Thread: [Mod] Unlock 48 campaign heroes in ToE multiplayer maps | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
posted October 13, 2014 10:07 PM |
Quote: but all my 'mods' in the game files, not standalone mods because I do not know that I get to do. So i can't filter them.
Does this means you saved your changes in data.pak file directly?
The other modes you mentioned shouldn't limit hero number to six. Try removing all maps from Maps folder as well.


Hired Hero
posted October 13, 2014 10:18 PM |
frostymuaddib said: Does this means you saved your changes in data.pak file directly?
i extract the data.pak in a folder, i working these files. the original data.pak is immaculate. and i copy the modified file the same folder- structure in the data folder.
My/our map folder always empty only the actual map we play is inside. Even when we play the default maps can only hire six hero.
(i dowload the mod last week again)

Supreme Hero
posted October 13, 2014 10:22 PM |
Try moving that folder structure out of your data folder, and then try the game.


Hired Hero
posted October 14, 2014 12:37 AM |
Edited by zavar at 14:50, 13 Nov 2014.
Strange... i moved all folders, i lauch the game, and i can hire 8 hero, i copy the files back one by one, and after every copy i launch the game again. Now the files are all back to the data folder and i still hire 8 hero.... but now the file strukture the same....
computing.. this is the soul of the machine? 
Thank you the advice, it works. But i don't know why... I try this before, but i move out the files from data folder one by one, not all of them at the same time. But that was not work...
Whether it will work in multiplayer?

Supreme Hero
posted October 14, 2014 01:51 AM |
Glad I could help. It seems that there is some issue with the mods you made. Can you please put those files that you changed to an archive and upload them, so I can check them?


Hired Hero
posted October 14, 2014 01:54 AM |
Edited by zavar at 02:38, 14 Oct 2014.
zavar said: but now the file strukture the same....
I set hidden folders visible, and i found in my old data folder a hidden folder named RMGTemp...
The random map generator was the guilty...?

Supreme Hero
posted October 14, 2014 03:01 AM |
Well, it should not cause problems. But I think you can safely remove that folder (but do not delete it, just to be certain).


Hired Hero
posted October 14, 2014 11:30 AM |
Edited by zavar at 01:23, 17 Nov 2014.
I have been delete it, no problem.


Hired Hero
posted November 17, 2014 01:33 AM |
I can't figure how this mod works, how it manage that all of my new added custom heroes also playable in any custom multiplayer map, without it not, just only some maps.
But with this mod i have problems with my new heroes, and with this mod the gameflow cause internal errors.
Without we can't play, but with it... we can, but with annoying bugs 
I never use the map editor, really the only thing i do, to edit all of the multiplayer maps before we play?

Famous Hero
posted November 17, 2014 04:59 PM |
You can open the maps' files from data.pak - they're are in Maps/SingleMissions/"name"/"name".xdb or map.xdb, open this file, search for "AvailableHeroes" (ctrl+F), then add lines for your heroes (copy one of the existing and change to your heroes' directories, then copy the modified thing and paste in all the maps' files). Save and voila


Hired Hero
posted November 18, 2014 02:36 PM |
Edited by zavar at 18:06, 18 Nov 2014.
Thank you, the advice, i following it and:
I find another solution during experimentation.
I delete the list you suggest, and only leave the <AvailableHeroes/> in the file.
It means the map use my general, but modded data/MapObjects/_(AdvMapSharedGroup)/Heroes/any.xdb file, with any new heroes on it.
Thats why have not figured out this 'unlocker' mod why works only some custom multiplayer map.

Famous Hero
posted November 18, 2014 05:28 PM |
Thank you for the info! It may be very useful for me in the future

Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted November 18, 2014 06:30 PM |
zavar said: Thats why have not figured out this 'unlocker' mod why works only some custom multiplayer map.
I am a mapmaker and if I'm understanding you correctly; The Mod does NOT work on Maps that have not been set to allow all campaign/custom Heroes. I always had to go in the Editor and change (click-all) that under the "Heroes Tab." You might investigate that setting.


Hired Hero
posted November 19, 2014 01:10 AM |
Edited by zavar at 01:13, 19 Nov 2014.
Well, it seems like i do not need this mod anymore. I leave rest in peace the campaign heroes. I copied they specialities and i create some new hero with them.
But if you are a mapmaker it is more simple to delete the AvailableHeroes list from your maps, after you finished it, without open in the map editor, (like Hayven adviced) and everyone who downloaded your maps can play with their own heroes. (For example me, if you had some extralarge multiplayer maps )
(Because this mod also works with the maps, where the AvailableHeroes list is empty)
I did this yesterday afternoon, and all of my custom heroes are avaiable with all of my downloaded maps.

Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted November 19, 2014 07:07 AM |
zavar said: But if you are a mapmaker it is more simple to delete the AvailableHeroes list from your maps, after you finished it, without open in the map editor, (like Hayven adviced) and everyone who downloaded your maps can play with their own heroes. (For example me, if you had some extralarge multiplayer maps )
(Because this mod also works with the maps, where the AvailableHeroes list is empty)
Well, actually I'm going back for some H2 for now and am done with H5 maps, till there's big changes in the game. 
But I did misunderstand you; I thought your tried what Hayven suggested and were still having problems, you know...a long-shot idea. Glad you got where your wanted to be.


Hired Hero
posted November 19, 2014 09:56 AM |
Sorry, maybe my english, i still learning it 

Tavern Dweller
posted January 18, 2015 01:56 AM |
Edited by Skull at 01:57, 18 Jan 2015.
I have downloaded this mod,but for some reason,while every hero who isn't glitched is unlocked,Hangvul isn't. 
Can somebody help me out with this? If I could have just unlocked him manually in the map Editor,I would have,but for some reason the heroes tab is empty now,even tough I could check/uncheck heroes before in it. And this only happens with Tribes of the East,I can check heroes in the Hammers of Fate map editor...

Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted January 18, 2015 04:40 AM |
Edited by markkur at 15:24, 18 Jan 2015.
I just did a test and this worked of me. {He was not in the list for me either}
Open the map in the Editor and open the map properties drop down. Near the bottom is a line called Available Heroes Mine was empty but I clicked on the line to edit and the little boxes appeared. Select the first one, not NEW and go to the Dwarves listing and select Hangvul and enter. He'll be there next time you open Play the map.
"Do your own research"

Tavern Dweller
posted January 18, 2015 06:09 PM |
How odd.
I can do that in the other map editors,but not in the Tribes of the east one. When I get to the window where I am supposed to chose the hero from the menu,it is all empty. 
I also can't place any objects on the map,the map editor works fine (I can move stuff around,use the terrain tools),but it looks like it can't locate any objects at all...

Legendary Hero
Once upon a time
posted January 19, 2015 11:29 AM |
Edited by markkur at 11:36, 19 Jan 2015.
You should give this a go. On a few occasions my Editor has been corrupted in a similar fashion. I have long since kept a copy of a "new-install" separate on the drive under a folder called BUTotE. Whenever I've had problems I just delete the Editor-folder and paste from the back-up.
If you do not keep copies of your maps in a separate folder then be sure and do so before refreshing the editor.
Oh, about locating; I can only see some stuff in the te folder I think. I've never had good luck with that window. I can click on an object and it then will be listed. I have lived w/o it but I wonder if doing that first (getting an object on the list)and then hitting "Next" might work if needed?
Good luck
"Do your own research"