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Heroes Community > Age of Heroes Coliseum > Thread: ICTC: The Elemental Conflux
Thread: ICTC: The Elemental Conflux This thread is 2 pages long: 1 2 · NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted February 26, 2007 02:40 PM
Edited by alcibiades at 11:59, 28 Feb 2007.

ICTC: The Elemental Conflux

This ICTC entry is a joined venture from Daystar and me. This is a re-interpretation of the Heroes 3 Elemental Conflux with some new twists. Topic will be represented in 5 consicutive posts with the following themes:

1) Introduction.
2) Hisotry and Lore.
3) Creatureses.
4) Town and Buildings.
5) Hero Class and Skills.

                                                          The Elemental Conflux

                                                       By Daystar and Alcibiades

                                                                                                                Town concept artwork by Daystar

                                                       Each is different, and yet all are even.

Facts and Traits
Aka: The Elementalists
Associated colours: Bright yellow, intense red, crisp green, and clear blue.
Worship: Worships every aspect of the elements, and can therefore be said to worship none of the dragons or all of them.
Related Magic: Summoning and Destructive.
Core philosophy: “Diversity means variety, adaptability and prospering”. The elements each have their strong sides and their weak sides, and by being familiar with all of them, one will gain the ultimate power.
Motto: Each is different, and yet all are even.
Country / kingdom: None.
Capital city: Karthal.
Alliances: None. So far, the Elemental Conflux holds a place as neutral (see description).
Key symbols: The Tetrad in all its shapes.

The Conflux formed by a group of like-minded mages from different kingdoms. Therefore, there are both Heroes of Human, Elven, and Dwarven race. Their armies consist of Elemental creatures gathered from the planes.

The Elementalists formed as a community of mages joined across the borders places by nations and races, in an attempt to find the key of a society where peace and harmony prospered over war and division. Their key philosophy was the search for understanding of not only one of the elemental aspects that the races worship, but all of them, and to unite these beliefs into a unity that represented a greater ballance between good and evil, law and chaos. Life in the Conflux town builds on openness and understanding, and they will welcome anyone who can adapt to this way of living, and even though generations of hatred is dificult to forget, so far they have managed to assemble both Humans, Elves, Darkelves and Dwarfs within their walls.

However, as generations pass, it is easy to lose sight of the original goals of such an alliance, and even the most peaceful societies will give rise to ambitious individuals. And ones such individuals manage to work in the hidden to get grip on power, it's only a matter of time before they will unveil their ambitions ...
What will happen now?

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Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted February 26, 2007 11:45 PM bonus applied.
Edited by Daystar at 23:09, 27 Feb 2007.


234 ysd: A sect of Elrath Worshipers in the Holy Griffin Empire fall into disfavour of several dukes in the western edge of the empire.  Their radical ideas lead to a small skirmish, and the leaders are executed.  Angered by the cruelty done "in the name of Elrath" the survivors of the sect leave the Empire for the then unexplored region west of the Griffin Empire.  

237 ysd: After three years, the sect settles down, and begins the construction of Karthal.

256 ysd: A delegation from Karthal petitions Archduke Vylcan, High Preist of Elrath Worshipers, for permission to erect a church in Karhal.  Their request is refused.  In defiance of the Archduke, the Karthalians construct several churches, one honouring Sylanna, in the hopes of attracting elves to their city, and another honouring Sar-Elam, to attract wizards.  

261 - 325 ysd: Elves and Wizards trickle into the city, and it grows, eventually expanding to a large capitol and several small outposts.  Karthal itself becomes a centre for research and the arts.  Dwarves come also to the city, and a Pyre of Prayer is constructed.  

401 ysd: The Karthalian Marketplace becomes a focal point for traders from the Silver Cities and the Irollan Elves.  Traders from the Holy Griffin Empire is forbidden from entering out of spite, and it finds itself unable to compete with the rising markets.  

405 ysd: In order to avoid an economic depression, The Holy Griffin Empire begs the Karthalians to let them in, in exchange for the rights to build temples honouring Elrath.  The Karthalians accept.  

493 ysd: Months of Drought in Karthal lead to the construction of a Temple honouring Shalassa of Water and Sylath of Air.  Rains come.

512 ysd: The mystical energy caused by all the temples attracts scientists of great prestige and knowledge.  A society of research is formed.

587 ysd: The research society decides to try something previously un-attempted: Summoning the essence of the elements. This is attempted, but the attempt fails.  The society decides that the failure was caused by an incomplete knowledge of what the elements actually are, and no further attempts are made.

643 ysd: The story of the failure reaches the Dark Elves, and the high council considers laying siege on Karthal for its knowledge in magic.  Scouts are sent to determine what the best course of attack would be.  They never returned, and the Dark Elves forget Karthal for the time.  The scouts in fact decided to join the Karthalians.  They teach the Karthalians a great deal about the nature of the elements, the wherefore of the ether and the thusness of Mana.  The ritual is set up again.  

646 ysd: The Ritual manages to summon a Manifestation of each of the Four Elements.  

723 ysd: Elemental summonings rise in frequency, and Karthal becomes a centre for natural studies.

832 ysd: During the Fifth Eclipse, the Elementalists are fascinated by the incredible fluctuations in the planes during the eclipse.  After the war (and the incredible revenues that the markets bring in during wartime) more precise instruments are built for detection of the fluctuations between the planes. They wait eagerly for the next eclipse, hoping that they will be able to use the fluctuations to further connections to the other planes.

876 ysd: The summoning of Elementals becomes commonplace, and an important discovery is made: Elementals do not exist as solidly as other beings, and can be combined into new forms.  

969 ysd: During Queen Isabelle's war, and more importantly the sixth eclipse.  All Elementalists are surprised to see that the disruption caused by the eclipse show that the barriers between planes have weakened. If these barriers fall, the world could fall into chaos.  The general opinion is that this is caused by the constant summoning of Elementals between the planes.  Dispute over weather or not to continue summonings leads to a schism in the high council of Karthal.  Some which to continue summonings, others feel it should be stopped for the saftey of the world.

978 ysd: During the wars that shaped Ashan, a private war was occurring in Karthal. Disputes over summonings becomes a wide dispute, and eventually the once peaceful inhabitants of Karthal are found to have a surprising instinct for Cloak and Dagger work.  When an open skirmish between mortal citizens of Karthal and Summoned Elementals breaks out, the more peaceful citizens depart, either for hermitage or to return to their native lands.  Karthal becomes an empire, and decides to expand.

Fire, first of four,
that blossoms for a moment
then fades to nothing more

Water, next in the set,
flowing through age and age,
and has not faded yet.

Earth follows behind it,
traps the world's form
in a mold that always fits.

Lastly air, the final,
listens to all and tells us
that which we must recall.

Storm Manifestation, Storm Elemental, Storm Spirit

Sand Manifestation, Sand Elemental, Sand Spirit

How exactly is luck a skill?

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Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted February 27, 2007 12:04 AM
Edited by alcibiades at 11:48, 28 Feb 2007.


Creature Levels and Upgrades

The Elemental Conflux has a very special upgrade system. As opposed to other factions, that have 2 creatures at each level – a basic version and an upgraded version – the Elemental Conflux have some levels that consist only of basic creatures, and other levels that consist only of advanced or upgraded creatures! Not only that – the levels consisting of basic creatures will have 4 different units, not 2 as normally, whereas the upgraded levels will produce the normal number of different creatures, 2, but these will be taken from a group of 6 available types of creatures.

Upgrade of creatures also takes a very special form in the Elemental Conflux. Where in normal cities, upgrade of a unit produces a new one of the same level on a 1-by-1 basis, in the Elemental Conflux, is formed by combining 2 units of the same level into a new unit of a higher level! Thus, by combining two level 1 units, one will get one level 2 unit; by combining two level 3 units, one will get one level 4 unit; and by combining two level 5 units, one will get one level 6 unit. This makes for a very unique unit line-up for the Elemental Conflux. Only the level 7 creatures follow the path of the normal factions.

Creature Types and Elemental Types

The Elemental Conflux builds its army of elemental creatures. There are 3 different types of elemental creatures:

- Manifestations: These are the weakest of the elemental creatures. They constitute the level 1 and level 2 units.
- Elementals: These are the intermediate and best known elemental creatures. They constitute the level 3 and level 4 units.
- Spirits: These are the rarest and most powerful elemental creatures. They constitute the level 5 and level 6 units.

Each creature type comes in different forms related to the different elements. The elements are grouped in two different kinds:
- Basic: There are 4 basic elements: Air, Water, Fire and Earth
- Advanced: There are 6 advanced elements. The advanced elements are formed by combining two of the basic elements. The advanced elements are:
  - Storm (Air + Water)
  - Plasma (Air + Fire)
  - Sand (Air + Earth)
  - Steam (Water + Fire)
  - Clay (Water + Earth)
  - Magma (Fire + Earth)

The basic (un-upgraded) creatures in the Elemental Conflux comes in the form of the creature types relating to the basic elements (Air, Water, Fire, Water). The advanced (upgraded) creatures are formed by combining the basic units on a 1-by-1 basis. The type of the upgraded unit will be determined by which creatures are used, like described in the paragraph above. The available creatures are:
  - Level 1: Manifestations of Air, Water, Fire and Earth.
  - Level 2: Manifestations of Storm, Plasma, Sand, Steam, Clay and Magma.
  - Level 3: Elementals of Air, Water, Fire and Earth.
  - Level 4: Elementals of Storm, Plasma, Sand, Steam, Clay and Magma.
  - Level 5: Spirits of Air, Water, Fire and Earth.
  - Level 6: Spirits of Storm, Plasma, Sand, Steam, Clay and Magma.
  - Level 7: Firebird (basic) and Phoenix (upgraded).

Notice, that although this will seem like the Elemental Conflux has an unreasonable number of different creatures, this will not be the case. In fact, in the fully upgraded town, the number of different creatures will be exactly 7 as in all the other towns! Why is this? Because the upgraded forms at level 2, 4 and 6 are being made by combining two of the creatures at the level below. There are 4 units at level 1, and they will be combined into 2 level 2 units. Even though there are 3 different ways to combine the elements (and thus 6 types of upgraded creatures) only 1 of the combinations will be used giving 2 units.

Thus, on upgrade, the town will produce 2 level 2 units and in the process consume the level 1 units. Similarly, there are 4 level 3 units that will produce 2 level 4 units, and 4 level 5 units that will produce 2 level 6 units. Finally, there is 1 level 7 unit. Comparing this with other factions gives this impression:
  Normal faction:     Level 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7
  Elemental Conflux:  Level 2 – 2 – 4 – 4 – 6 – 6 – 7

Compared to other factions, the Elemental Conflux will therefore have units of a slightly higher level, but lower numbers.

Unit Restrictions
There are 6 different types of upgraded units and in the final line-up, the town will need to have 6 different units on the lowest 6 levels. This means that the player on his first upgrade can choose freely from the available 3 combinations:
  Combo 1:   Air + Water = Storm    Fire + Earth = Magma
  Combo 2:   Air + Fire = Plasma    Water + Earth = Mud
  Combo 3:   Air + Earth = Sand     Water + Fire = Steam

He can only choose each combo once, however – thus, if he chooses Storm/Magma on his first upgrade, he can only choose between Plasma/Mud and Sand/Steam on the second upgrade. On the third upgrade, he will have to choose the remaining combination.

This ensures that the hero, in the final city, will have 6 different types of creatures. The hero can choose for himself, however, which combination he wants to have at level 2, which at level 4 and which on level 6. As each element has a certain set of properties, the hero should plan this according to which strategy he uses.

Creature Statistics

Notice: All units are Elemental and have Elemental Immunity to the elements they are related to. Thus, Air creatures are immune to Air spells, whereas Magma creatures (Fire + Earth) have immunity to both Fire and Earth spells.

Firebird, Phoenix and all Spirits are large creatures.

Firebird and Phoenix concept from Beta version of the game and retail version, respectively.

Creature Concepts

Left to right: Storm Manifestation, Storm Elemental and Storm Spririt. Concept artwork by Daystar.

Left to right: Sand Manifestation, Sand Elemental and Sand Spirit. Concept artwork by Daystar.

What will happen now?

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Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted February 27, 2007 12:12 AM
Edited by Daystar at 00:16, 27 Feb 2007.

City and Buildings

Building Descriptions

The town structure of the Elemental Conflux is shown on the previous page. At first glance, it might seem that there are an unusually high number of buildings. In fact, that’s not quite the case, because all the creature dwellings will not be upgraded as in normal towns (except for the Firebird/Phoenix dwelling). Instead, upgrade takes place through the Elemental Guild, as described below.


Dwelling Name       Creature           Dwelling Cost
Channel of Air      Air Manifestations     1000 Gold + 5 Wood
Channel of Water    Water Manifestations   1000 Gold + 5 Wood
Channel of Fire     Fire Manifestations    1000 Gold + 5 Ore
Channel of Earth    Earth Manifestations   1000 Gold + 5 Ore

Gate of Air         Air Elementals         3000 Gold + 10 Wood + 5 Crystal
Gate of Water       Water Elementals       3000 Gold + 10 Wood + 5 Mercury
Gate of Fire        Fire Elementals        3000 Gold + 10 Ore + 5 Sulphur
Gate of Earth       Earth Elementals       3000 Gold + 10 Ore + 5 Gems

Portal of Air       Air Spirits            5000 Gold + 10 Wood + 10 Crystal
Portal of Water     Water Spirits          5000 Gold + 10 Wood + 10 Mercury
Portal of Fire      Fire Spirits           5000 Gold + 10 Ore + 10 Sulphur
Portal of Earth     Earth Spirits          5000 Gold + 10 Ore + 10 Gems

Altar of Flaming Pyre     Firebirds        10.000 Gold + 10 Wood + 10 Ore + 10 Sulphur
Altar of Blazing Pyre     Phoenix          12.000 Gold + 10 Wood + 10 Ore + 20 Sulphur

Other Buildings

Elemental Guild

The Elemental Guild is a unique building for the Elemental Conflux. It comes in 3 levels, and each level can be chosen in one of 3 types, as described below. The Elemental Guild allows you to combine basic elemental beings (Air, Water, Fire, Earth) into advanced elemental beings (Storm, Plasma, Sand, Steam, Clay, Magma) to recruit into the garrison. Thus, once the Elemental Guild is build, everybody can recruit combined creatures into the garrison - however, in order to take the combined creatures out of the garrison and into your army, you need to have the appropriate level in the skill Plane Shifting (see section on Skills and Abilities below). The allowed creature combinations is determined by the type of Guild (see below).

Level 1 Elemental Guild
Allows you to combine basic Manifestations into advanced Manifestations. The combination process is free. Building Cost: 2000 Gold + 5 Wood + 5 Ore + 1 Crystal + 1 Mercury + 1 Sulphur + 1 Gem.

Level 2 Elemental Guild
Allows you to combine basic Elementals into advanced Elementals. The combination process is free. Building Cost: 4000 Gold + 5 Wood + 5 Ore + 3 Crystals + 3 Mercury + 3 Sulphur + 3 Gems.

Level 3 Elemental Guild
Allows you to combine basic Spirits into advanced Spirits. The combination process is free.
Building Cost: 6000 Gold + 5 Wood + 5 Ore + 5 Crystals + 5 Mercury + 5 Sulphur + 5 Gems.

Guild types: There are 3 Guild types - Guild of Harmony, Guild of Balance, and Guild of Chaos. Each guild type can only be build once - thus, if you build a Level 1 Guild of Chaos, you will have to select either a Level 2 Guild of Harmony or Level 2 Guild of Balance - and, depending on your choice, will have only the remaining version available for level 3.

Guild of Harmony
The Guild of Harmony allows you to make the following combinations:
- Air + Water > Storm
- Fire + Earth > Magma

Guild of Balance
The Guild of Balance allows you to make the following combinations:
- Air + Fire > Plasma
- Water + Earth > Clay

The Guild of Chaos
The Guild of Chaos allows you to make the following combinations:
- Air + Earth > Sand
- Water + Fire > Steam

Elemental Shrines

Elemental Shrines add a bonus to the visiting Hero’s primary skills. The four available Shrines provide the following bonus:

Shrine of Air:      +1 bonus to Spellpower    2000 Gold + 5 Wood + 5 Crystal
Shrine of Water:    +1 bonus to Knowledge     2000 Gold + 5 Wood + 5 Mercury
Shrine of Fire:     +1 bonus to Attack        2000 Gold + 5 Ore + 5 Sulphur
Shrine of Earth:    +1 bonus to Defence       2000 Gold + 5 Ore + 5 Gems

Aurora Borealis
Grail Building. Can only be built with the Tear of Asha in the town. Will provide usual Gold and Growth bonuses, and places all spells in the Mage Guild. Hero will still need to know appropriate Magic Skill in order to learn the spells, however.

Castle and Moat
The Moat of the Elemental Conflux will be a Firewall, that gives elemental fire damage (resistance applies) to all creatures entering the wall.

btw, alc, you might have to post some of the nifty graphs, I don't have word on this computer yet.
How exactly is luck a skill?

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Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted February 27, 2007 12:15 AM
Edited by alcibiades at 00:41, 27 Feb 2007.

Classes, Skills and Abilities

The main Hero Class for the Elemental Conflux is the Planes Walker. Might subclass is Elementalist, and magic subclass is Conjurer [this applies to the concept of Advanced Classes not yet in the game]. The Primary Skill progress as well as chance of learning secondary skills is shown below. The Class and Subclass skills are described afterwards.

Hero Specializations

The following Specializations are available for the starting Heroes:

This should more or less mark the end of this thing, so go ahead and post comments now, if you want to. Sorry for the delay.
What will happen now?

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Famous Hero
posted February 27, 2007 02:15 PM

Great town alc and daystar. I love the firebird look!
wtf this still exists

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Legendary Hero
posted February 27, 2007 02:21 PM

I moved my post to here:

A new town of Alc and Daystar. What a nice suprise.
From all that I can get:
1. You have retired from judging.
2. This is the "unknown" faction of Daystar, and he won't do another one.

About the faction:
Basicly, I'm against the whole idea of Conflux.
In my view, Elementals shouldn't have a town. They should be totally neutral.
And I just can't see fire Elementals fight with Water Elementals. They suppose to be against each other, don't they? Same thing with Earth and Air.
Even though they might be the perfect army, that made of opposite kind of creatures.
And I won't think that Nival or Ubisoft will repeat the mistake of doing this town again. In H3, it was overpowered and most of the people didn't like it. It might be great here, but bad first impression was already done. The reaction of people that will see that the Conflux is back, if it is back to the game, will be negative.
I prefer to keep the Elementals as they are-neutral separate creatures.
Anyway, it will be nice to see some new original ideas about the Conflux idea.

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Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted February 27, 2007 02:49 PM

Thanx for moving the post GenieLord. Note to Daystar > You can upgrade the 2nd post now.

And as to your post GL > Yes, the Conflux was always controversal. Personally, I liked the idea, although the ballancing was off in Heroes 3. And you know me, I don't like Neutrals, so of course I just HAD to have a town that incorporated the Elementals. But most of all, this town was interesting for me, because including the elementals in a new and alternative way was an exciting challenge back when we first discussed it.
What will happen now?

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Supreme Hero
Peanut Exterminator
posted February 27, 2007 04:45 PM

Great town alc and daystar. I love the firebird look!

i agree, but remember, Alc and Darstar didnt create that Firebird, it was in the beta Heroes 5 game
Visit my Site!

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Legendary Hero
posted February 27, 2007 05:40 PM

You have put here a lot of effort, and you did a nice job.

I have two serious problems:
1. Lack of originality.
2. The faction is unbalanced.
For example: all the creatures are extremely overpowered! If you want, you can have 6 incorporeal creatures out of 7 creatures in the faction.
Aother example: Immunity to magic kind for all the creatures, and two immunities for upgrade creatures (Except of Phoenix)-isn't is overpowered?
Some judges might give you very low mark for the creatures (like 10 out of 25) becuase of the balance issues.

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Legendary Hero
my common sense is tingling!
posted February 27, 2007 05:48 PM

planeswalking is very confusing!
Love, Laugh, Learn, Live.

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Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted February 27, 2007 05:56 PM

For example: all the creatures are extremely overpowered! If you want, you can have 6 incorporeal creatures out of 7 creatures in the faction.

No, you can't, because the restrictions on the Elemental Guilds mean you have to have one kind of each creature, Storm, Plasma, Sand, Steam, Clay and Magma. Your only choice is how you distribute them - which ones will go on level 2, which ones on level 4, and which ones on level 6.
What will happen now?

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Famous Hero
posted February 27, 2007 06:45 PM

Great town alc and daystar. I love the firebird look!

i agree, but remember, Alc and Darstar didnt create that Firebird, it was in the beta Heroes 5 game

Oh, I didn't know. Sorry.
wtf this still exists

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Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted February 28, 2007 02:25 AM

check the history section: Now with pictures!
How exactly is luck a skill?

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Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted February 28, 2007 11:39 AM

Woof - love them! Creature concepts now added to creature section, and artwork added to city plan.
What will happen now?

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The Starless
posted February 28, 2007 11:45 AM

Wow... you guys pu a lot of work in this....

Personally I don't like the cocept of an elemental town, but the actual thing is really well done !

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Famous Hero
Famous? Me?!
posted March 02, 2007 10:53 PM

The faction is good and well thought out, but it's not a town for beginners; the combining elementals and all else can be confusing at times.
Creator of the Guild and Prison towns for ICTC.

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Legendary Hero
posted March 03, 2007 07:40 AM
Edited by TitaniumAlloy at 07:42, 03 Mar 2007.

Final Score: 69 % (Good)

Alot of time and effort put into this one, a very good and well thought out town.
While 69 is a good score, I had some issues with it. Such as the whole idea of an elemental town. Elementals are great and interesting creatures, but an entire town devoted to them doesn't fit into Ashan, and while your town structure and ideas are very original, don't fit in with the other towns. Towns in Heroes require some form of consistency, and having an odd one out doesn't work in this game. The concept could also cause alot of confusion.

History was very good, like the Heros, skills very well thought out, and the town description as well as artwork was great.

The creature line-up is, on the surface, arguably very similar to the Conflux of H3, and I don't see the necessity of a phoenix in an elemental town, as the only straight non-elemental creature, at all. The combinations is a nice idea though, and could provide some good strategy and interest.

Nice work guys.
John says to live above hell.

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Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted March 04, 2007 01:47 AM

OK, by request of Elvin, I'll try to explain the ideas of how you recruit the creatures in a different way, as there seems to be some confusion.

Level 1: In order to recruit the level 1 creatures, you need to build the appropriate Channel. Thus, once you build the Channel of Air, you can recruite Air Manifestations. There are 4 buildings in total, one for each of the for Elements. These dwellings cannot be upgraded.

Level 2: The level 2 creatures don't come from a specific dwelling. Rather, you produce them from the level 1 creatures, that are consumed in the process. To make this transformation, you need the Elemental Guild level 1. This building will allow you to merge the level 1 creatures into level 2 creatures: Two level 1 creatures gives one level 2 creature. Thus, if you combine Air Manifestation and Fire Manifestation you get a Plasma Manifestation.

When you build the level 1 Elemental Guild, you choose one of three different types of guild, which will determine which combination you will make. This will either be "Harmony" (Air + Water); "Balance" (Air + Fire) or "Chaos" (Air + Earth). For each combination, the two remaining elements will go together. These dwellings cannot be upgraded.

Level 3: Like the level 1 creatures, you need specific buildings for each of these: Gate of Air for Air Elemental, Gate of Fire for Fire Elemental, etc.

Level 4: These creatures are similar to the level 2 creatures, but are made from the Level 3 creatures. In order to perform this merging, you need a Level 2 Elemental Guild. Again, the type will determine which types of combinations you can do, but the guild has to be of a different type than the level 1 guild.

Level 5: Again, like level 1 and 3 creatures, you have to build one dwelling for each Spirit. These dwellings are the Portals of Air, Water, Fire and Earth respectively. These dwellings cannot be upgraded.

Level 6: These creatures are formed by combination (merging) of the level 5 creatures. This needs an Elemental Guild level 3. The level 3 guild will have to be of another kind than the level 1 and 2 guild, thus ensuring that you have to use all 3 kinds of guilds, and thus get 6 different kinds of creatures.

Level 7: These creatures require a "normal" dwelling, that can be upgraded to give the upgraded unit like in normal towns.

To sum up, the building "tree" looks like this:

Level 1: Channel of Air, Water, Fire and Earth.
Level 2: Elemental Guild level 1.
Level 3: Gate of Air, Water, Fire and Earth.
Level 4: Elemental Guild level 2.
Level 5: Portal of Air, Water, Fire and Earth.
Level 6: Elemental Guild level 3.
Level 7: Alter of Flaming Pyre / Alter of Blazing Pyre.

To sum up, this adds up to a total of 17 buildings, where normal towns have 14 + growth boosters + racial skill building. The total of buildings should therefore be similar.

I hope this makes it a bit more clear.
What will happen now?

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Legendary Hero
posted March 04, 2007 10:22 AM

Sure, but that's not the point. The point is it's different to the basic structure of all the other towns and for that reason doesn't fit.
John says to live above hell.

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