
Famous Hero
in User
posted December 07, 2008 05:59 PM |
Limited events?
There is a limit of 200 placed events in wog map editor. At first I want to ask: Is there a way to exceed that limit?
If not, other way to add scripts are on objects and those seem to be unlimited (at least the limit is something beyond 2000 and that is quite enough)
However, I don't wish to add objects everywhere as they wouldn't fit into landscape, so is it possible to have invisible objects?

Famous Hero
posted December 07, 2008 06:02 PM |
Map With 200 Events?!?!?!??!?!??!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!
And about the objects: You may change the type of object in the map editor, but the image will remain. Then, you can change it back in-game with scripts.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 07, 2008 06:48 PM |
The 200 events limit is not possible to break. Instead you can create fake events not affecting the counter:
Creatures with customized message (no limit)
Objects with customized message (ERM trigger), even enemy heroes can deliver a customized message.
200 events is too little for an XL map, I agree. It is a nightmare for any mapmaker to see he can't have more events while being at half map done. But using those 2 tricks you can have them unlimited.

Famous Hero
posted December 07, 2008 06:55 PM |
The most scripted maps are SxU

Famous Hero
in User
posted December 07, 2008 07:12 PM |
Edited by Totoro at 19:14, 07 Dec 2008.
I'll give you a situation: A passage between mountains 5 tiles wide, I want a battle to occur if a player tries to pass by any of these tiles but I don't want him to be aware of a battle that will occur. I could place monsters on the tiles but then the player would know about it, I could place 5 shrines of knowledge there and script a battle on them but that would look very stupid. Of course it's not a problem to place just these 5 events there but if I have more similar situations I can't afford that.
If these shrines of knowledges were invisible that would be ok so is it possible to delete their graphics and still have the object there, via ways of modding or anything?

Famous Hero
posted December 07, 2008 07:33 PM |
Then it is much easier with ERM.
Example with Orrin (Squares 5/10/0, 6/10/0 and 7/10/0) :
!!IF&v1>5/v1<7/v2=10/v3=0:M^Hi there!^;
For battles, ask in the sticky ERM thread.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 07, 2008 09:06 PM |
If these shrines of knowledges were invisible that would be ok so is it possible to delete their graphics and still have the object there, via ways of modding or anything?
The only solution is to use Objed.exe and:
Change the layout of shrines to trees/flowers/hills.

Famous Hero
posted December 07, 2008 09:11 PM |
You may make them flags and put an object on the flag using the "A Part of the Ground" option.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 08, 2008 02:59 AM |
Part of the ground does not solve the problem of unlimited events. The object will keep its properties and the counter will start. Actually the number of objects that can be placed in the editor is very limited.
My solution was to change them to objects that are not counted, as cover of darkness, windmill, idol of fortune and a few others.
Use those and give them any layout you like, keeping a yellow square to enable interaction with the player. Then add !?OB trigger and customized text. They can look like a tree, flower, mountain, volcano, anything. In this way the number of possible events becomes unlimited.
Era II mods and utilities

Famous Hero
in User
posted December 08, 2008 08:19 PM |
Edited by Totoro at 20:19, 08 Dec 2008.
Alright, I think I'll be fine with that, thanks.
So the layout doesn't necessarily have to be one of an object that has these tiles of red or yellow, e.g. could I change a dragon utopia to look like rain and still have it triggerable?

Famous Hero
posted December 08, 2008 08:50 PM |
@Salamandre: The objects will have NO properties with a simple "!#OBx/y/z:S;". Otherwise, use a "Set type" trigger: "!#OB:T*;" and "Set subtype": "!#OB:U*;"

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted December 08, 2008 08:57 PM |
Quote: @Salamandre: The objects will have NO properties with a simple "!#OBx/y/z:S;[/courier]". Otherwise, use a "Set type" trigger: !#OB:T*; and "Set subtype": !#OB:U*;
Hell Wizard, we are not talking about scripts but about using unlimited events into the editor, BEFORE any script is loading.
So disabling an object with ERM when map is loading will not change the editor constraints. The editor objects are LIMITED in number. Now you get it?
Quote: Alright, I think I'll be fine with that, thanks.
So the layout doesn't necessarily have to be one of an object that has these tiles of red or yellow, e.g. could I change a dragon utopia to look like rain and still have it triggerable?
Use objed.exe to change the layout or the properties of any limited object, as dwellings, towns, primary skills boost structures, and many others. Change them to cover of darkness, windmills and keep the yelow square. Then with ERM you can customize text and have unlimited events. This was the subject, no?
Era II mods and utilities