

Hired Hero
posted November 19, 2009 10:13 AM |
Edited by VokialBG at 18:35, 28 Jul 2011.
How to pass parameters to QuestionBox() callback?
I am creating a special building on a multiplayer map.
When touched,
( Trigger(OBJECT_TOUCH_TRIGGER,objectName,triggerFunction )
this building will show a Dialog(Prompt to do something or not, by
if the player press "OK", then execute some function in Callback.
The question is I cannot get the parameters in the QuestionBoxForPlayers() callback. The callback can only contains function name but not any other parameter so I cannot determine which player and hero this function should operate on in the callback function.
I found some solutions:
1 Create Callback1,Callback2, Callback3 ... function series ,etc, and write callback function like
to execute function for each player .
I need to write 8 nearly the same functions for it , this method is really bulky and messy.
2 use a global var, set it before call QuestionBoxForPlayers and get it in the callback function . But I must create 8 global var to avoid conflict between players.
This method is shoter than 1# , but still messy and it CANNOT work in Sync Mode for this function can be called twice at the same time which make it is impossible to identify itself.
Is there any good method to pass parameter to the callback function?
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