team on 4 Feb 2006

I have to announce one big change: we decided to modificate faction name, from now on The Forge is known as Hollow.

It looks fine, but change the name of the town! (Forge reminds me of Si-fc)

I'm glad that you like it & thanks for the sugestion ; ) I think that name "Hollow" is definietly btter.

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Legendary Hero
posted February 05, 2006 04:23 AM

I like it, especially the drawings.

If the elves get their own town (or two), why shouldn't the dwarves?

But my only criticism is that alot of the creatures are very similar in appearance (humanoid).
John says to live above hell.

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Tavern Dweller
posted February 05, 2006 04:52 PM

I like it, especially the drawings.

I'm really happy to hear it, but... the text is even better in my opinion ; )

But my only criticism is that alot of the creatures are very similar in appearance (humanoid).

I think that you are right (depending on what I've seen at the other ICTC's) but I think that Dwarves are a bit racists ; ) and they would never allie with any weird creatures (probably that's why game makers hasn''t done dwarves that far).

by the way, I supose that many of visitors wer quite shocked by my interpretation of Kobold, I know that it should be a dog-like creature, so I fell that as a designer it's my duty to skretch an explanation why does my Kobolds could be called as "dog-like beast".

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Tavern Dweller
posted February 06, 2006 01:42 AM
Edited by Kongo_Team on 5 Feb 2006

Woah! I can't believe we did it on time. The whole text written, and all concept arts drawn in 5 days, altouht everything was tought up by a month. Even the blackout (3 hours before deadline) wasn't able to stop us!! And those updates, until the very last minute. (anyway sorry for all the errors we weren't able to fix because lack of time)

I don't know what are your feelings, but i feel like it was one of the weirdest experience ever.

Good luck for all the contestants.


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posted February 06, 2006 04:17 PM
Edited by fortress_fan on 6 Feb 2006

Race: 8 (Very Good)
History: 7 (Good)
Creatures: 9 (Exelent)
Balance: 10 (Superb)
Originality: 7 (Good)

Total: 41 (Imperial)

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Famous Hero
posted February 06, 2006 04:24 PM

Race: 9 (Excellent!)
History: 8 (Great!)
Creatures: 9 (Excellent!)
Balance: 7 (Good)
Originality: 7 (Good)

Total: 40

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posted February 06, 2006 04:56 PM
Edited by MasterSandro on 6 Feb 2006

Race: 9 (if wasn't for MORE dragons and "sudden gnomes" it would be 10 )
History: 7 (again, "sudden gnomes", and you "devilized" the Haven too much, once or twice ok, but the entire history? And finally, the dwarves looks to have serious losses every 100 years or so, how they breed slower than humans, how they recovered from that?)
Creatures: 8 (again, dragons, more dragons is a little lame, would be better a more creative choice, overall, they are very good)
Balance: 5 (this thing of using defense instead of offense and heroes probably having defense as main primary seems overpower, besides turning offense useless.  And correct me if I'm wrong, but the gnomes seems to act like the enchanters from H3 AB, isn't a little powerful a creature that casts negative spells on ALL enemy creatures and positive on all friendly without taking a turn? Specially now that there is now "mass" spells. If I'm wrong, please tell me)
Originality: 10 (dwarves with mans, wolves, lots of interesting separate features in this town, like kobold slaves)

total: 39

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Famous Hero
posted February 06, 2006 05:03 PM

We have 3x3 area effect mass spells.

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posted February 06, 2006 05:06 PM
Edited by MasterSandro on 6 Feb 2006

I know, but in the description seems like it is auyomatic, with ALL affecting spell only it would be possible, since it says that as soon as the effect is over the gnomes cast again. It isn't the area effect, it is the old mass effect.

Or that's how I understanded it...

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Tavern Dweller
posted February 06, 2006 06:10 PM
Edited by Kongo_Team on 6 Feb 2006

Few words of comment.

gnomes seems to act like the enchanters from H3 AB

I tought of them as weaker (spell lvl I-III, attack skill almost none) combination of Haven priests (light magic) & Dungeon Shadow With (Dark magic). Which also refers to the dwarven neutrallity (check: genral description).

isn't a little powerful a creature that casts negative spells on ALL enemy creatures and positive on all friendly without taking a turn?

Enemy or friendly units (only ONE spell at time), spell level I-III and remember that light & darkness do not cause any damage. I think that they must have an ability to attack (when attacked they would surely preafare to counter attack than just stand and cast spells which wouldn't cause any damage), as well as cast spells, but their attack skills are weak. My mistake is that I didn't state it clearly enough. I've tought that Magic missle seems like a word that already says that it don't cause big damages.

Specially now that there is now "mass" spells

Until the last days before deadline there weren't much info about spells, I didn't knew about it. I have misinterpret the Priests & Shadow Witch description as they cast massive spells (all levels) as well as cause damage. Here are quote from thheir Descriptions.
Priest description:
As such they won't hesitate to enter the battlefield against the non-believers and all factions that may threaten the Order of Elrath. As priests they will not enter the melee but rather summon the wrath of their God on enemy troops, and protect their owns in combat with support spells.

Shadow Witch description:
They are granted supernatural powers that allow them to throw devastating shadow bolts at their enemies. They also can cast spells to weaken their attackers, or to urge their own troops into combat.

Now, when you have told me about it I would gladly change it.

"sudden gnomes"

I don't get what you mean. They were created similary to Dark Elves, by the gods interference. I didn't mean to write it staraight away, since i don't want to interfare too much in gods decisions : P, but it might be his sign of appreciation for his new believers, who took care of his sons. It is said that this creation wasn't sudden it lasted "many" years of dealing with those magical creature. Also I mentioned that: "or at least they (dwarves) weren't able to awake them (magic skills)", so they might have always had some unrevived magic skills...

Dragons also has their right to be a part of Hollow. We have choosen Sylath to be their god, since it was the only dragon god with WAS not worshiped (in the end). Wind Dragons = offsprings of Sylath.

Anyway thanks for your (as well as other users) ratings and comments & Good luck.

you "devilized" the Haven too much, once or twice ok, but the entire history? And finally, the dwarves looks to have serious losses every 100 years or so, how they breed slower than humans, how they recovered from that?

About the looses it was completely planed, I decided do do it as the reason for their virtuality in the world, wher they are staying in shadow as the myths so far. (someone choose to let them live at the caves for ages, I decided to simply let them by extremaly neutral to not affect the world).

I was a bit afraid of "devilizing" haven, but frankly spiking, don't forget that haven isn't that saint (they have atacked Tuidhana’s kingdom at 540 YSD) And first of all, if You would read our text carefully you would notice that attacks on dwarves were done by some "divisions" it wasn't an open war betwen kingdoms.

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Adventuring Hero
posted February 06, 2006 06:33 PM
Edited by phoenixzs on 6 Feb 2006

Race: 7(sorry not my kind of a castle)
History: 8
Creatures: 7(now too much dragon populasion in the game already and the 6th level is boring)
Balance: 8
Originality: 7


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posted February 06, 2006 06:39 PM

You explained much, but there is something you didn't get: Dark Elves aren't any diferent from Sylvan elves. They may be a bit more pale, but that's it, it wasn't divine interference, they were just renegades. You gnomes just "suddenly" appear in the history for apparently no reason. Hey, you still has one of the best notes around with 39

Unfortunately, we have to post on how it is wrote, any past alterations aren't accepted...

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