Adventuring Hero
posted July 09, 2011 05:53 AM |
Edited by angelito at 09:47, 09 Jul 2011.
Rampart / Conflux Growth script for Dungeon?
Can anyone help me on this: I like very much the idea to 'take' one lvl 7 creature, in case Castle structure was built, but have been unsuccessful in doing that for Dungeon instead.
The script (or part of it, I dont know) is as follows:
!?TM2&$weekday$=1/$once$=1; get town coords and change every Rampart/Conflux ONCE every monday
!!UN&v2367=1:P67/?y-1; check if Neutral Town script67 is active
!!VRv2367&y-1=1:S0; if so, disable reduction in Neutral "Conflux" Town
!!UN|v2366=1/v2367=1:U98/-1/?v2324; store how many towns there are
!!VRv2325|v2366=1/v2367=1:S-1; set index to -1 for new quick UN:U search
!!DO2334/1/v2324/1|v2366=1/v2367=1:P; call Rampart/Conflux mod loop
!?FU2334; each Rampart/Conflux with Castle gets one lvl 7 creature less
!!IF:V1/0; init flag 1
!!UN:U98/-1/-1/2325; get coordinates (v2325..2327) (uses new quick UN:U index -1 instead of x16)
!!OBv2325/v2326/v2327:U?y1; check town type (1=Rampart, 8=Conflux)
!!CAv2325/v2326/v2327:B3/9; check if Castle built in that town
!!VRy1&-1:S-10; forget about that town if no Castle
!!CAv2325/v2326/v2327&y1=1/v2366=1:M1/6/d-1/d-1; subtract one lvl 7 if OK and Rampart options active
From ERM_S I know Dungeon number is 5 (just as Rampart is 1, Conflux is 8 etc), but I cannot change the number accordingly.
If anyone can guide me t hru it, I'd appreciate it!
Many thanx!
EDIT: obviously I didnt put smileys in there, they just appeared as consequence of typing...