Thread: [Mod TotE 3.1] All Spells without the Schools | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
posted February 22, 2009 01:58 AM |
Edited by SimonaK at 22:33, 01 Mar 2009.
[Mod TotE 3.1] All Spells without the Schools
Welcome Heroes,
This mod destroys Spells Level 4 and 5, and only 3 Levels of Spell are now possible.
All Spells of Level 4 and 5 became Level 3 and Some Level 3 became 2 or 1 and Some Level 2 became level 1.
So any Heroes can learn all Spells without none of Magic School Skills which
they are just necessary to improve Power and Duration of Spells
Spells of last Level (Level 3) can learn if the Hero has the particular Magic School.
But a Hero can learn all last Level Spells if he has « Magic Insight »
So with only « Magic Insight » you can get Spells you want even it will be weaker.
All Spell properties like Power and Duration are been boosted not linear way but exponential way:
Mastery None Base = 1.3x
Mastery None Per Power = 1.2x
Mastery Basic Base = 1.4x
Mastery Basic Per Power = 1.3x
Mastery Advanced Base = 1.5x
Mastery Advanced Per Power = 1.4x
Mastery Expert Base = 1.6x
Mastery Expert Per Power = 1.5x
Mastery Extra Expert Base = 1.7x
Mastery Extra Expert Per Power = 1.6x
More you increase your SpellPower stat, more the power of the Spell increases too
but if you level up the mastery of your Spell, you reach a new factor number in the calculation.
Then, all spells of this school automatically obtain a strenght boost.
So, you can build heroes without magic schools, just with « Magic Insight » and be able to cast all existing spells
and then to remain to concentrate on others skills.
You can want to get a big SpellPower stat to increase Spells strenght or finally to get a Magic School to become a real Magic Master.
When a Hero casts a spell, you understand he really participates to the fight.
The philosophy of this mod is, School in the life or in the game exist to improve knowledges and
it is not a obligation. don't go to school if you want and accept that your implosion is weaker than these one
of a expert hero in this matter.
« Magic Insight » allows to learn all spells but their power is weaker than if you learn the magic school.
So, you can just be a Expert Master in Light Magic and be able casting high level destruction even if weaker.
and finally having the possibility to obtain all spells in your book without the schools.
List of All Spells per School/Level
Light Magic
Level 1
Deflect Missile
Divine Strength
Level 2
Magical Immunity
Righteous Might
Word of Light
Level 3
Divine Vengeance
Magic Dark
Level 1
Level 2
Curse of the Netherworld
Level 3
Puppet Master
Destructive Magic
Level 1
Eldritch Arrow
Ice Bolt
Lightning Bolt
Stone spikes
Level 2
Circle of Winter
Chain Lightning
Meteor Shower
Level 3
Deep Freeze
Summoning Magic
Level 1
Fire Trap
Fist of Wrath
Wasp Swarm
Level 2
Arcane Crystal
Blade Barrier
Raise Dead
Summon Hive
Level 3
Arcane Armor
Conjure Phoenix
Phantom Forces
Summon Elementals
Adventure Spells
No need a particular Hero level to learn them but you must build the required level guild.
Guild Level 1 ---- Town Portal
Guild Level 3 ---- Summon Boat
Guild Level 4 ---- Summon Creatures (you build this level just for it)
Guild Level 5 ---- Dimension Door (you build this level just for it)
Mass and Empowered Spells are same level than base ones.
All Spell Cost are not modified.
Spell Shop Building become useless.
Spells are boosted and Heroes participates more to the fight.
UPDATE March 1st, 2009
Beta versions with Duration Spells Extended
Same version but with normal Schools and 5 Level Spells

Supreme Hero
Generation N
posted February 22, 2009 02:06 AM |
Thanks begining donloading

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted February 22, 2009 07:09 AM |
Weird mod, but may be funny to play

Supreme Hero
posted February 22, 2009 06:43 PM |
Edited by SimonaK at 18:44, 22 Feb 2009.
Quote: Weird mod, but may be funny to play 
haha all my mods are weird 
I had a Heroe with Magic Insight and Hypnotize spell and not magic dark...a real weak hyptotize ...(puppet master)
too funny to see this spell with a duration effect of 0.8 turn! act quickly!

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted February 28, 2009 07:41 AM |
It is funny indeed, but some ideas are weird (Arcane Armour blocking 96% damage makes sense, but Confusion enchanting 160% units makes none).
Also, could you please make a version which alters spell power but their distribution remains unchanged?

Supreme Hero
Pro Bacon Vodka Brewer
posted February 28, 2009 12:30 PM |
Thats a fun alternative way to be skilled magician in heroes ;p sure fun.. But Phantom Force level 3? Phantom force isn't really that good.. 1-3 shots and the copy is gone!? for quite much mana...?

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted February 28, 2009 03:35 PM |
Quote: but Confusion enchanting 160% units makes none)
Well just think that there's a cap at 100%

Supreme Hero
posted February 28, 2009 04:51 PM |
Edited by SimonaK at 16:59, 28 Feb 2009.
I acknowledge I never tested the extreme limits of this mod!
you say that when the confusion has 160% that doesn't work?
Warmonger, if you want make a list of "detected non-sens" and what you suggest to fix that...
you talk about unchanged distribution but I dont understand well what you mean.
the level of a spell doesn't decide its power...it's just a learning condition...it's really the mastery of the spell that decide the power...
so, it could to be possible to make a mod which High level spells inside are weaker than lower level spells!

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted February 28, 2009 05:00 PM |
I meant the NORMAL way we can get spells, mastery and whatever.
Quote: you say that when the confusion has 160% that doesn't work?
It works, but still as normal 100% confusion. The only problem is that it looks idiotic.

Supreme Hero
posted February 28, 2009 05:03 PM |
Edited by SimonaK at 17:09, 28 Feb 2009.
ok..return of level 4 and 5!
you want to back to school!
and..you want to keep actual power of them from the mod
Quote: quote:
you say that when the confusion has 160% that doesn't work?
It works, but still as normal 100% confusion. The only problem is
that it looks idiotic.
ohhh.... I can put a if condition if the percentage value is higher than 100% then stay to 100%......
for my share, i dont care if the percentage exceeds 100%....perhaps it'because that means the confusion spell is casted also on their family.... (it's a joooookke)
of other side: nival could have blocked it-self to 100%, they know there is modders.....

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted February 28, 2009 05:07 PM |
I was also thinking that I'd be better to extend duration of regeneration instead of spellpower. Now it's simply irritating to cast it over and over again with no mastery

Supreme Hero
posted February 28, 2009 05:13 PM |
Edited by SimonaK at 17:52, 28 Feb 2009.
indeed, none of duration spell are modified.... i did not it because I think some spells use their power as duration....but i'm not really sure of that...
but yes. we can try to increase too their duration....
I think to begin it by using same ratio used for power to change duration values...
OK, Warmonger, I'm preparing for you a new version with spell duration modified....
on this new version, level 4 and 5 are always off but i will release later a version with their return...
if this version is better, you will tell that.
if mister wants well to serve it-self:
all duration spells extended with same ratio power for each mastery describe in the master post.

Supreme Hero
posted February 28, 2009 08:26 PM |
Edited by SimonaK at 17:48, 01 Mar 2009.
Quote: Thats a fun alternative way to be skilled magician in heroes ;p sure fun.. But Phantom Force level 3? Phantom force isn't really that good.. 1-3 shots and the copy is gone!? for quite much mana...?
It is not a good idea to give Phantom Force level 1 or 2.
See what creature you can actually clone about mastery:
None (tier 1 to 4)
Basic (tier 5)
Advanced (tier 6)
Expert (tier 7)
Extra Expert (tier 8 and high) (for NCF)
With this mod, a NCF creature with Extra Expert Phantom Force can clone Tier 8 and high creatures
None of NCF exists yet with this power! 
we can just mod the maximum tier of cloned creature for each mastery with this spell..(apart its cost)
giving it level 1 or 2 means to allow too easily to heroes to clone tier 1 to 4 creatures in the first week...
now, this follow shart gives a bad result because you cannot clone a tier 2 and high creature without the school.
None (tier 1)
Basic (tier 2)
Advanced (tier 3)
Expert (tier 4 to 7)
Extra Expert (tier 8 and high) (for NCF)
or again:
None (tier 1 to 2)
Basic (tier 1 to 4)
Advanced (tier 1 to 6)
Expert (tier 7)
Extra Expert (tier 8 and high) (for NCF)
..it's a little bit better...! but not enough
actually, it's possible to learn Phantom Force in the first week if in this week....
...the hero learned Sorcery and Magic Insight and he build the third magic guild and this guild has this spell.....or he finds a shrine for.
in the real game it's too easy to learn it in first week, just building the same guild and learning Summonnig Magic....
and hoping the presence of it inside or to find a shrine for.
(easy is relative, builing third level guild in the first week will ruin the resources for sure....)
So, if you have Phantom Force without shools, you will just clone tier 1 to 4 creature...
and if you go to school (learning summoning) then for each level up of mastery you increase by 1 the potential tier you can clone.

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted February 28, 2009 08:48 PM |
Can you try and clone with extra-expert the summoned Phoenix or the Hive? If I remember correctly, they are considered tier 8 creatures.
I'd like to see how a cloned Hive works

Supreme Hero
posted February 28, 2009 08:56 PM |
Edited by SimonaK at 21:13, 28 Feb 2009.
Quote: Can you try and clone with extra-expert the summoned Phoenix or the Hive? If I remember correctly, they are considered tier 8 creatures.
A Fauch's NCF, the Arcane Master, can cast summonning phenix with
extra expert mastery....
I'd like to see how a cloned Hive works
aaaah..surely me too!
a day, if in a game I really don't know anymore what doing, I could decide to use this boring spell.. 
its a joooke....
but I suggest you to test it if you want to know...or perhaps
Warmonger can test it....

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted February 28, 2009 08:56 PM |
Edited by Asheera at 20:57, 28 Feb 2009.
But I don't know how to cast Extra-Expert spells... how do you do it? Only modded creatures can do it?
Well maybe I should just mod Phantom Forces to clone tier 8 at no mastery and try.

Supreme Hero
posted February 28, 2009 09:00 PM |
Edited by SimonaK at 01:55, 01 Mar 2009.
Quote: But I don't know how to cast Extra-Expert spells... how do you do it? Only modded creatures can do it?
Indeed, only NCFs or modified original ones can cast with this mastery. Heroes cannot.
The extra spell mastery for heroes is just used for ultimate mastery of faction competence with pendant of mastery artifact....
to begin to know if its possible to get the extra-expert mastery for example magic destruction, it is necessary to create at first the "Ultimate Magic Destruction" mastery.....but I have already tried it and it's not possible...only the eight faction competence can have a ultimate level....probably written in the .exe
Quote: Well maybe I should just mod Phantom Forces to clone tier 8 at no mastery and try.
yes so the hero will be able to clone tier 1 to 8 creature
It's a no bad idea...
None (tier 1 to 4)
Basic (tier 1 to 5)
Advanced (1 to 6)
Expert (1 to 8 (and high?))
Extra Expert (tier 8 and high) (for NCF)
that will allow to clone tier 8 on expert mastery.....
it's useless to change extra expert, it's just for the creatures....
Finally, for this spell, expert value = extra expert value

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted March 01, 2009 02:13 AM |
I tried modding this stuff but I couldn't clone the summoned Phoenix and neither the Hive. Can you test on some level 8 NCF creatures?

Supreme Hero
posted March 01, 2009 03:41 AM |
Edited by SimonaK at 04:08, 01 Mar 2009.
Quote: I tried modding this stuff but I couldn't clone the summoned Phoenix and neither the Hive. Can you test on some level 8 NCF creatures?
Tier 8 and high creature cannot be cloned even if the value 8 or high is put to the spell Phantom Force.
surely a condition in the .exe ...it allows strange value as 160% but doesn't accept 8 as tier....
(bah, anyway 160 is surely turned to 100...but 160 is visible when we're casting it)
perhaps because especially summoning phenix is tier 8 and then that blocks casting phantom force on it.
So, cloning a tier 8 will stay an unaccesible dream, btw
its maybe correct to be not able to clone a ...boss .. 

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted March 01, 2009 09:47 AM |
I made my own version of this mod, it's currently under testing.
And no, Simon, it's not wise to increase hp penalty Resurrection and Rise Dead cause with mastery level