Tavern Dweller
posted June 14, 2006 06:20 PM |
Players in Fort Worth, TX
Sad news for those of us who were just recently introduced to HM&M 4 in this past year that one of our players (and suppliers) is leaving town for bigger and better things (we hope at least).
There are about 3 of us that play right now but we would like to increase those numbers in the near future and try to push the market up on HM&M to supply more cards in our area.
If you live in the Fort Worth/Dallas area and play HM&M I would like to invite you to post here so we can start organizing games and get more people interested.
Thanks Dave for all the effort you put into HM&M here in Fort Worth, and you will be missed.
Might, because who doesn't love a bunch of guys bashing and crashing their way across the world?