Thread: [Question] Ultimate Rune and Rage skills | |

Tavern Dweller
posted June 18, 2008 07:15 PM |
Edited by VokialBG at 23:12, 18 Jun 2008.
[Question] Ultimate Rune and Rage skills
Hi fellow Heroes fans!
I made some changes in my game to the Ultimate skills only need the racial skills mastered, but I quit trying find the files to change Rune Magic and Demonic Rage. Anyone can please post that files to me?

Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted June 18, 2008 07:35 PM |

Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted June 18, 2008 08:05 PM |
No, I think you got it wrong, Radar. The guy is not talking about the Ultimate ABILITIES, he's talking about the Ultimate SKILLS - you know, the ones we get with Pendant Of Mastery. At least, that's how I understand it.
What will happen now?

Tavern Dweller
posted June 18, 2008 11:05 PM |
Edited by creed at 23:15, 18 Jun 2008.
I ve downloaded that MOD: Ultimate Skills only require 4 skills from you alcibiades ^^ and change some lines to unlock them easier, but in that mod dont have the files to change Rune and Rage, I need that ones.

Undefeatable Hero
of Gold Dragons
posted June 19, 2008 07:46 AM |
Oh, I see. Well, you need to take the relevant .xdb file from the TOTE data folder instead of from the original H5 data folder. It should have the same name as the one I used, so it should be easy to make a search for it.
What will happen now?

Famous Hero
servant of urgash
posted June 19, 2008 10:16 AM |
actually in TotE you only need 3 skills plus racial skill to Ultimate abilities.
A Nightmare from below.A hero from Within

Tavern Dweller
posted June 19, 2008 02:30 PM |
Yeah, I try find that, but the files are hidding from me ^^. My eyes are in pain already^^ , but Ill keep the search. Thx.

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted June 19, 2008 02:36 PM |
Open data.pak in the TotE directory.
Open Skills.xdb in data.pak\GameMechanics\RefTables.
Click "Edit", click "Find".
Couldn't be simpler

Tavern Dweller
posted June 19, 2008 03:17 PM |
One of us dont known how make mod in game skills. That skill.xdb file dont change the path to skill only says to game how it appears, Im using the same way wich I learn from alcibiades mod and there are some others files. I suppose thats not so simple.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 19, 2008 03:25 PM |
Wheres in that file are the path to ultimate? Theres no pre-requisites in that file...

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted June 19, 2008 10:33 PM |
Quote: Im using the same way wich I learn from alcibiades mod and there are some others files. I suppose thats not so simple.
No, you see, there are no other files for the Barbarian and Runemage skills, since Nival deleted all the spare files in TotE. If you're looking to change prerequisites for the Ultimate abilities (i.e. Unstoppable Charge etc) it's easily done through Skills.xdb. However if you're trying to make a prerequisite so that only the racial skills themselves need to be mastered, you can no longer do that the old way - or through any new ways I know of.

Tavern Dweller
posted June 20, 2008 01:03 AM |
Edited by creed at 01:04, 20 Jun 2008.
Hmm...Ill try change that file then. Thanks a lot!

Legendary Hero
Far-flung Keeper
posted June 20, 2008 01:53 PM |
Don't mention it, glad to help (in spite of the grumpy emoticon above)