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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: For blood and gore
Thread: For blood and gore

Legendary Hero
posted August 02, 2010 02:40 PM

For blood and gore

It was another silent night in a small city, something of a tradepost whenever spring arrived. Of course, it was sadly quite some time until spring nymphs would come and chase away king winter. A gigantic wooden palisade surrounding a big bunch of houses, with over 10 meters from the wall to the actual city, whoever managed to their insane plans for building the city did not do a too shabby job, it seemed constructed for the harsh winter, and to be rebuilt quickly if anything actually happened. Of course, this was the northlands, nothing ever happened here except a gargantuan monster of lore whom nobody understood, nor saw until it had broken trough whatever was of fortifications.
The buildings of the town was in mostly a chipped wooden quality that was rare to find in these dark times, among them there was a few stone buildings. Each building of stone bore a tome of eldrich lore regarding how it was built, who built it, what trade house the workers was hired from, who planned it, how the political strife over the building process, a bundle of memories over who ever owned the patch of land before, what secrets was hidden under them.
Among the stone buildings there was a fortress built to keep the criminal who had done lesser crimes imprisoned, and to house the guardsmen stuck here for what likely be rest of their lives unless something unusual happened. Going by chance, nothing interesting would happen in another few centuries regardless, which meant the guardsmen enlisted here was stout and devoted as many others. They faced the piercing snow as few could, maybe except those stationed northwards of here again. They stood stout and rouletted in the blizzard, some was also stationed on duty to do something about the damn snow that kept pilling up in locations where it should not have. A few prisoners was also stationed to do something about that damn snow, in their thick worn coats that was quite distinguished from anything anybody else wore, their job was put to get down snow from rooftops, and other places where lives could be lost.
The snow was covering everything, but so far nothing had happened similar to last years accident. Last year a wild bar fight had broken out, in the middle of it.... quite sadly most of the windows of a tavern had unfortunately been broken, a expensive building with proper solid glass windows, and the tavern snowed inn literally.
Quite the shame for the owners of the "Mighty Pony", but it recovered during the greatest trade of the following fall festival and new glass windows was purchased.

In another of the towns few tavern: "The Mages Finger", a bard sat with his hood over his head and sort of freezing, drinking some heated alcohol to regain the heat, drank quite greedy from a somewhat dirty glass. He finally got down the last slumps, and asked for more. The bartender served 2 more costumers and signalized something to the kitchen before showing up and asking in a polite tone "Another round?", showing of his finer sides as a goblin gentlemen bartender. He was purebreed, well most goblins tended to be that. Walking on what seems to be a ledge on the side of the bar disk, he elegantly snapped up a bottle of cheap liquor and started heating it, the costumer threw over a dime for the barely heated glass and asked a short question while he had the chance:
"Do you by chance got the chance to have one of those halls ready for tomorrow?"
The bartender thought a bit then said: "Halls? Is that what you are calling them these days? I think i got a room that could hold 18-22 people and a drunk bard, it will be a bit cold for the year i am afraid. And payment in advance."
"That sounds quite good, but how cold?"
"Does 43 dimes sound reasonable?" "
"43 dimes? How cold will the room be by tomorrow non?"
"I think it might border reasonable temperature, if there only had been another day you know."
"How about 40 dimes then? For another partblooded goblin?"
"Your not even a proper halfbreed, 42!"
"Fine then." The bard dragged up his pounce filled with quite a bit of variable coin of variable value, and shengled down about 50 coins, mummering something about "darn thought i had not ran out of coins from Kreig..." and handed them over to the barkeep. The barkeep counted and weighted them in his hand, handing back 2 before going to the registry to stash the cash, and dragging back a big booked filled with ink signatures of various people, after a few pages shifted there was finally a big emthy space to write down appointments on.  A pair of glasses was fetched from a pocket and the green barkeep but them on and coughed a bit before writing down the appointment and asked "Your name then fine sir?"
"Harsan Khelft"
"Khelft? Your part elvish then?"
"Amazingly enough, its 2 generations back. Quite amazing how little visible it is"
"Nah, i've seen halfbreeds where its less visisble. But that chin tone?"
"Troll, if i had a night i would have told the entire linage down to the time of the grave wars and the blue plague."
"Thats 400 years! How can you remember any of it?"
"I said if i had a night i would have explained it."
"Oh, well then. Here is the key to the room, down left there *points* . Sure you don't want a bed for the night?"
"Already got a bed for the night, so you actually had a ready room? Quite impressive for this season."
"A dwarven traveler left this morning, there is apparently a caravan that is preparing to leave in several days. The lass said something about getting a job so she can get out of this frozen down place. Apparently a skilled blade for hire too."
"Oh, her. She got a good arm and reasonable strength and skill, but nothing special."
"What, are you some kind of creepy semi stalker? Or the romantic type?"
"I like to think of myself as a bit romantic, but no. I think i stalked down every hired blade here about a month ago in boredom."
"Your still a creepy stalker then?"
"Fine then, you win. But get the room ready sooner or later, i might want some refund in the spirit of merchantability otherwise." The glass was now empty, the conversation was over, the deal had been done, and a big cape was turned around while leaving the tavern.

The next day by about noon the room was opened, and there sat the bard waiting. He had thrown away his thick outdoor cape on a nearby chair, the room was filled with round tables and rough carved wooden chairs. The last day delivering various forms of letters and notes to a bunch of people with quite the potential, an attempt to assemble a group to go out in the world by leaving this frozen place. Hopefully most would show and join up, otherwise this would be delayed to spring, and spring was far into the future.

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Legendary Hero
Lord Vader
posted August 02, 2010 10:43 PM
Edited by Berny-Mac at 22:54, 02 Aug 2010.

Jester entered the bar, arousing welcomings from some of the people in the tavern.
"Hey, funny guy!"
"Sing us a tune!"
"Juggle some knives!"
"Stick a sword in your mouth!"
"Yeah, Jester!"

Jester shook his head and angrily replied, "I'm not a goddamn prostitute meant to be passed around to please everybody, so shut up and drink your drink!"
Skyrim RP? YES!
Here it is!

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Legendary Hero
posted August 03, 2010 12:18 AM

The floors was made of thick wood, there was still some frost sitting left in them. I looked at the open door, it was drafting colder air from the hallway into the room, but it would not do drastic drops to the temperature. The servant who had been in charge of the room was sleeping when I arrived after early in the morning, but he woke up due the slam of the door. I talked to him for quite the while, took a piece of oil stained bread as breakfast, and talked gossip.
During our long pleasant conversation, he said something about that I could have the door to the hallway open for roughly 2 hours before it really started to warp the room temperature, and that I would not be able to hear anything going on the in the main room otherwise, he left a short while before the sun start  rising in the horizon, he muttered something about "going to get some more sleep before getting back to work" when he left.
After some more waiting I heard people in the bar starting to cheer up quite a bit, before a really snarky roar was shouted back at them. I ran out to check it out, in worst case there was the bar brawl of the century commencing, and I was suppose to have a overdone long tactical meeting in the back-room of this tavern! I rushed and found the jester that I had scouted, looking with a really evil stare towards the crowd who was murmuring random things, some did not even care:
"He is no fun"
"People like him should not work in these hours"
"Wonder when the barkeep will arrange the next grand party?"
"My cousin is going to Northam, I told him its suicide in this season"
"Why are there not more jesters like that guy?"
"Arse in jester cloths"
I quickly realized that I had forgotten a importent detail when giving out the letters, notes, charms, and general telling spells: I had not mention where they was suppose to go when they had entered the tavern. I slapped my left hand towards my face, how could I be so stupid?!
The jester started walking towards the bartender, I walked towards the bartender myself and hoped nobody had already showed up and was just sitting around and drinking, it was a disaster after all. I started camly walking towards the barkeep, to ask him to redirect all people asking for me towards the room in the back.

The barkeep looked at the really tall jester looking person, who was coming his way. Ironically he had not taken any orders the last 10 minuttes, it was morning after all. The jester stepped in front of the desk and signalized for the barkeep, who was already on route.
The barkeep was still tired after a bit too much sleep this night, and said with a polite undertone: "What can I get you? We get wine, some steaks, and some roasted bread."

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Legendary Hero
Lord Vader
posted August 03, 2010 02:38 AM

"No food, however, there was a certain individual that wanted me here. Khelft was his name. Is he here or was I brought to this pile of sticks as a prank?" said Jester to the barkeeper in his normal rude tone.
Skyrim RP? YES!
Here it is!

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Legendary Hero
posted August 03, 2010 03:28 AM

"Khelft?........... Ah, yes! That fellow from yesterday who ordered 2 cheap drinks and a large room for today. I think he was planning som..."
Harsan Khelft finally got around to the desk, sat down on the chair, and looked mildly embarrassed. He had partially managed to interrupt the barkeep from saying his sound opinion, to a more accurate degree.
The barkeep sneered at him, and said without compassion: "Did you forget something, my dear costumer?" Khelft managed to get himself together, but started out stumbeling with his face red: "Y-you see, I-I f-forgot to t-tell the gentlemen what room we was suppose to have our long relaxing chat in, I am sorry for burdening you with this, but can you redirect them to the room?"
The barkeep sighed, shoke his head, and gazed a bit before saying his words: "Give me 5 more dimes, and we can call it a deal. My impression was right about you, you are a immovable mountain until you stumble, then you falter around having trouble even standing properly."
Khelft reached for one of his inner pockets of his solidly sewn west, dragged out a finer purse, and handed over 6 fat coins to the barkeep giving a gesture that signalized that he was sorry for the inconvenience when he first was at it.
He then turned with twinkeling fingers towards his dearest invited companion, who had for some reason just sat still and just watched the money being spilled: "I-I am sorry for that... I sort of forgot the trivial detail while I was first getting my good first steps done, but lets get on to towards why you are here, after we are sitting comfortably in my private room." Khleft pointed at a door at one of the walls that was open, and murmured: "Go in that door, second one to the left. I will come in a few seconds, hopefully nobody has come yet and is just sitting around."
Khleft then jumped of the stool still recovering from the fatal mistake, and started looking among the seated in the tavern.
I an additional 2 people of those I had scouted: A orc who looked disfigured and mentally insane, and was only spouting out random words once in a while, back to back with a experienced madchild called Echorhol.
The orc did not understand the basic hand gesture, but a minor bit of direct "mindtalk" arcana did the trick, the madchild just silently followed the orc, almost mindlessy.

And so it was towards the great room in the back, to discuss the matter at hand............

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Adventuring Hero
Who was bit by a Vampire
posted August 03, 2010 05:20 PM

Sefiok floated slowly through the streets, invisable. He knew to stick to the shadows or to be attacked by a the guards and civilians. Not that is was too much of a problem, but the shade couldn't stand killing unless it was completely and utterly nessesary, which it wasn't. At least not in this town.
It's okay to not like things; just don't be a dick about it. - TotalBiscuit

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Legendary Hero
posted August 03, 2010 07:16 PM

Sefiok was standing in the shadow of the alleys, levitating over the downtrodden snow, staring towards the tavern looking like a bright star in the horizon.
He looked back curiously to yesterday:
Remembering a small kid completely dazed under some sort of mind control spell walking over, barely able to even walk, and handed over something similar to a letter, then the kid dazed backwards, not even having a memory left of the event, and maybe got free again. The letter contained a arcane note with a inscription that spawned a mental message: A bit humble person dressed up partially as a wandering bard appeared, saying he wanted, yes it was a he, wanted the shade to join a meeting. Then there was a major pointer towards a certain tavern, and that it started at noon.
The shade did not like walking into a hall of pleasure and sloth, when there was people still inside murmuring over the meals they bothered to pay for, there could be guards!
But the shade was still curious, and the metal note had included the location of various windows and backdoors towards the main hall. The might be accurate mental image of the main hall meant that there was likely enough shadows to stay invisible inside it for days.

(OOC: Ok, that was 1 mess solved. Preferably HCM if i violated the character too much)

Khelft walked a bit behind the madchild, who was stalking the ork closely after, step by step, or however the actual situation where.
Khelft pondered: "Magic beacon? No, a lot of unwanted locals might spot it. Hardly noticeable scent with sublime messages? Did not work last time i tried. Putting up a darned sign? Too obvious!" I stopped outside of the door to our room of conversation, and quickly carved a magic arrow into the floor, hoping that some of the less perceiveable invited would spot it. Besides, the staircase towards the beds in both the second floor and the cellar was not located at this halfway, the chances of local mages getting over here and spotting was small, hopefully.
The jester had taken a random chair, and was just sitting down, staring, everywhere. The ork sat on a table by the wall, the madchild sat by a chair of that same table.
The ork was sort of drolling, phasing out, and not being anything useful. The madchild seemed like a guardian, or a avenger who wanted a clear fight without the city guard interupting. It would be interesting to find out if she or he even had a gender, madchilds these days was nothing like the complete monsters of previous eras shall we believe the tome of lore. A philosopher had even claimed that they was not of this realm, and that was the reason they was so disconnected from the world while at the same time being so full of emotion and understanding.
Harsan Khelft looked at the 3 people, shoke his head. He then declared: "Sorry for the inconvenience, but you will have to hopefully wait a short while. I want there to be a bit more people around when I explain my plan, and who I am, along with why I want you." Khelft sighed and sat down, waiting for more people to get here. They was after all before schedule, so far.


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Legendary Hero
Lord Vader
posted August 03, 2010 07:20 PM
Edited by Berny-Mac at 19:24, 03 Aug 2010.

"Hey its not like we have anything better to do in this frozen backwater of a town." replied Jester as he juggled his dozen knives perfectly without even looking at them. Apparently decades of practice has made him desensitized to the potential danger of his silly sport.
Skyrim RP? YES!
Here it is!

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