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Heroes Community > MapHaven Guild > Thread: help with THUNK
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Tavern Dweller
posted May 21, 2010 05:07 AM

help with THUNK

Hope I'm not starting a redundant thread. I've looked for the topic on this forum but couldn't find it..

I'm playing THUNK with Wog 3.58. So Catarina is trying to rescue Corribus, and when she meets him, it shows that she gave him the Summon Boat scroll. However, neither she nor Corribus have the spell after the encounter, and I'm left with only one boat. Do I need to do something special to build a boat for Corribus? Or am I supposed to leave Catarina on the island?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 21, 2010 08:05 AM

She has to go and rescue him:


I. Securing Corribus's Island

This series of events takes place in the beginning of the map.  I won't go through every event that happens, but rather I will outline what you should do to secure your island and prevent an army from finding you.  Your first priority is taking the cave at (95,43,0) as there are supplies and weapons there.  But killing that many peasants with your starting army is impossible.  Note that your starting army is also WEAKENED until you find food.

After exploring your island (ignore the cave for now) go through the portal (98,41,0) and then south.  Beat the two ogres to be awarded with a bunch of unarmed elves (peasants).  Make sure to visit the obelisk.

Back through the portal (86,42,0).  You still can't beat the cave peasants, but visiting the palm trees on the island will change one peasant to one elf.  If you visit each palm tree, you should be able to amass enough elves to make taking the cave possible.

Once you do, go below and upgrade your troops AND grab the mercury.

Go back through the portal above ground and challenge the ogres guarding the structure at (88,40,0).  Here you can trade your pure mercury for plutonium.  Take it back to the portal and destroy it.  Now you're safe until Catarina picks you up.

II.  The Tent Quests for the Armor of Bivimis.

This is actually a fairly easy series of quests.  You simply need to use one tent to find the next.  Once you find the black tent, you can access Bivimis' tombs and secure a fairly powerful artifact for yourself (comprised of three components).  The tents are pretty easy to find, though one (red) is hard to get to.  Below is a list of the tents in order, their locations, and any special things you need to do to get to them.

Blue Tent: 34,67,0

Red Tent: 1,78,0 - to get here, you need to visit the lookout tower at 24,79,0 and yell the password.  The hint, given to you by the sign next to the tower, says "Yell Point".  Thus the password is point.

Brown Tent: 94,87,0 - to get here you need to take the portal at 9,106,0.  Bring a hero who can cast spells because you'll need to summon a boat.

Green Tent: 78,87,0

Aqua Tent: 95,0,0

Black Tent: 65,32,0

Once you visit the black tent, you can can access the tombs at (65,51,0), (2,97,0) and (46,105,0).

Most of the remaining quests directly (or indirectly) involve defeating the THUNK, defeating Mok Choi and finding the ashes of Aravicious.

III. The Inn of the Wilting Sword (or Sinking Katana, or whatever)

Not much to do here, but it's important nonetheless.  After your first visit (must be Corribus who goes) you'll be kicked out.  You need to blow up the place with plutonium to find the supposed Ashes underneath.  There are a number of places you can find plutonium so I won't list them all (note: if you find ultrapure mercury, you can always go back to the explosion expert that Corribus visits early to convert it to more plutonium).  When you do, you'll find an Arc which surprisingly does NOT have the ashes.  Depending on the order in which you do things, you may or may not get a message telling you that you need to speak to Cavius.  In any case, he's the next person to see.  But it's not so easy to do so (see below).

IV. The Elves of Ort'artala, Camfrey and Cavius

This is sort of divided into three quests but I'll include them all here under one heading because they're all related.  The Camfrey quest is the most involved.

1. Visit Ort'artala as soon as you can.  When you do, you'll read some events about the destruction of the village and you'll hear that the village elder is still alive.  He's the man you want to see.  But to see him, you'll need to kill Camfrey, the dude who now oversees this area of the country.  To overthrow his castle involves some subterfuge involving Camfrey's son.

2. Go get the four-leaf clover that the elves need to make a potion.  That can be found at (36,67,0), albeit for a nice chunk of change.

3. Return to Ort'artala with the clover and read some more events.  Packard, a sharpshooter, joins your army.  Note, he can now NOT be killed as in previous versions.  What you need to do is shoot Camfrey's son with the sharpshooter to drug him.  This will help you get into the castle.

4. Visit the windmill area south of Ort'artala.  On days 2 and 5, Camfrey's son is randomly at one of the windmills in that area.  Thus visit windmills on these two days until you randomly precipitate a battle (or visit ALL windmills on one of the days to be sure of finding Camfrey that day).  In the battle, you need to hit Sam Camfrey twice with Packard to hypnotize him AND win the battle without him dying.

5. After the battle, you have three days to storm the castle at (78,67,0).  If you take longer than 3 days, you still have the ring that will get you past the guards, but the battle will be much tougher.  Anyway, after the battle, read some surprising events and return to Ort'artala where you're told some MORE surprising things.  But now you can visit Cavius at his retreat (72,49,0).  

6. Do so, where you're told even MORE surprising things.  Note: if you have not been to the inn of the drooping blade (or whatever it's called), do so first.  You CAN visit Cavius first, but you're going to need to speak to him after destroying the inn in any case, so you might as well kill two birds with one stone.  Cavius tells you a lot of things but basically he gives you two quests: The Sword of Elfrendil and the Orbs.  The former is part of the quest to kill the THUNK and the latter is used to find the Ashes.

V. The Sword of Elfrendil and the THUNK

Killing the THUNK is impossible without charging the sword of Elfrendil, a task which is mostly easy but takes some walking around.  This is made more difficult by the fact that once you start charging the blade, a lot of restrictions on the THUNK's movement are lifted, so he's going to become more of a nuisance, and quickly.

Anyway, to charge the sword, you basically need to visit a bunch of statues around the map: (3,91,0), (43,87,0), (46,43,0), (88,82,0) and (87,82,0).  There is only one slight caveat: the statue of 87,82,0 has been graverobbed.  In order to charge your sword at this statue, you need to return the missing corpse to the statue; it can be found by blowing up the temple at (58,5,0) and going underground.  Once you have the sword charged, defeating the THUNK becomes realistic (note: you can hurt the THUNK as soon as you have the blade, but you'll do very little damage).

A word about taking on the THUNK.  It's not an easy fight, as his defense is absurdly high AND all his troops are immune to magic.  You CAN cast magic on your own troops.  I also highly recommend having the artifacts of Bivimis and also the WoG Dragon artifact (22,30,0).  Anyway, taking on the THUNK in the open field is foolhardy.  You'll get massacred.  We have included an option that lets you easily  surrender from battle with 80% of your troops - I suggest doing this if you get caught fighting before you want to.

Anyway, the way I beat the THUNK was to lure him into attacking me in a castle.  While he's still tough, the castle walls can slow down his ground troops enough that you can focus on those pesky cyclopes and thunderbirds, his most immediately dangerous stacks.  Note that you cannot lose Corribus to death (but you CAN retreat), so the THUNK needs to fight you in a barbarian castle (with escape hole) so that you can retreat.  Anyway, the first time I fought him (with Castle troops), it took everything I had just to kill his thunderbirds.  I retreated and rehired Corribus out of the swamp towns and recruited everything I could (which turned out to be a lot of troops - it's essential you have lots of towns full of troops for this to work) and lured the THUNK into attacking me AGAIN in the barbarian town.  This time I was able to wipe out the cyclops and a lot of the behemoths (those mighty gorgons are IMMENSELY useful here - don't lose them stupidly!) before retreating.  I rehired again with barbarian troops and this time took the THUNK in the open field.  Hopefully you'll have enough troops left to kill the THUNK itself

VI. The Orbs and Pedestals and the Ashes

After you kill the THUNK and acquire the Ghosan, you can take on Mok Choi any time you want (she's a lot easier than the THUNK).  However, I recommend acquiring the Orbs first.  These are lengthy quests that can be done at any point throughout the map.  You may have acquired some of them already.  There are four of them, one for each element.  You need all four to find the Ashes.

Water Orb: The easiest to get, it's at (78,103,0).  You can either just go grab it (battle) or you can do it the smart way and find the boots of levitation (101,98,0) and then go grab it.  If you do it the former way, your troops are going to be sick and dying for several days afterwards.  Having the boot negates all those ill effects and may make the battle a little eaasier too.  But it's your choice.

Earth Orb: If you blow up the boulder at (76,73,0) with plutonium, you can enter the waterfall.  Behind the waterfall is the Earth Orb (some battles).

Fire Orb: After taking the town at (70,3,0), you will liberate an Efreet.  He joins your army and will guide you to the Fire Orb at (72,25,0).  There is a battle that ensues and defeating the fire bird more easily requires a bit of a puzzle itself: to cut short its rebirths, you need to hit it with an ice-bolt first.

Air Orb: This one takes the longest.  You can actually see it above ground, behind a quest guard, but the quest is impossible (10,000 gems!).  Back door: In the desert area, there's a cave that leads underground (86,104,0).  Go there and you'll find a man trying to build a bridge.  To do so, he need a cart of ironwood lumber, which can be got by visiting a lumberjack who resides at a randomly picked lumberyard (so I can't tell you which one he's at in your game).  Fetch the lumberjack the help he needs to get the ironwood, then return to the bridge builder with the lumber and a bridge will be built that connects the northern and southern areas underground.  Visit the builder again after the bridge is built and he then tells you that he can build another bridge with some more lumber.  Return to the lumberjack, who will give you more lumber if you give him a centaur axe (51,81,0).  Do so, build the bridge, follow the tunnel, and emerge at (76,44,0).  Grab the orb (battle).

When you have all the orbs, now you must figure out what to do with them.  This is a puzzle.  You may have noticed that there are four obelisks and four pedestals (although one is hidden, see below) around Mok Choi's area.  The four obelisks are labelled: Mist, Smoke, Dust and Steam in the following order:

Smoke           Steam

Dust            Mist

In between any two obelisks is a pedestal (except between Smoke and Steam, where Mok Choi's castles is - you'll need to kill her to access that one.  Just blow up her castle with Plutonium when you've killed her!).  The trick is putting the appropriate orb on the appropriate pedestal.  Just think of which elements, when combined, give you the mixtures represented by the obelisks.  For example, Earth and Fire give you smoke.

The solution is as follows:

Smoke     Fire      Steam
Earth               Water
Dust      Air       Mist

When all the orbs have been properly placed, the portal at (74,33,0) will be activated.

This will take you to the "Ashes" but it's another fake!  However, it should be clear where the REAL ashes are - go back to the cave on the starting island with some plutonium and find out!

Return home with the artifact and read the conclusion.  Hopefully we'll have map 3 out by the year 2094.

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Tavern Dweller
posted May 21, 2010 08:09 AM

Thanks man! But I have the help text. I've completed the 1st part of the quest already. The thing is Catarina is given a Summon Boat scroll and is told to give it to Corribus. But when Catarina gets to Corribus's island and meets him, it shows that she has given him the scroll, but neither have the Summon Boat spell. And I have two heroes on an island, with only one boat, and no Summon Boat spell! Which makes me think there might be an error in the map..

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 21, 2010 09:04 AM

Normally when she meets Coribus, an extra summon spell scroll is created in Caterina's backpack.
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Tavern Dweller
posted May 21, 2010 09:15 AM

hmmm, I guess I have a defective map then. Merci quand même!

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Hero of Order
The Abyss Staring Back at You
posted May 21, 2010 03:29 PM

Thanks man! But I have the help text. I've completed the 1st part of the quest already. The thing is Catarina is given a Summon Boat scroll and is told to give it to Corribus. But when Catarina gets to Corribus's island and meets him, it shows that she has given him the scroll, but neither have the Summon Boat spell. And I have two heroes on an island, with only one boat, and no Summon Boat spell! Which makes me think there might be an error in the map..

This is the first I've heard of this bug and that map has thousands of downloads.  Too bad Fnord isn't still around - he did the scripting and would be better able to address this.  It's been a while since I played the map, but as I recall, this isn't necessarily a game ending problem - you'll just have to bring another boat to the island at some point to pick Catarina up.

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Tavern Dweller
posted May 21, 2010 07:09 PM

Awww... Well maybe I downloaded the map from an unreliable source. So far I'm loving the map, and I don't wanna encounter more problems. Can you suggest a reliable source? I'm not so far into the game so I won't mind starting over again.

PS: If you're the Corribus in the map, kudos on an amazing map! And on the effort you put in the story!

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Hero of Order
The Abyss Staring Back at You
posted May 21, 2010 07:53 PM

Awww... Well maybe I downloaded the map from an unreliable source. So far I'm loving the map, and I don't wanna encounter more problems. Can you suggest a reliable source? I'm not so far into the game so I won't mind starting over again.

As far as I know there are not multiple versions floating around out there.  It's more likely you've just encountered some bug that we never found.  In which case, you could try loading an older save or just starting the version you have over.

The version available at Celestial Heavens should be fine.

PS: If you're the Corribus in the map, kudos on an amazing map! And on the effort you put in the story!

Thanks - only wish I had every gotten around to finishing the whole campaign.

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Hired Hero
posted March 18, 2012 03:51 PM

An old thread, but I couldn't find any other similar threads.

I'm playing THUNK now.  Last Hope was tough! Following the hints, and sending Corribus north led to victory.  I grew to love the commanders.

A couple of questions about THUNK.  In another thread, someone mentioned digging holes as a way to prevent AI landings.  I've never tried that in HOMM3.  Does it really work?

It looks to me that one of the keys to victory is to raid continuously.  Both with the king and with expendable heroes.  

Corribus, I'm enjoying the series.  Great storyline.  Last Hope would make for a great board wargame too. And Caterina has a beautiful picture.  Is she still single? lol

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Hero of Order
The Abyss Staring Back at You
posted March 18, 2012 04:34 PM

I'm glad you liked the map. You should play the next two.

A couple of questions about THUNK.  In another thread, someone mentioned digging holes as a way to prevent AI landings.  I've never tried that in HOMM3.  Does it really work?

Yes, apparently the AI recognizes a hole as an object.  But that does seem like a lot of work to get around having to actually win by direct combat.

Is she still single? lol

As far as I know.
I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're goin', and hook up with them later. -Mitch Hedberg

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Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted March 22, 2012 05:06 PM

How can there be 5 statues when there are 4?

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Hired Hero
posted March 24, 2012 01:24 PM

Is Catarina still supposed to have a Summon Boat scroll for her brother, or has that been replaced by her fixing his ship?  When I play, there isn't a summon boat scroll.

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Hero of Order
The Abyss Staring Back at You
posted March 25, 2012 06:11 AM

Being honest, I don't completely remember.  I think that once the ship is repaired, that's it.  You'll have to send someone else to get Catarina if you want her off the island.

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Undefeatable Hero
Now, this is a paradox...
posted April 09, 2012 03:11 PM

(For WoG version) When Catarina gets to the island give the scroll to Corribus, make Catarina visit Corribus' ship and there you go. (Make sure that you read the message when Catarina leaves)

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Hired Hero
posted May 06, 2012 08:58 PM

Corribus, are all of the HoMM 3 Last Hope maps available?  I downloaded a map pack for WoG/ERA.  It only has the maps through Toran's Rift.  Where can I find the last two maps?  

I liked Toran's Rift.  Losing Sallet like that was sad.  I was expecting to see him as a general in the next map.  

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Hero of Order
The Abyss Staring Back at You
posted May 07, 2012 05:17 AM
Edited by Corribus at 15:37, 07 May 2012.

Corribus, are all of the HoMM 3 Last Hope maps available?  I downloaded a map pack for WoG/ERA.  It only has the maps through Toran's Rift.  Where can I find the last two maps?  

Hi Laucian -

First there are - or will be - three maps after Toran Rift, not two.  And I guess that indirectly answers your question.  The reason you can only find maps through Toran Rift is because this was the last map that has been released.  

At this point you really have two options to see how the story ends.

First, you can wait around until Cave of Dreams (map 5) is released.  On the one hand you might think you'll be waiting awhile for that, given that Toran Rift was released about 6 or so years ago.  On the other hand, I can unofficially tell you that your wait probably won't be infinitely long, unless I should die or something in the near future.  That's probably not too helpful, but it's something.

Second, if you don't feel like waiting for Cave of Dreams, you *can* download the H2 version of the campaign and play those maps all the way through the end.  'course, you'll need H2 for that, and it's important to point out that the story of the WoG has about 100x the detail that the H2 version had.  So while you'll get the basic idea of the story, a lot of the characters you've grown to know in the WoG version won't be there.

Other than that, I'll say thanks for playing and keep your eyes open for details about the remainder of the campaign.  I'm glad you've enjoyed the maps so far.
I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're goin', and hook up with them later. -Mitch Hedberg

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Legendary Hero
walking to the library
posted February 26, 2013 12:01 PM

Corribus and Fnord,thank you for making this map!
I enjoy:
-the rich story
-in battle messages
-artefact binding to a hero(Not being able to trade it with another hero)
-the inicial inability to land on the continent
-charging the artefact
-the many quests
-being able to dig my whole coast
-being able to attack and escape

The bad part is I have only my 3 castles and the Stronghold and all the other castles on the continent are guarded by strong mobile armies(2 except THUNK,which make them 3).
I managed to secure one artefact from the three tombs,but the other two are in the AI's posession.
I am in 10th month now,so I just hope the game to not freeze if I am too late(among the castles AI now has the rampart with the dwarven treasury,thus I suppose making good money).
I am not stuck,just making slow progress.

Part of my progress are the statues,which I visit(3 at the moment) and soon I intend to go for the orbs.
"I heard the latest HD version disables playing Heroes. Please reconsider."-Salamandre

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Hero of Order
The Abyss Staring Back at You
posted March 03, 2013 12:17 AM

Very welcome.  Unfortunately for you, I think there might be an significant update before too long.
I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're goin', and hook up with them later. -Mitch Hedberg

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Legendary Hero
walking to the library
posted March 03, 2013 09:11 AM
Edited by master_learn at 14:55, 03 Mar 2013.

Unfortunately for you

an significant update

These two phrazes doesn't compute for any H3 map.
I am not H3 map-maker yet,but I have respect to any of the H3 map-makers and believe any H3 map gets only better(or at least with the same quality)with an update(being even small one,let alone significant).

I got the orbs and managed to place the first 3 on pedestals.
Now the sword have the power from all 5 of the statues.
Pity for me Bred does not appear-I guess I messed up the part of his script where he is healed and if not in town,in a tavern.
All the time the town is in the hands of AI for the 3 armies reason.
Edit:I got the Dij(with the two artifacts I missed from Bevimis combo),now I got the sword AND the combo,left strong mobile enemies Krog and the THUNK.
"I heard the latest HD version disables playing Heroes. Please reconsider."-Salamandre

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Undefeatable Hero
posted March 03, 2013 10:42 AM

I only played the Last Hope Heroes 2 map. It was aces.
Horses don't die on a dog's wish.

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