
Tavern Dweller
posted October 18, 2011 08:29 PM |
Modding fonts
Hey everyone.
So I was attempting to create a mod with alternative UI fonts for the sake of readability and perhaps, helping other future UI mods. By dissecting [url=http://www.maps4heroes.com/heroes5/mini_patch_eng.php]this mod[/url] eventually I found out how to tinker with the font bitmaps and texture paths, but I still fail to understand the coordinate paths for each letter. So far I can make my own font bitmaps quite easily thanks to a few useful programs such as [url=http://www.codehead.co.uk/cbfg/]this[/url], but other than the image and font size I still don't know how to edit the exact sizes and in-game coordinates for each specific letter field, which eventually results into one big mess of misplaced letters everytime I attempt to replace an original font bitmap with one of my own.
Now I know I could perhaps figure out this by myself, but it would take loads of trial and error and wasted time. So I was wondering if any of you knows anything about font bitmap coordinates that could be of use.
Thanks in advance

Tavern Dweller
posted February 03, 2012 05:54 AM |
Hi there.
I was create a mod with alternative game fonts, for more readability and like classic Heroes 3 fonts.
[url=http://www.hiboox.com/go/pictures/videogames/alternative-fonts-homm-5,bddf3da12ef91cff5208440836b3fe77.png.html] [/url]
[url=http://www.mediafire.com/?221xhr5yii7b6ej]Alternative fonts HoMM5[/url]
Its include Russian and English character set. But I tested fonts only in Russian version HoMM5, with localized EN texts pak and its works fine.
Thanks to Novik65 from heroes.ag.ru forum, for his [url=http://forums.ag.ru/?board=heroes5&action=display&num=1138522453&goto=2943208]HoMM5 font generator[/url]