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Famous Hero
Zen Mind
posted March 31, 2009 10:51 PM |
bonus applied by VokialBG on 02 Apr 2009. |
[Tutorial] Add new Arenas
Tutorial to add new battlefields in Duel and Adventure games.
-archiver (Winrar, 7zip, winzip…)
-text editor
…and of course the TotE Maps Editor.
See what can we do: New Arenas MOD
Create your own arena:
1) Open the TotE Editor and create a new tiny (72x72) multiplayer map, named 'my_arena_01'.
2) I always start to put 4 artifacts on the map, in the 4 corners of my futur arena (coordinates: (30,39) (41,39) (30,30) (41,30)), to know exactly where I must not add object nor use terraforming. Take care of the 2 colomns on the left and the 2 on the right: heroes and warmachines will need place too (you can show the grid)!

3) Create the map, as you wish.
4) Now your Arena is ready. Erase the 4 Artifacts, save then close the TotE Editor.
Integration of the Arena in the game:
1) Open your map with an archiver (Winrar), go in Maps/Multiplayer/my_arena_01/ and extract the 2 files 'map.xdb' and 'GroundTerrain.bin'.

2) Create a folder arborescence My_Arena_MOD/Maps/CombatArenas/my_arena_01/ and put the 2 files into. Rename 'map.xdb' by 'my_arena_01.xdb'.
NOTE: if your map is underground, you must edit this file and change the <InitialFloor>0</InitialFloor> value: replace the 0 by 1.
3) Add the folder arborescence Text/DuelMode/ArenaNames/ (always in the same My_Arena_MOD folder) and create a 'my_arena_01.txt' file with the Text Editor. In this file just write the name of your Arena (will appear in Duel Mode and for the Replays). Exemple 'The best Arena!' and save in Unicode.

4) Add the folder arborescence GameMechanics/CombatArenaTypes/ and put the ' CombatArenaTypes.xdb' file that you will find in the same place, in the Data.pak. Right-click on this .xdb file and go in the properties to uncheck the "reading only" checkbox, push on 'apply' then 'ok' to allow you to edit the file.

Right-click again and use the "open with" option to open the file with your Text Editor. Look for a ground type where you wish see your Arena be used during Adventure game, as here 'Grass':

Add this line:
Quote: <Item href="/Scenes/CombatArenas/my_arena_01.xdb#xpointer(/AdventureFlybyScene)"/>

You can add this line for several ground types (as Beach_Grass for exemple, if there is water on your map), and even erase the official Arenas (but beware, you must have one map of each ground type at least, or else the game could crash!). Don't forget to save your changes.
5) Add the folder arborescence Scenes/CombatArenas/ in the same My_Arena_MOD folder then open the TotE Data.pak with an archiver and go to the same place, extract 1 file of you choose (for exemple Grass_Big_01.xdb) and put it into the Scenes/CombatArenas/ that which you have just created. Rename this file 'my_arena_01.xdb'.

Right-click on this .xdb file and go in the properties to uncheck the "reading only" checkbox, push on 'apply' then 'ok' to allow you to edit the file.

Change the scenery link by:
Quote: <Scenery href="/Maps/CombatArenas/my_arena_01/my_arena_01.xdb#xpointer(/AdvMapDesc)"/>
…the position values of the Arena by:
…then you can add a music (never tried), change the height, the ambient sound and the obstacles (for this you just need to copy-paste the line from an official map; but you can create them too).
This part is to add your Arena for Duel mode: (easy way to try you Arena)
Add the 'DuelArenasTable.(DuelArenas).xdb' directly in My_Arena_MOD folder. Right-click on this .xdb file and go in the properties to uncheck the "reading only" checkbox, push on 'apply' then 'ok' to allow you to edit the file. Right-click again and use the "open with" option to open the file with your Text Editor.

Just copy a paragraph of your ground (exemple Grass) with the 2 Item balises:

…then paste (I paste just after the Random_Arena to have my Arena on the top) and modify few things:
Lines 1 and 2: just change the Arena file name (my_arena_01).
Line 3: choose a small screenshot among the ones already used by the other official Arenas (you can add your own screenshot of course).
Line 4: choose the town type of your Arena (background image in the Duel mode selection screen).

Then save.
Try your MOD:
Now you just need to build your MOD. For this, open your first folder (My_Arena_MOD), select all files into, then right-click to create an archive (.zip). You can rename it in .h5u, but that's not required anymore.
Finally put your MOD in the UserMODs folder then run the game (go to Multiplayer/Duel mode to try easily your Arena)!
You can download the tutorial MOD HERE (in .zip format, ready to be used).
TWITCH|YouTube | NewArenas2023 MOD

Legendary Hero
Shroud, Flying, Trample, Haste
posted April 01, 2009 12:01 AM |
So i no longer have to bother you when i try to make my own stage.?
Thanks Zentihale, This tutorial is its own reward for you
Protection From Everything.

Legendary Hero
modding wizard
posted April 01, 2009 12:45 PM |
Great!, thanks, maybe I can use this later.

Famous Hero
posted April 01, 2009 12:51 PM |
Nice tutorial, man! You have my respect.

Supreme Hero
Staright out of line
posted April 01, 2009 05:34 PM |
Great tutorial, Zen! 
QP,.. oh, wait, we doesn't have a QP anymore.
Sometimes I'm about to yell: "It is flat you idiots!" But I don't wanna die in fire.

Supreme Hero
posted April 01, 2009 11:03 PM |
Quote: QP,.. oh, wait, we doesn't have a QP anymore.

Legendary Hero
First in line
posted April 02, 2009 10:04 AM |
Aince they are back, I can gran you what you deserved It's was hard to waint intill I can do so This is one very nicelly and professionaly made guide. I was really hopeing that you are going po post one, now everyone can make his own arena.
Let's just make a deal - everyone who create one, please post it here 
So..., since you already deserved QP and half for your arenas, I'm giving you full one here

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted April 02, 2009 10:09 AM |
Thanks for this one, I don't have to wait a month for my arena to be playable anymore

Famous Hero
Zen Mind
posted April 03, 2009 12:09 AM |
Thank you! 
I just added a precision: to see the name of your Arena in Duel mode you must save the .txt in Unicode.
TWITCH|YouTube | NewArenas2023 MOD

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 03, 2009 10:46 AM |
I might make an arena, I like making maps. except I usually build them for FPS

Legendary Hero
Shroud, Flying, Trample, Haste
posted April 03, 2009 08:38 PM |
hmm since arenas are technically maps does that mean we can script an arena? you know for something like a peasant to run laps around the heroes or something.

Supreme Hero
Staright out of line
posted April 05, 2009 04:21 PM |
Maybe stick this thread? Just a suggestion.
Sometimes I'm about to yell: "It is flat you idiots!" But I don't wanna die in fire.

Famous Hero
Zen Mind
posted April 06, 2009 05:28 PM |
Quote: hmm since arenas are technically maps does that mean we can script an arena? ...
Probably, but I didn't tried it.
TWITCH|YouTube | NewArenas2023 MOD

Supreme Hero
posted April 10, 2009 03:32 PM |
i cant do it
it cant see my map when im in winrar/map folder
is it because the map has no objective or too small to be noticed?
So much has changed in my absence.

Famous Hero
Zen Mind
posted April 10, 2009 05:10 PM |
No, it's probably a Windows problem: go to the "folder options" and watch if you can show the hidden folders or the archives (.h5u and .h5m are just .zip (renamed)). If you can see your archives, you should can see the maps too.
TWITCH|YouTube | NewArenas2023 MOD

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 10, 2009 05:51 PM |
just realised it may be a good thing to master the editor when you try to make an arena lol. I have trouble with the terrain tools, why when I choose a 3x3 pencil, it modifies everything in a 9x9 area and when I choose a 1x1 pencil, it does nothing?

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted April 10, 2009 06:26 PM |
Because you can dig underground only by 3x3 tiles. But I guess that's not the biggest issue you should worry about?

Supreme Hero
posted April 11, 2009 08:39 PM |
k... good news is that i can find the map
bad news is im stuck at step 4
It apears as a folder with separate xdb files for each type of arena (beach, Orkish beach etc.) and im not sure which to click on
So much has changed in my absence.

Famous Hero
Zen Mind
posted April 11, 2009 09:12 PM |
Quote: im stuck at step 4...It apears as a folder with separate xdb files for each type of arena (beach, Orkish beach etc.)
Step 4 or 5 At step 4 you just work on 1 file: CombatArenaTypes.xdb
TWITCH|YouTube | NewArenas2023 MOD

Supreme Hero
posted April 11, 2009 09:35 PM |
First i go into win rar and go into data.pak
this is what it shows

i copy and paste it into the folder "arborescence"(im pretty sure that means a folder that has the same name as another)
this is what it looks like

thats not a xdb file
So much has changed in my absence.