Hired Hero
posted June 07, 2008 01:52 AM |
Edited by Mulroney at 05:15, 11 Jun 2008.
New map?
I don't know if anyone is interested, but I've made a new map for HoMM3! The wife and I enjoy it vs. computers, but it's perfectly balanced for up to 8 Human players.
-Name: Compass Conquest (CC)
-4 teams of 2 (although it work work well as FFA as well)
-Medium sized
-Good for a long game, but possible to play quickly also
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NF8X9N7O
*Open to feedback, pretty sure I've ironed out all the kinks, but let me know what you think if you try it out.
Adventuring Hero
posted June 07, 2008 10:34 AM |
Looks Pants!
Stars are just pin holes in the curtain of night.
Hired Hero
posted June 07, 2008 09:06 PM |
Hired Hero
posted June 09, 2008 03:55 AM |
Yeah, I've played as every player and won, so definitely balanced well enough. I think one of the most important things is you can be whatever alignment you like.