Thread: [Project] - New Creatures | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
posted July 27, 2010 05:18 PM |
[Project] - New Creatures
Okay, the purpose/idea/plan of the project is to redo ALL the creatures in the game . Shocking, yes, it might sound that.
But, when we all talented people here in HC will join together, it will not take that long (maybe). And remember this, you only need to
probably recolor and perhaps add some smal stuff. The creatures' names will be changed, but they will not be new. For an example, the
Necropolis' creatures will stay as Skeleton, Zomblie, Ghost, Vampire, etc.. They might only be changed to something like War
Skeleton and Terrifying Dead or something. If you want to join, just read the instructions below .
Sorry, I lost all my files when my computer broke down.. I will not be able to continue this project in a while. Anyways, anyone else
who wants surely can continue the project and remake the creatures . People who work on the project, tell me (in private or
here) what town and what creature are you working on, and I'll add you and the creature(s) to the factions line-up .

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 27, 2010 09:23 PM |
A lot of work 
You should hire a team, as for making all 196 you will be done in 2057 at best.

Supreme Hero
posted July 27, 2010 09:27 PM |
Already 6 creatures in two days .
I guess you're right.. So, new team members wanted! If anyone would like to join the project, say here. It's an easy job, you'll just need to probably only recolor and add some small stuff. I'll be doing the Fortress town with some help from LizardWarrior (the Lizard Archer and Sniper), anyone who wants can start making creatures for other towns . Just tell here what you want to do and I'll edit the first post and reserve the creature(s) to you .

Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted July 27, 2010 09:37 PM |
I started work at Lizard Sniper & Archer,tommorow they will be ready.

Famous Hero
posted July 27, 2010 09:47 PM |
I like one question though: will the unique abilities remain the same or are you planning redoing them also?

Supreme Hero
posted July 27, 2010 09:58 PM |
Some remain, some may not

Famous Hero
kłoribaz to kutaspociąg
posted July 27, 2010 11:21 PM |
Wow, that silver gorgon looks amazing!
If gorgons wouldn't be already in game I think that it would be perfect as a robot unit for Forge.
Keep that good work!
Hmm... You know, if you're interrested I could help you, for example I could make "on map" creatures's defs.

Supreme Hero
posted July 27, 2010 11:28 PM |
Thanks, but I already made ones for all these . You can make them later when more creatures will be made, these ones are already 100% done .
@Edit, it's 2:58 in the morning/night so I think I should go to bed , just finished the 4th level upgrade. Now level 1, 3, 4 and 5 are done. Eight creatures in 2,5 days, new own record (mostly only recolored, but still)

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 28, 2010 02:23 AM |
Look at top. What you see?
Get some Sleep GnollKing!!


Hired Hero
posted July 28, 2010 10:19 AM |
Without hard feelings.
Can someone explain to me, what is the point in recoloring existing creatures? This thread shouldn't be named New Creatures but "Horribly Recolored Creatures from HoMM3 - don't look if you don't wanna have a nightmares".
Same situation is with "Thread: Blade of Hope [MOD]" and few others.
@gnollking - wouldn't it be better if you create one really new creature per day than recolor 10 or 20 creatures per day!?
The best this kind of thread is "Thread: Praetorian, Egypt archer and other".
Thx to all involved with this, special to Salamander and Itsjustme - really good job! I hope it will be somehow finalized as complete mod or map.

Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted July 28, 2010 10:34 AM |
If you don't like,make you creatures ,don't critic so much.If you made new or extracted from other games creatures,you can comment.Until that keep the critics for you.

Supreme Hero
posted July 28, 2010 10:41 AM |
@Lichemaster, Yes, I do agree with you, that completely new creatures are much better than only recolored ones, but the recolored creatures can also look good. I will not only recolor, but also might edit/add something. the creatures level 3, 4 and 5 are not the final versions.
Blade of Hope?! Wtf, it's a great thread and an awesome project. If you haven't read it already, it says they're planning to add second upgrades, which I think will look much more better with original-looking creatures, instead of Civilization, Oblivion and other (great) creatures like them.
Quote: wouldn't it be better if you create one really new creature per day than recolor 10 or 20 creatures per day!?
To answer your question, yes.
And by the way, these are "new creatures", since they got "new names" 

Famous Hero
kłoribaz to kutaspociąg
posted July 28, 2010 12:23 PM |
The best this kind of thread is "Thread: Praetorian, Egypt archer and other".
You mean that all those "ripped from other games" creatures are better?
Gnollking - But it is truth, that basilisks don't look so good as the others...

Supreme Hero
posted July 28, 2010 12:24 PM |
That's exactly what I thought , that's why I already started to redo them 
@Edit, and perhaps make the Dark Gorgon (upgrade) also silver/black/white, it doesn't look good..

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted July 28, 2010 12:36 PM |
The creatures from other games were made by professional artists and well payed, thus can not compare with recolored or hand made by the apprentices here. Most of those models from other games do not fit in Heroes and will be only used (I hope) for custom mods or maps. I am only creating a database from which everyone should be able to choose or to skip if he dislike them.
That's why the thread about ripped models was created, outside from "possible creatures" or other threads. No connection, and surely not competition.
Era II mods and utilities

Famous Hero
posted July 28, 2010 01:17 PM |
Ok, replace for example Marksman with any archer from Salamander's and Itsjustme topic. I dont think it will fit into game. (they are still great work though) And GK's creatures will fit. That's the diffrence. These are creatures that will fit to normal games, not only to custom mods and maps like these ripped from other games. And i don't think that new models would be good; just look on already existing creatures. Every upgraded creature is just recolored downgrade with added 1-2 elements (armor, weapon etc.) So please, before u start talking, think first or just stfu. (sorry )


Hired Hero
posted July 29, 2010 12:35 PM |
Ok. Thx for all your explanations. And efforts to keep H3 still living.
I just wanted to share my opinion. Keep on you work, no matter if I like it or not, it is always nice to check these threads 
Sorry for may bad words. I had bad day. Low pressure around and rain

Adventuring Hero
Child Killer
posted July 29, 2010 03:25 PM |
Ill make the zombies and liches

Undefeatable Hero
Elvin's Darkside
posted July 29, 2010 09:22 PM |
So the gnolls will deal extra damage to goblins and wolf riders? You do realize that you have to add the same thing to at least goblins?
The gorgons are really well done though.
"Kip is the Gavin McInnes of HC" - Salamandre
"Ashan to the Trashcan", "I got PTSD from H7. " - LizardWarrior

Supreme Hero
posted July 30, 2010 12:44 PM |
Really f***ing great news, my computer broke down and I didn't have anything backuped.. I'm currently writing from my friend's computer. So, seems like I'm not gonna continue this project or any else in a short while.. All the creatures need to be redone.. For now on I will always backup.