Thread: How to build a new thread | |

Legendary Hero
posted August 06, 2007 06:00 PM |
How to build a new thread
This is a simple guide that will help you to build a new successful thread.
None of these recommendations are for thread in the Volcanic Wastelands.
1. You should check that your thread has one clear concept. Having more than one concept or unclear concept might lead to spam, or to take the interest from what you want to talk about.
2. Use the search feature to check that nobody has created a thread about this concept before. Even close things to what you mean might bring many replies like "There is this kind of thread".
3. You should check if your concept is good, if it's interesting, if there's a room for a long discussion about it, etc.
4. The title should talk directly about what you want to talk. Avoid titles like "Come here!" or "Small Question".
Master Post
1. Good wording is incredibly important when you write the master post of the thread, after all, it's the first impression people get when they get into the thread.
2. Try to have as less as possible english mistakes. Sometimes it's difficult, but reading again what you've written before you post might help a lot. You don't want people to talk about your English instead of talking about the concept.
3. Your master post should have a volium. A few lines master post looks much more impressive than one line master post.
4. If you can add relevant pictures, tables, or anything similar that can exemplify what you talk about in a better way, add it.
Before posting, just Check that
1. All the details you write when you start a thread are correct.
You want people to talk about the subject, not to correct what you've said.
2. It's the most suitable for the thread to be in the forum you've put it in. If it's not, you should consider posting it in other forum.
3. If you write your opinion or critism about something, check that it doesn't hurt anyone, and read it again, to check that it didn't came out offensive.
1. Write invested posted. They will inspire people to invest in their posts, as well.
After one member write long and good post, many others will do like him.
2. Don't let people destroy your thread. If you see that people start spaming, you can tell them to stop, or ask the forum's moderator to clean the thread for you. Some good threads were rated as "spamfest" becuase nobody stopped the spam.

Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted August 06, 2007 06:45 PM |
Are you kidding me?
Dreaming of a Better World

Famous Hero
Makes sense
posted August 06, 2007 06:53 PM |
What? It's not that bad, actually...It might help some newbies *coughmecough* to construct a good thread...
I say QP! *raises hand*

Supreme Hero
Beautiful Liar
posted August 06, 2007 06:57 PM |

Supreme Hero
Peanut Exterminator
posted August 06, 2007 07:51 PM |
Quote: Having more than one concept or unclear concept might lead to spam,
nice thread GL, i think its a bit misleading though, its fun to have newbies around and talk about an old faction (naga) with a twist (amphibian town), and thats good
Visit my Site!

Legendary Hero
posted August 06, 2007 07:54 PM |
Edited by Binabik at 19:54, 06 Aug 2007.
I love the irony of this. Quote: Try to have as less as possible English mistakes
You can count mistakes, so the word is few/fewest. Less/least is used with uncountable or ambiguous quantities.
"fewest mistakes" "fewer coins" "less money"
Quote: You don't want people to talk about your English instead of talking about the concept.

Legendary Hero
posted August 06, 2007 09:54 PM |
Quote: I love the irony of this. Quote: Try to have as less as possible English mistakes
You can count mistakes, so the word is few/fewest. Less/least is used with uncountable or ambiguous quantities.
"fewest mistakes" "fewer coins" "less money"
Quote: You don't want people to talk about your English instead of talking about the concept.
I have to say I definitely try. 
But let's not talk about my English.