Thread: REQ: Remove the Eyecandy Mod! | |

Tavern Dweller
posted June 18, 2007 12:05 AM |
REQ: Remove the Eyecandy Mod!
I've been playing the Heroes series since I was able to control a computer mouse. It began with Heroes 1, I loved it. Heroes 2 took everything further and made everything better, I worshiped it. Heroes 3 came and I bought a new computer, the game was awesome, so much more overview, I adored it. Heroes 4 came, at the beginning I couldnt believe what they'd done to it, but after a while I fell in love with it as well.
During the HOMM4 times I bought a new computer, (back in 2004). A Athlon 2200+, after a while I upgraded my GFX card to a GF 6800, and the RAM to 1024mb.
Heroes 5 came, I was excited because of the graphics, I installed it and almost puked. First of all they removed everything that was Heroes 4 and made a graphic update, yes along with some new creatures, of Heroes 3, well that was fine. But then they made the game so badly optimized so that my computer, see above specs, cant run it, even on lowest graphics with "No Eyecandies" checked. It's impossible to move because of the lag.
I started to OC my graphiccard thinking that might do the trick, but after alot of testing, including raising my 3d marks 05 score with 33% I realized that the thing blocking the game performance was my CPU.
I entered the game to find out what the hell did it. Here's my conclusion:
All the movement in the trees and every little unnecessary graphic movement makes the CPU works at 100% and the game lags like hell.
So this is what I want, Make a mod or whatever that makes "No Eyecandies" remove all the movement and freeze the graphics, like the one in Heroes 4, because I want to play the game =)
Second thing, me and my friend tried to play Hot Seat, but 1 (only 1) of the 3 computer players takes about 15 min to load every turn, the other 3 takes approx 15 seconds...
I am going to purchase a new PC soon, but the one I have is over the min requirements so this shouldnt be such a big issue. Please help me =)
NOTE, if you have any suggestion to what I might do to increase the performance (have allready upgraded the gfx drivers and computers bios) please reply with them.

Adventuring Hero
posted June 29, 2007 05:18 PM |
one thing you can easily do:
place the camera view at the vertical position and don't change the angle neither rotate it
v (the camera view)
_____ (the ground)
but change your PC is the best solution

Supreme Hero
Werewolf Duke
posted July 04, 2007 08:41 PM |
Yeah. But also try the classic Homm view at the option menu
