Thread: Points of View :Heroes 1-5 | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |

Known Hero
Sailor of the open seas
posted March 22, 2007 09:10 PM |
Points of View :Heroes 1-5
Here is my point of view about heroes series.
King's Bounty(HoMM1): A briliant idea,a new wave for it's age,but with many difficults in gameplaying.   
HoMM2: A brilliant inspiration followed by a very good and easy gameplay.WARNING:Very addictive.For me HoMM2 was the base of the next HoMM series.    
HoMM3: Very good game.Worth continual of HoMM2.   
HoMM4: Not so good as expected.The attempt to make somethin new seemed to be a failure. 
HoMM5: Very good game with extreme graffics with many new features.
Seemed to be the big step in series(ubisoft's involment).  
I think we aren't in Kansas anymore Toto

Famous Hero
Otherworldly Ambassador
posted March 22, 2007 11:35 PM |
Edited by executor at 23:40, 22 Mar 2007.
Well in my opinion:
HoMM 1 - being the first is always hard.    
HoMM 2 - better than 1, worse(slightly) than 3     
HoMM 3 - I spent over 3k hours with this game since it was released... IMO the best game in the series so far: the only possible score is:      
HoMM 4 - excellent changes in gameplay composed with total lack of balance, being half-finished and often sucking graphics. they wasted lots of good ideas in a half-baked game. However, I can't stop liking it        
HoMM 5 - here we can say it's evolution of the series, not making the new heroes suck. Some good, major changes in gameplay introduced. Great graphics, but IMO too many 'neons'. If they fix the editor (especially camera) so that it is easy to create a map and some stupid ideas(logarythmic increase of creat spell dmg and so on), then it can rival 3 without doubt.    
Understanding is a three-edged sword.

Supreme Hero
UHU!! supreme!
posted March 22, 2007 11:41 PM |
HoMM 1 - Never playet to much but is a nice base for the game   
HoMM 2 - My first gaming addiction extremely fun sounds and graphics love it!     
HoMM 3 - The best in series, almost perfect just some balances needed but generally excelent     
HoMM 4 - Nice changes and new ideas but bad implemented in the first instance the patches fixes almost all   
HoMM 5 - An evolution tecnically with cool graphics and art, very good game but with some bugs in the beggining I think I have to wait for the last expasion and see how the complete game will be but so far   
Dig Out Your Soul

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted March 23, 2007 10:25 AM |
I'm with lord crusader on this one. The only difference was that my first addiction was H3 hehe
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Supreme Hero
Former Chessmaster
posted March 23, 2007 01:53 PM |
I agree with most of the points in first post except putting KB and heroes 1 in same basket.
Its not the same game and it deserves separate grade

Tavern Dweller
posted March 23, 2007 03:51 PM |
1. Haven't tried
2. Haven't tried
3. I like it very much, always been my favorite game.    
4. A good game too. Not like H3, more like a different type of game with some of the same creatures, but fun to play   ½
5. IMO H3 made difficult. To detailed for me and too much like H3 and then not because it looks different.  

Famous Hero
posted March 23, 2007 04:45 PM |
Edited by Asheron at 16:47, 23 Mar 2007.
1. The beginner of the serial,but I haven't played it   
2. Excellent,first game I played longer than 4 hours    
3.The best in the series     
4.No offense,but crap after H3 
5.Excellent design,but they they have a lot more to learn...   

Undefeatable Hero
posted June 21, 2007 12:32 PM |
H1-Thumbs up  !The very first,but a great game!
H2-A bigger,better H1   
H3-Turning point.Excellent in all aspects  
H4-3DO and NWC's last breath,not a major like the rest,but good enough to please most players!!  
H5-I never go for the graphics.Too bad for h5.A copy of H3.   

Known Hero
Avatar of general Z
posted June 21, 2007 09:15 PM |
KB: I don't like it. 
H1: ok, but magic system. Nice try.
H2: introduction of spell points. Addictive. 
H3: Improved version of H2. Better graphics, battles, bit better balance, more creatures/Town types.   
Especially with WoG. 
H4: Tons of new ideas, but half baked. Strange graphics & sound. 
H5: Better, but still in beta phase. We will see.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 25, 2007 06:51 PM |
KB - played the C64 version only, which seemed to be done in a hurry; however, the gameplay was good and the idea fresh. 5/10
H1 - spent lots of hours over this game. it is simply cute. 7/10
H2 - major improvement, and another addiction. 8/10
H3 - right now it's the best game of all time for me, beating even Sid Meier's Pirates. 10/10
H4 - haven't tried, and probably won't.
H5 - haven't tried - yet.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 25, 2007 06:54 PM |
King's Bounty: Any 40 minutes to kill are a great 40 minutes.
HOMM: Like it.
HOMM2: Like it less
HOMM3: Too many moving parts.

Supreme Hero
posted June 25, 2007 07:45 PM |
Edited by Homer171 at 18:49, 26 Jun 2007.
Heroes I: *** First in series. Bad graphics but other than that it's good.
Heroes II: ***** Best in series. Great sounds and graphics 
Heroes III: **** Not mutch worse than the last one but not so classic for me.
Heroes IV: *** Lots of new stuff but big imbalances and bad graphics.
Heroes V: **** Slow turns but overall good upgrade of old H3.
Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 26, 2007 12:27 AM |
Quote: KB - played the C64 version only, which seemed to be done in a hurry; however, the gameplay was good and the idea fresh. 5/10
There is a big difference between the C64/DOS version and the Sega Genesis version. I played the Sega version and it is the reason I love the game and got involved in the series. I played the DOS version when I got HOMM and certain aspects are annoying like not knowing the wandering army strength roaming around and unbalanced creatures (nothing like facing a Dragon on the first continent). Also it is a lot easier to juke wandering armies in the Genesis version.
I don't think it was rushed, I think it is relative to the games of that day. Sure Impossible Mission is a little more polished as a C64 game, but that was a platform game and allowed for crisper graphics. Compared to the Phanatsy Star series and other RPGs, the 2 dimension battlefield brought in a whole new level of stategy not around at the time.
And I think Impossible Mission is still playable today.

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted June 26, 2007 08:54 AM |
Edited by Geny at 08:55, 26 Jun 2007.
Quote: and certain aspects are annoying like not knowing the wandering army strength roaming around
What do you mean? If you bumped into an army you could see its creatures and their amounts (e.g. few, several, lots...)
Quote: and unbalanced creatures (nothing like facing a Dragon on the first continent).
I never met a dragon on the first continent. Once or twice I met a giant, but it happened very rarely and anyway one strong army is easy to avoid.
Quote: And I think Impossible Mission is still playable today.
So is King's bounty.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 26, 2007 06:45 PM |
Quote: and certain aspects are annoying like not knowing the wandering army strength roaming around
What do you mean? If you bumped into an army you could see its creatures and their amounts (e.g. few, several, lots...)
Without bumping into them. It's a lot easier to know what the army is when you see a sprite/gnome/dwarf as opposed to the skeleton
And maybe it was more giants, ghosts, and trolls than dragons.
And KB is absolutely still playable. Love the random puzzle feature.

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted June 26, 2007 07:08 PM |
Quote: Love the random puzzle feature.
Indeed. I remember that I once got to the level that I knew exactly where the scepter is hidden after 3-5 pieces.

Supreme Hero
A leaf in the river of time
posted June 26, 2007 08:05 PM |
Quote: HoMM 3 - I spent over 3k hours with this game since it was released... IMO the best game in the series so far: the only possible score is:      
I'm assuming you're exaggerating, because while I did put 120 game hours on TeS IV Oblivion in my first month, and total 400 on it, 3k is ridiculous. Even for Starcraft it would have been ridiculous.
As for HoMM:
KB: I was four when I was playing this. I did get to pangea a couple of times, but I never beat it
H1: Got me addicted to videogames. I was too impatient, never loaded my saves, and thus only ever won twice. Great game.
H2: As with H1 I never did the campaigns, but having gone back and played it recently I acknowledge this had some cool points. It needed more army slots, but I liked it when only the creatures that made sense upgraded. I mean comon, Royal Griffin?
H3: had some missing concepts but was much better than H3. I was old enough now to actually win maps, but I still didn't do the campaigns.
H4: I was uneasy at first but after twenty hours I got used to this new HoMM, and this was the first one I was good enough at to accomplish anything. Their main problem, that caused them to go bankrupt, was they listened to everyones demands. Sure, a thousand people wanted in battle heroes, but they forgot that everyone else didn't. My brother is still addicted to this.
H5: for ubisoft great, but for the series this recovery game is only enough to keep the series going. A good game, better than most, but not the highlight of the series, and there are still people who prefer H3

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted June 26, 2007 08:27 PM |
3000 hours in 8 years. That makes about 1 hour a day. Not too exaggerated I would say.
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Supreme Hero
A leaf in the river of time
posted June 26, 2007 11:02 PM |
8 years? No H4?
I wish I were employed by a stupendous paragraph, with capitalized English words and expressions.

Legendary Hero
posted June 26, 2007 11:12 PM |
LOL, I think it's possible I played 3000 hours of H3 in my first year.
Miru, it sounds like you might actually have a life.