Thread: Undead Faction Mod | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Famous Hero
posted January 01, 2008 01:12 PM |
I don't know if akshasa retexturing is good idea if we have undead treant...
And why don't you like Aquarius as caster?
Aquarius was a sink dude with great powers sometimes...
And about Undead Cyclops, did his maker agreed to use it?

Famous Hero
posted January 01, 2008 02:05 PM |
i wanna do the Stats and Creature Abilities

Famous Hero
, eh?
posted January 01, 2008 07:41 PM |
i don't know, Aquarius isn't really anything to do with demons and stuff, besides, he just won't fit in with the rest of the undead bloodthirsty demons. and i REALLY like your TreeAnt idea! i think it will be awesome! except that it should be a unit which only takes up 1 square, it would bee too many 4-square creatures and you wouldn't be able to fit them in the tactics mode if there is like obstacles and stuff there.
EDIT: the edited TreeAnt could be a caster...

Famous Hero
posted January 01, 2008 07:52 PM |
He is. He casts decay. The only thing you need to do is to find him somewhere there...
Also, the dude who made him, tried to make him poisonus- even to undead, but with no sucess...
Also, Wulf, could you tell me what's that special O_O???

Supreme Hero
Eats people with Ketchup
posted January 01, 2008 08:09 PM |
Edited by MrDragon at 20:14, 01 Jan 2008.
The idea behind my treant idea is that it doesn't look like a treant at all, using the original 4 legged alien looking one we get a cool looking nightmarish spirit creature.
(Obviously we erase the leaves and such.)
Also so far we have:
Tier 1: Undead Imp (1 sq)
Tier 2:
Tier 3: Blades (1 sq)
Tier 4:
Tier 5:
Tier 6:
Tier 7: Undead Cyclops (4 sq)
Or are there ones we're missing?
Personaly I'm against the Undead Rakshaha, Rakshaha are spiritual creatures, you can clearly in Heroes V see that they aren't mortal things. (what kind of mortal creature leaks magic out of its limbs like that?)
Likewise the mythology of a Rakshaha suggests some kind of evil, shapeshifting, vampiric spirit.
Mr.Dragon Factions in production.
Citadel: 7/7 creatures, 2/2 hero base classes. (complete, for now)

Famous Hero
, eh?
posted January 01, 2008 09:12 PM |
we got the Plague Treant(the mighty'n'strong one) plus we also got this spectral wolf by Daystar.
EDIT: i'm against the rakshasa too, it would just look gay undead.

Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted January 01, 2008 11:11 PM |
well there is Djins and efreetis,as Djins currpoted spirits,we could use rakajas undead,but if you all vote against,.meh it pass.
So instead,how about..undead preist,a preist to asha.
types in obscure english

Famous Hero
, eh?
posted January 01, 2008 11:49 PM |
hey guys, here are the first textures for the EvilAnt(or whatever it is, someone research something that looks like it ) we just gotta get rid of the holes on his head or go with the branches. branches are separated from leaves to we can have naked branches without leaves. here it is(i know, i'll change the glow to red... if i find out how...)

got the smooth skin effect by blurring.
EDIT: the EvilAnt will be our caster. this faction DOES NOT unclude undead humans from Haven. necro does. this faction is undead demons/orcs/elves/magical creatures.

Legendary Hero
Back from the Dead
posted January 02, 2008 12:00 AM |

Here's the undead Blade Dancer. What say you?
How exactly is luck a skill?

Famous Hero
, eh?
posted January 02, 2008 03:07 AM |
hey guys, i'm really sorry but when i was saving yet another copy of the EvilAnt(i got used to calling it that) it screwed up for some reason and now i only have half of the texture which looks gay... really, really gay. anyway, i'll try to reproduce it and make it even better than the one before(now that i learned how not to make holes) and i think it will look gorgeous. about the blade dancer Daystar, i PMed ya since i couldn't post anymore back then. i don't know... but now i actually think this faction is going to work out with all of you guys helping me... thanks

Famous Hero
posted January 02, 2008 04:46 PM |
That ugly ant, after a bit recolouring could be called will-'o-the-wisp (vicious firey) it was a great creature from Slavs and Germans mythology.
It needs great init, great movement range, great def and hp but very lkow att and dmg.

Famous Hero
, eh?
posted January 02, 2008 05:15 PM |
that would be useless. what's the point of having a fast weak creature with lots of HP and def? med init would be nice but it will have to be slow or else it will be unbalanced(read alci's guide to making factions). other than that, i like your idea. anyway, what will be the color scheme for the first upg.?

Supreme Hero
Eats people with Ketchup
posted January 02, 2008 05:24 PM |
Edited by MrDragon at 17:26, 02 Jan 2008.
I was thinking (as in earlier post)
Gray with green markings for the Horror Beast
Black with purple markings for the Shadow Beast (possibly with retextured black branches.)
Lightning effects possible, I don't recommend flames, it would be to corny.
Mr.Dragon Factions in production.
Citadel: 7/7 creatures, 2/2 hero base classes. (complete, for now)

Famous Hero
, eh?
posted January 02, 2008 08:12 PM |
no, no i meant for the whole factiion. you know, like the new necro upgrades are all pink. all the new Fortress upg. are gold/blue. you know.

Supreme Hero
Eats people with Ketchup
posted January 02, 2008 09:58 PM |
Edited by MrDragon at 22:02, 02 Jan 2008.
Ah I was hoping you'd say that.
Green and Pink would have been to dull.
Here's an idea.
Dominating color: Black and Gray
No other faction (not even Undead, they have green.) have Black as the Dominating color.
But it has a problem, it can get boring and dreary quickly if we don't add at least one other color as an undertone.
1st Row: Royal Purple, close to blue.
It adds a shadowy feel but contrasts nicely in various hues.
From here on its tricky though.
2nd Row: Bloody Red.
It adds a sense of violence, but if we keep it in unit details rather then the dominating color it will differentiate them enough from other faction to create a unique feel.
Other possible options, seeing as red vs purple/blue is a bit bland.
Yellow is a nearly unexplored color in Heroes V, one could argue Academy has it but the color Red can be found in something like five of the faction upgrade color schemes.
Dark Elves
Unfortunately yellow will be hard to work with in an "Evil" faction because it can give off the wrong vibe to quickly.
Teal might be another bold option, it can quickly have a spiritual feel to it and contrasts brilliantly with black.
In the end, color is quite a serious issue that should be tested, a pure visual thing, see how it looks.
Mr.Dragon Factions in production.
Citadel: 7/7 creatures, 2/2 hero base classes. (complete, for now)

Famous Hero
, eh?
posted January 03, 2008 01:40 AM |
I was thinking Black and Bloody Red. it will make it look evil. but then there are the alt. dungeon upg. ... i would say having:
#1. Bloody Red
#2. Navy Blue(or some other DARK kind of blue)
#3. Black
this is what i think
And now for the texturing, i tried to make the blade dancer you guys thought of:

As you see, i took the risk and did free-hand on his blades(the blood) and i actually think it looks kind of nice. I know, his skin is not pale enough, i know, i'll work on it.

Famous Hero
posted January 03, 2008 02:26 PM |
And about will-'o-the-wisp, you could change his stats, but, you should give him Savage Treants beard and make it flamy IMHO.
Moreover, he and his upgs all should be black- grey- red- yellow- orange colourde cuz they have link with fire.
I think, taht they also should have ability: Flamewave and Flamestrike and, if it is possible they should be able to produce Hellfire (or maybe this ability should be allowed for hero to take as one of the perks for racial, or with attack???)

Tavern Dweller
posted January 03, 2008 07:14 PM |
Hey all,
Sorry for dropping in on this one so late but....
Did you consider an oriental slant (excuse the pun) look for your undead faction?
There are plenty of variations available and insted of "raising" the dead, perhaps they could be "re-incarnated" back at your town as suggested by one of the earlier posters.
Eastern mythology would allow for tons of creatures and upgrades, such as:
Geisha's :
caster -cast seduction (modified wasp swarm reduces init and def)
Shaolin Sword Master :
(the modified blade dancer above)
(check out the different swords available as models here! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Types_of_swords)
And there are simply thousands of legendary charcters out there to base your heroes on!
Anyways if anyone thinks this might work for what you guys are doing, i'd be happy to put together a couple of pics.

Famous Hero
, eh?
posted January 03, 2008 07:50 PM |
well it is almost impossible to replace the swords tight now, since you need to edit the geometries, which we have not YET found out how to do. anyway, thanks for your suggestion.

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted January 03, 2008 07:57 PM |
In fact, you could replace the swords with different swords (already within the game) by making the current ones transparent and adding the other ones as effects.