Legendary Hero
of Ooohs and Aaahs
posted August 21, 2009 01:58 AM |
Edited by VokialBG at 18:26, 28 Jul 2011.
hello. i got a question how do i create my own hero models? If i want to make specific hero models the way I want,how do i do that? there are guides for differnt things but not specificly on this.
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types in obscure english
Supreme Hero
posted August 22, 2009 04:13 PM |
Edited by SimonaK at 16:18, 22 Aug 2009.
creating a new hero model is same thing that creating a new creature...
all creature models can become a hero model and vice and versa.
moreover the limit number of heroes in the game seems unlimited, my game has 308 heroes (all from H4). no hex-edited exe was required.
/MapObjects/_(AdvMapSharedGroup)/Heroes/Any.xdb and other files from this folder must be edited to add new heroes
but we can just replace the model of a old one then no need to edit the sharedgroup files.