Tavern Dweller
posted September 03, 2007 04:42 PM |
Edited by Roengard at 16:46, 03 Sep 2007.
Hi, i just purchased two starters of the heroes game.
As far as im aware, there isnt any card lists for Heroes V (yet)
In my starters, i agree there are some issues with collation.
In one of my ranger decks, i got 2 advanced 'avenger' skills (rather than 1 advanced and 1 expert avenger skill - however since i got 2 ranger decks, im not too concerned about that)
As far as i can tell, starter decks are supposed to contain 2 heroes, 2 towns and 25 basic units from all 7 tiers of a particular faction.
Everything else is random (ie, you randomly get 2-3 upgraded units of that faction, 2 artefacts, 3-4 locations, and aprox 5 spells)
THUS: because things like spells and locations are random, there is no guarantee that you will be able to cast the spells, or that they match your units spells. Also there is no guarantee the locations you get are the same ones that your upgraded units require.
So in my ranger deck i got a circle 5 spell 'implosion' but i cant cast it (as i didnt get any skill cards from that school of magic), essentially i can only use it to pay for costs. (until i buy more starters and boosters so that i get the right skills to be able to fully customise decks, and have the right spells for the right units - remember, this is a CCG afterall, and they WANT you to buy more cards
I hope that answers some of your questions?
BTW, im interested to know what skills you got in your ranger starter,
In both of mine, i got the leadership and logistics set of skills.
If you did get the leadership skill set, did you get two copies of 'recruitment' (which is a secondary leadership skill ?)