Thread: Heroes 5 HoF Campaigns: Fortress Walkthrough | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 · «PREV |

Tavern Dweller
posted January 11, 2010 02:43 PM |
Scenario 2: The Ambush
I've looked all over these forums and googled every possible string I could think of, but I could not find an answer to my question.
In the HOF Fortress campaign, I cannot trigger the red player to attack me to end the scenario. I have captured the castle within two weeks, and then flagged all the creature dwellings within two months (probably more like 3 weeks or so), and then a new objective pops up telling me that I need to "defend the castle" against a renegade attack. I can see the hero spawn on the top level of the map in the SW corner, but he doesn't move or attack me. I have gone so far as to go and attack him, but that doesn't trigger the end of the scenario.
Can someone please help me with this? As far as I know I have the game fully patched and all that.

Tavern Dweller
posted January 14, 2010 04:39 AM |
For any out there who end up having had the same problem as me, I finally got it to work out. It turns out that I was in fact missing an upgrade. I ran the updater, then restarted the scenario via the "Single Player -> Campaigns" menu. When I flagged all the dwellings and he spawned, I still had to go attack him (that may have been impatience on my part), but it did end the mission this time.
Again, I don't know if there's some forum rule that you shouldn't respond to your own posts, but for anyone that had the same problem as me, there you go.

Tavern Dweller
posted May 23, 2010 06:25 AM |
Looking for downloadable walkthrough
Hey all. I'm looking for downloadable walkthrough files for all of the HOMM5 games. I thought I got them from this site last time, but I cannot find them anywhere. Am I having a major brain drain or have I just not looked in the right place? Thanks in advance for any help.

Tavern Dweller
posted May 31, 2010 10:26 PM |
I have no clue how to beat Laszlo in the last mission of wulfstan campaign
If I stay and get army from my city , he gets army from his cities , eventually another guy appears and even that guy is stronger than me ... with no hero and no ability and no strategy have I managed to get any other town or beat Lazslo ~!
Please help me with advice ... my console doesn't work ( i have done everything i was supposed to ), but i have no cheats.
Please give me a save, I'm losing my mind ...
Thanx a million !

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 17, 2023 07:51 AM |
Edited by Elvin at 07:56, 17 Oct 2023.
Elvin said: I don't like releasing spoilers so I can only comment on the skills and abilities. For the specific campaign light is good but destructive is a necessity. You will come to depend on the on c2m3 to take an enemy castle as well as defeating Laszlo(as if you didn't guess you'll have to fight him ). You'll be able to build mage guilds so make sure you get a fireball before mission 3 and armageddon for later. In mission 1 you can build up to mage guild 3 in one town(2 for the other two) so get at least basic destructive and go for ignite.
Swift mind from your logistics will assist you nicely. The rest are subjective but I like defense and luck. Warmachines is not bad either. If you pursue the ultimate that's fine too, the skill combination is pretty effective.
For the first mission build shieldguards before creeping for week 1 and get blackbear riders in the beginning of week 2, they are the main units you can depend on for facing the neutrals. Brawlers will be a waste for this mission so don't bother. Use the caravans to transport the defenders to your main town should you have any problems and just defeat the enemy heroes that attack it. If you haven't learned all the spells do not buy all 500 shieldguards as the mission will end.
In the 3rd mission accept the quest and be ahead of the hero you save as he'll attempt to pass through the underground passage to the east and lose to the neutrals. Take them out before he gets there and a few days later he'll give you 50 berserkers. Be cautious, when you use their rage and they can reach an enemy unit behind walls(assuming the gate has fallen) they will attack YOU instead. They just act as if they cannot go behind walls while enraged. To take the town save your mana and take the units down with fireballs(maybe attacking directly until the ignite effect has passed before casting it again). Don't try to charge as the huge shieldguard stack will cut you to pieces. The mana won't be enough to take them down but if you wait they'll come out eventually(when everything else is dead) and the berserkers will save the day.
The only other thing that may trouble you is Laszlo's army but a few armageddons will take him down. Maybe lure some of its units to the centre to take some good meteor damage. If you have some mass buffs you should have little problem but you can win him anyway.
That should cover most of the things. If someone needs more specific information I can check my saves.
I replayed this on 3.1.
Back then destructive was the most efficient way but now? Warmachines all the way.

Keep waiting for wm and they will appear soon enough. Then ignore all skills and wait for attack flaming arrows. Only then can you pick a magic school, so as to avoid messing up your level ups. Armageddon tactics are out because that would destroy your ballista tho fireball with ignite would still be good but you'd miss out on either sorcery or enlightenment. And honestly, light all the way. Get thanes, mass haste, regeneration and you will never lose any. A couple of thanes with this build can clear utopias.
Mission 3 was not hard after all. Even without warmachines, the garrison army won't grow and you can clean the whole map at your leisure, get artifacts, max your level, get more joiners.. But that would take a lot more time, probably losses and would not be nearly as satisfying. Teleport assault will also not teleport you behind walls without expert light.
Final mission you can fight Laszlo head on and win with some careful play. I had on me thunder thanes, fire dragons, skirmishers, black bears and some fodder and it was enough. There is an easy way though, go grab all 4 dwarven artifacts and you'll have a free mass endurance/deflect when the fight starts. One hero to the west, another to the east and meet in the middle to combine the set. Ignore weak bonuses, resources and obelisks to save time.
I'll attack a replay of my fight with Laszlo and my save so you can try it yourself!
Laszlo replay
Save before Laszlo fight
Here's a challenge, can you win that fight in 2 tries?
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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted October 17, 2023 08:01 AM |
About the last skill. If you went destructive (lesser of the two choices), obviously enlightenment. If you went light, you can go enlightenment, defense or luck. First two are safer and enlightenment will also boost your ballista.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb