Thread: Does Toh needs this change ? | |

Famous Hero
posted October 04, 2007 10:00 AM |
Poll Question: Does Toh needs this change ?
TOTE promises a good game i hope but i can't deside if toh is ok as it running now - with msn and hamachi .
As i see it there is an advantage by not having unhonorable /morons/other players coming so generally toh community is better but the downside as i see it we losing some good players that just play much at ubi and don't know toh exist ..
The alternative is to change this to meet in ubi.com and play there or in hamachi ( If playing at ubi is still buggy )
This change can add more players to toh but also some of toh players i know don't have the original game so also that can be losing players on this - But i do hope if this post will deside the better choice is to play at ubi those players will do the affort to buy TOTE.
So Letz vote what is the setup style you like best to have when TOTE comes out:

Supreme Hero
Ultimate N00bidity
posted October 04, 2007 11:48 AM |
always beleived was big mistake not to stick with ubirooms at first place.
however, its buginess throw us out..
.. death by misadventure

Famous Hero
the guy with the dragon golem
posted October 04, 2007 06:03 PM |
I'll gladly play on ubi.com if there are no speed or connection problems. Hamachi isn't perfect either, I got that strange error that the screen of both players say it's the other's turn several times. I don't know if this also exists on ubi.com, though.

Legendary Hero
posted October 04, 2007 06:11 PM |
It doesn't matter where or how people play as long as they report.
I'll stick with MSN/hamachi since I can always find a game and I haven't had many bug issues.

Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted October 04, 2007 06:44 PM |
well when I do get my two copies of TOTEM pole I will be logged on UBI with an 'advertising room' or two while I'm working.

Adventuring Hero
posted October 05, 2007 04:38 AM |
Edited by vesuvius at 09:05, 05 Oct 2007.
I am Rethwen, I suck?
Loooooooooooool back at ya pal.

Supreme Hero
posted October 05, 2007 01:37 PM |
Quote: I'll gladly play on ubi.com if there are no speed or connection problems. Hamachi isn't perfect either, I got that strange error that the screen of both players say it's the other's turn several times. I don't know if this also exists on ubi.com, though.
Havin one map in map folder helps a lot. If both you and your opponent will use this rule game should work fine.

Supreme Hero
Ultimate N00bidity
posted October 05, 2007 03:57 PM |
same hamachi version as well

Famous Hero
the guy with the dragon golem
posted October 05, 2007 05:31 PM |
I already do that, but haven't checked on my opponents.
My Hamachi is a pretty old version I think, maybe I should update it... so which version do most players have?

Legendary Hero
posted October 05, 2007 05:35 PM |
I use as instructed in the newbie guide on TOH front page.
I also use only the map I'm playing on in the maps folder. Haven't had problems.

Famous Hero
the guy with the dragon golem
posted October 05, 2007 05:46 PM |