Thread: Coments on member signatures and avatars | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
posted March 30, 2009 02:21 PM |
Coments on member signatures and avatars
Here you may comment on anyone's avatar, signatures and ask questions like: where did you get the inspiration/did you make it yourself.
there is one rule
1. you must show the avatar or signatures you are commenting on as they are likely to change and will make no sense example:
Hey cool fish where did you get it?
:member has a desert for his signature:
you see what i mean?
let the question asking... BEGIN!!!
So much has changed in my absence.

Adventuring Hero
posted March 30, 2009 05:28 PM |
i lik my awatar , i lik druid druid is favv character in game of heros 1 2 3 4 5 and al te otehrs 

Supreme Hero
My water just broke! No, wait.
posted March 30, 2009 05:36 PM |
When I see the avatar of some of the people here in-game, I immidiately think it's them XD
"Edna, there's a special, tiny, tiny place in hell, waiting just for you... "

Famous Hero
posted March 30, 2009 05:38 PM |
Yeah, the Brand avatar (Lexx) reminds me of Lexx

Adventuring Hero
posted March 30, 2009 05:41 PM |
i donīt knov tese awatars were ar teahy from?? heros 6 or 7 ritghe??

Supreme Hero
Staright out of line
posted March 30, 2009 05:42 PM |
Quote: When I see the avatar of some of the people here in-game, I immidiately think it's them XD
So that's me! xD

Lol, no, I'm not so thin.
Sometimes I'm about to yell: "It is flat you idiots!" But I don't wanna die in fire.

Adventuring Hero
posted March 30, 2009 05:46 PM |
Quote: When I see the avatar of some of the people here in-game, I immidiately think it's them XD
So that's me! xD

Lol, no, I'm not so thin. 
i knov it is asasasin from heros 6 ritght or 7??? i donīt knov 6 or 7 i onlly hav 1-5 not 2 burt 1-5 and i saw yuo eg of heros

Famous Hero
posted March 30, 2009 05:48 PM |
Edited by Ayreon at 17:48, 30 Mar 2009.
Quote: i donīt knov tese awatars were ar teahy from?? heros 6 or 7 ritghe?? 
Heroes VI? Heroes VII?
Are you from the future?

Supreme Hero
Staright out of line
posted March 30, 2009 05:49 PM |
Lol, this is not assassin, and there are no H6 or H7. Other games exist too.
Sometimes I'm about to yell: "It is flat you idiots!" But I don't wanna die in fire.

Adventuring Hero
posted March 30, 2009 05:50 PM |
no arnetīnt tey ut yet?? i trhoght so  so i got al heros game??!??!?! no way off curse thiey ecksist

Legendary Hero
Castle/Haven player
posted March 30, 2009 05:54 PM |
You blew your cover by spelling the data in your profile right. sorry

Undefeatable Hero
Elvin's Darkside
posted March 30, 2009 05:55 PM |
The biggest epic fail i saw this week, and it's ONLY Monday.
DC's avatar is Raziel from Legacy of Kain series, and is one of the coolest game characters ever developed.
As for me...
My avatar is a pic of Arthas from WC3 human campaign cinematic.
My signature... Two lines from Metallica's Master of Puppets, which is my favourite song by them
"Kip is the Gavin McInnes of HC" - Salamandre
"Ashan to the Trashcan", "I got PTSD from H7. " - LizardWarrior

Adventuring Hero
posted March 30, 2009 05:56 PM |
tis is my broterrs profile wat yuo takling abot?

Supreme Hero
Blind Sage
posted March 30, 2009 07:52 PM |
My avatar is a combination of the two race avatars in the online game Bitefight. as for my sig. ask broadstrong and Zamfir.
Why can't you save anybody?

Legendary Hero
Cerise Princess
posted March 30, 2009 07:59 PM |

Be afraid, be very afraid...
My sig is actually an attemp to write hieroglyps (though I had to write them cause it would have been too large).

Adventuring Hero
posted March 30, 2009 08:08 PM |
my sig is LoL but i hav proff to h6 her deaf night cooool  

Undefeatable Hero
Elite Assassin
posted March 30, 2009 08:42 PM |
Edited by Asheera at 20:01, 31 Mar 2009.
My avatar:

My sig:
A deadly duo with Mytical. 
Both of my avatar and sig pic are from Lineage 2.
Avatar Source (scroll down a bit)
Sig Source
As for the little text in my sig... well, kinda obvious isn't it?

Supreme Hero
My water just broke! No, wait.
posted March 30, 2009 08:49 PM |
Edited by Ednaguy at 15:10, 31 Mar 2009.
There's a light in the darkness of everybody's life.
My (current) sig comes from the song "Over at the Frankenstein place".
"Edna, there's a special, tiny, tiny place in hell, waiting just for you... "

Supreme Hero
Allez allez allez
posted March 30, 2009 09:51 PM |
Edited by zamfir at 21:52, 30 Mar 2009.
My avvie is from... you'll never guess, from HoMM V.
And the signature prove that I'm a member in a threeway and that I love FC Liverpool.
EDIT: And the little text was fitting with the previous avvie.
5 Times TV

Legendary Hero
Shroud, Flying, Trample, Haste
posted March 31, 2009 12:45 AM |
My avatar is the logo of one of my favorite factions... next to the scrin and nod and beneath the two other subfactions. which makes them last!
Protection From Everything.