Thread: Duel Map Tournament - Fixtures and Results | |

Supreme Hero
Allez allez allez
posted April 10, 2009 05:09 PM |
Edited by zamfir at 13:46, 13 Apr 2009.
Duel Map Tournament - Fixtures and Results
1.1. Legend
Numbers in ( ) show how many tournaments each player has participated in.
- Gold Medal
- SIlver Medal
1. Elvin 27 (6)  
2. Arcax 19 (5)
3. blizzardboy 18 (5)
4-5. Sq79 16 (2)  
4-5. Final_Boss 16 (3)  
6. Radar 15 (3) 
7. Veco 13 (3) 
8. Asheera 12 (6) 
9. Eugen 11 (5)
10. Zamfir 10 (5)
11. Tann 9 (2)
12-13. Pera 7 (3) 
12-13. Azagal 7 (5)
15-17. Attila 5 (2)
15-17. Lepastur 5 (3)
15-17. Phoenix 5 (5)
15-17. SeLu87 5 (2)
18-19. Clayman 4 (2)
18-19. Fiur 4 (3)
20. Skele 3 (2)
21-26. Dagoth 2 (1)
21-26. Destro 2 (2)
21-26. Lesij 2 (2)
21-26. Lexxan 2 (1)
21-26. Mamga 2 (1)
21-26. Rubycus 2 (1)
27-30. Larry 1 (2)
27-30. Typhys 1 (1)
27-30. Valky 1 (1)
27-30. Vangelis 1 (1)
First Tournament
Map(s) Used: Duel Map 1.2 Beta
Duel Map 1.5
Duel Map 1.6
Duel Map 1.6b
Duel Map 2.0

Alc ---------|
|--- Eugen ---|
Eugen -------| |
Asheera ----| | |
|--- Asheera -| |
Vangelis ----| |
Azagal ------| | |
|-blizzardboy-| | |
blizzardboy -| | | |
|-blizzardboy-| |
Elvin -------| | |
|--- Lexxan --| |
Lexxan ------| |
|--- Radar 
Mytical -----| |
|--- Zamfir --| |
Zamfir ------| | |
|--Zamfir---| |
Fiur --------| | | |
|--- Fiur ----| | |
Vokial ------| |----Radar----|
Radar -------| |
|--- Radar ---| |
Typhys ------| |---Radar---|
Skele ---------------------|
1/8 Finals
1. Eugen_Cosmarul - Alcibiades
Alcibiades forfeited due to lack of time.
2. Vangelis - Asheera
First Match: (0-1) Stronghold - Fortress N/A
Second Match: (1-1) Necropolis - Dungeon Replay
Third Match: (1-2) Sylvan - Academy N/A
3. Azagal - blizzardboy
First Match: (0-1) Necropolis - Academy Replay
Second Match: (0-2) Sylvan - Fortress Replay
Third Match: N/A
4. Elvin - Lexxan
First Match: (0-1) Sylvan - Inferno Replay
Second Match: (0-1) Dungeon - Fortress N/A
Third Match: N/A
5. Mytical - Zamfir
Mytical forfeited.
6. Fiur - Vokial
Vokial forfeited.
7. Radar - Typhys
First Match: (1-0) Sylvan - Fortress Replay
Second Match: (1-1) Necropolis - Dungeon N/A
Third Match: (2-1) Thypys forfeited.
8. Skeleton_King
Skeleton_King automatically advanced to the next round due to lack of players.
1/4 Finals
1. Eugen - Asheera
First Match: (0-1) Stronghold - Haven Replay
Second Match: (1-1) Academy - Necropolis Replay
Third Match: (1-2) Haven - Fortress Replay
2. blizzardboy - Lexxan
First Match: (1-0) Academy - Stronghold Replay
Second Match: (2-0) Necropolis - Haven Replay
Third Match: N/A
3. Zamfir - Fiur
Fiur forfeited due to lack of time.
4. Radar - Skele
First Match: (1-0) Fortress - Sylvan Replay
Second Match: (2-0) Haven - Dungeon Replay
Third Match: N/A
1. Asheera - blizzardboy
First Match: (0-1) Fortress - Academy Replay
Second Match: (1-1) Dungeon - Haven Replay
Third Match: (2-1) Sylvan - Necropolis Replay
2. Zamfir - Radar
First Match: (0-1) Sylvan - Fortress N/A
Second Match: (0-2) Dungeon - Sylvan Replay
Third Match: N/A
1. Asheera - Radar
First Match: (1-0) Haven - Stronghold Replay
Second Match: (1-1) Dungeon - Academy Replay
Third Match: (1-2) Fortress - Haven Replay
Radar 8
Asheera 7
blizzardboy 5
Zamfir 4
Eugen 3
Fiur 2
Lexxan 2
Skele 2
Typhys 1
Vangelis 1
Second Tournament
Map(s) Used: Duel Map 2.4
Duel Map 2.6 (broken link)

PhoenixReborn --|
Final_Boss -----| |
Zamfir ---------| | |
|----Azagal----| |
Azagal ---------| |
Lesij ----------| | |
|-----Lesij----| | |
Skele ----------| | | |
|-----Arcax----| |--- Final_Boss 
Blizzardboy ----| | | |
|-----Arcax----| | |
Arcax ----------| | |
Elvin ----------| |
|-----Elvin----| |
Asheera --------| | |
Eugen ----------| |
Fiur -----------|
1/6 Finals
1. PhoenixReborn - Final_Boss
First Match: (0-1) Fortress - Necropolis Replay
Second Match: (0-2) Haven - Stronghold Replay
Third Match: N/A
2. Zamfir - Azagal
First Match: (1-0) Haven - Sylvan Replay
Second Match: (1-1) Sylvan - Stronghold N/A
Third Match: (1-2) Necropolis - Haven Replay
3. Lesij - Skele
First Match: (0-1) Stronghold - Necropolis N/A
Second Match: (1-1) Haven - Sylvan N/A
Third Match: (1-2) Dungeon - Haven N/A
4. blizzardboy - Arcax
First Match: (0-1) Inferno - Haven Replay
Second Match: (0-2) Necropolis - Dungeon N/A
Third Match: N/A
5. Elvin - Asheera
First Match: (0-1) Sylvan - Stronghold Replay
Second Match: (1-1) Stronghold - Dungeon Replay
Third Match: (2-1) Haven - Sylvan Replay
6. Eugen - Fiur
First Match: (1-0) Necropolis - Haven Replay
Second Match: (1-1) Haven - Stronghold Replay
Third Match: (2-1) Sylvan - Fortress Replay
5 Times TV

Famous Hero
posted April 14, 2009 04:31 PM |
Wow, waiting for the other 6 Duel Maps.

Famous Hero
posted April 14, 2009 06:19 PM |
hi can you please post more of final boss's battles. i'm trying to learn the ropes with necro and he seems to be pretty good!

Supreme Hero
Allez allez allez
posted April 14, 2009 07:14 PM |
All at their time. I just started.
Btw, I totally messed up the BB codes, anyone could help? (just quote, fix and post, and I'll replace)
5 Times TV

Tavern Dweller
posted December 28, 2013 01:16 AM |
The links for Duel Maps 2.4 and 2.6 don't work 2.4 Link displays some hundreds-MB Vokswagen stuff and 2.4 refers to a nonexistent file.
Can someone please provide a functional links for these two