Thread: Forum:Another Addiction? | |

Known Hero
Sailor of the open seas
posted March 24, 2007 03:27 AM |
Forum:Another Addiction?
For years i'm addicted to many things.For example i'm addicted to smoking,i'm addicted to gambling(luckily in a bit easy way yet),i'm addicted to homm games and many other things.I would never consider that i would get addicted to forums!Yes i strongly believe that i'm addicted to the forums.For example,when i am on my college i'm thinking of the forums.When i'm out of my home i'm thinking of the forums.I stopped playing games in order to be in the forum.Lately i have shorten the time being with my girlfriend and my friends for sitting in front of my laptop and being in the forum!I've changed my habbits!I am using in a daily base about 5-6 different forums.I 've cought myself spending even 12 hours in the forums!My friends are telling me that i've got a problem.I think they are right.I 've no measures in my life.Yesterday homm, today is forum, tommorow who knows?
Psychologists say about the addictions:If one or both of your parents have a bad habbit,an addiction like alchoolism or gambling (not smoking for sure)then the kids grow up a tense to any addictions when they got older.
So should i blame my parents for my addictions?i don't think so.It's my problem!
I think we aren't in Kansas anymore Toto

Legendary Hero
Words in a custom title
posted March 24, 2007 06:39 AM |
I'm kinda getting an addiction to chewing gum. It's a healthier and cheaper addiction than all of the others out there.
I only chew Wrigley Extra chewies though, all the other ones hurt my teeth.
"Through the power of the dollar you can communicate with the dead." - Artu

Famous Hero
Plan B
posted March 24, 2007 06:31 PM |
Edited by Spectrum at 18:32, 25 Mar 2007.
I've also experienced some things similar. It's obviously not as serious as any of the things you named.
I used to crack my fingers all the time. Yes, veery trivial compared to say nicotine addiction. Anyways, no one could stand the sound my fingers made... My mum kept telling me to stop, my friends hated it, everyone was irritated. My fingers began to swell, they would hurt all the time, but I just wouldnt stop, even though I knew I should.
So I thought about why I did it and found no rational reason. I stopped, which, surprisingly, wasn't easy
Another thing was about msn. I would stay online all day, blocking everyone else from the computer. It got really ridiculous, I once stayed there for 14 hours straight. I woke up at 5 o'clock just to see if my cousin in America was online. My whole family hated me, they were somehow annoyed by the fact that I wouldn't leave the computer when I was told to. I didn't do my homework, my marks were going down.
So, again I sat down (After receiving a long speech from my finnish teacher about not doing my homework) and thought about this weird addiction. And I noticed that it was just plain stupid. I started judo, which I really enjoy. I began to go out with my friends a lot more and I decided to do my homework. I got myself a life. I still used the computer, and went to msn, but I kept some sense to it.
I'm not saying that after you read that you'll quit smoking and gambling just like that. This is just to symphatize with your potential forum addiction and to suggest that you got yourself something else to do, like a new hobby.
And no, I don't think you should blame your parents for your spending too much time on the forums. It's you who didn't realise that there's more to life than forums. Now, I'm not trying to make you feel bad, we've all been there
And as for smoking and gambling, if you really want to quit you can always seek professional help I'm strongly against smoking , but I won't give you a lecture on how smoking is bad for you since you probably already know that. Just remember that if you want to get rid of any addiction, whether it's smoking, forums or just cracking your fingers, you have to do something for it. It's not going to go away by itself.
Aculias is like the male nipple of HC, TNT being the other one -Baklava

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted March 25, 2007 01:49 AM |
Computer Addiction
I think this thread could help give you some insight about your addiction.
Go Red Sox!

Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted March 25, 2007 03:26 AM |
nice thread... but RSF, you look kinda like Kookie.. get her shield back!
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Known Hero
Sailor of the open seas
posted March 25, 2007 04:02 AM |
Quote: nice thread... but RSF, you look kinda like Kookie.. get her shield back! 
to be honest i prefer to see a red star, not a red face!!
just kidding
I think we aren't in Kansas anymore Toto

Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted March 25, 2007 04:16 AM |
I don't give red stars anymore - people just yell at me for it when I do...
Besides, my addiction is to penalties, I just can't give enough!
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Known Hero
Sailor of the open seas
posted March 25, 2007 04:23 AM |
Quote: I don't give red stars anymore - people just yell at me for it when I do...
Besides, my addiction is to penalties, I just can't give enough! 
hmmm..ok then i hope to manage to keep my 2 sweety and valuable red stars!! 
keep your eyes away from my redies!!
I think we aren't in Kansas anymore Toto

Famous Hero
Plan B
posted March 25, 2007 06:36 PM |
Edited by Spectrum at 18:37, 25 Mar 2007.
Damnit Pan, you can't be serious! You can't stop giving QPs!
Aculias is like the male nipple of HC, TNT being the other one -Baklava

Legendary Hero
posted March 25, 2007 06:56 PM |
You know she's right about the penalty's. Giving them is VERY addictive.
Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage. For he is all I could ever
want to be! - OhforfSake

Famous Hero
Plan B
posted March 25, 2007 09:17 PM |
I was just about to point out that it's actually spelt penalties, but then I thought about your addiction to giving them...
Aculias is like the male nipple of HC, TNT being the other one -Baklava

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted March 29, 2007 12:23 PM |
Edited by Elvin at 12:38, 29 Mar 2007.
For me it can be random but when it happens I kinda lose track of time. I'm glad I have no self-destructive addictions I guess! 
Some I have been known to forget to stop are reading an interesting book(damn I read the return of the king in one day ), playing a game I am about to finish or just got( ) or playing cards!
Yes the forum part too but not to such an extent! I admit that I think about some people I know from online though
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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted March 29, 2007 05:04 PM |
Addicting? Heh, Final Fantasy 12. Now THAT is addicting!
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case