
Supreme Hero
posted August 19, 2011 08:28 PM |
Edited by Shyranis at 21:12, 19 Aug 2011.
Tavern Thread Retirement
Sheer Plagiarism below from Corribus in OSM (I guess giving reference makes it no longer plagiarism but, oh well)
Hello faithful Tavern Dwellers.
You may have noticed, but the Tavern has become one utterly filthy, cluttered place. The forum has now over One Hundred and Thirty Six pages of threads. At twenty threads per page, that means we have over Twenty Seven Hundred threads!
While most of these threads contain interesting material and are valuable to the community, I have to say that there are many which have only a few replies, no replies at all, or otherwise are very unlikely to contain material that anyone would ever be interested in reading again.
Part of my job as moderator is to keep the forum clean and easy to navigate, and therefore I'm prepared to get out the old broom and do some housekeeping. Some of this cleaning will involve moving threads to more appropriate forums; in particular, a lot of threads here are better suited to the Tavern and I will move such threads there without notice.
However most of this cleaning will involve deleting old threads. Recognizing that deleting threads at HC has in the past been controversial, I think it is only appropriate that the Community has some say over the fate of the threads I identify for retirement.
Therefore, I am implementing the following Thread Retirement Procedure:
1. Threads with 0-2 replies will be retired (moved to the Wastelands) without consulting the Community UNLESS I feel the thread has some special merit.
2. Threads with a slightly larger number of replies (generally, less than ten) will have their titles and links posted in this thread, at which point they will become candidates for retirement. The Community will have a period of one week to save any of the retirement candidates. Saving a thread requires a champion to say that a thread should be saved - that is, if any Community member feels a thread should stay, the thread stays and will be removed from the candidate list. Any candidate that has not been championed after one week will be retired to the VW to die a quiet and peaceful death.
3. Mods do retain power of veto for championed threads. What, you thought this was a democracy? 
4. No thread with a QP awarded will ever become a candidate for retirement.
5. A thread will only be eligible for retirement if its most recent post is more than one month old.
6. I will scan the Tavern for new retirement candidates periodically, to ensure that the Tavern stays clean.**
This thread is ONLY for Tavern moderators to post deletion candidates, to post deletion or moving activity, and for Community members to champion nominated threads. (Community members may also HCM a Tavern mod to champion a nominated thread if they wish to do it privately.)
This thread is NOT to have arguments over whether nominated threads are worth saving. Remember, it only takes a single champion to save a thread - so if someone saves a thread, that's not your cue to post here that the one championing the thread is stupid, that the nominated thread should be deleted, etc. Majority doesn't rule in this case.
Also, if you wish to discuss this Tavern -tidiness policy or have suggestions as to how it can be improved or modified please do it in the Tavern feedback thread. Such posts will be deleted from this thread.
Finally, forum members can help keep Tavern a tidy place by creating new threads only if there is not an existing thread on the same topic. If a thread already exists on your topic, even if it is old, please post in that thread instead. That was we can all relax in a clutter-free environment! 
This procedure will be in a “trial phase” right now to see how well it works out. If it fails for whatever reason, I’ll just make executive decisions about thread deletion myself. 
Most the the above is a shameless copy and paste but you get the point