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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: Psychopath OoC
Thread: Psychopath OoC This thread is 2 pages long: 1 2 · NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted January 08, 2012 09:00 AM
Edited by gnomes2169 at 21:28, 08 Jan 2012.

Psychopath OoC

Enter a nightmare. More specifically, a nightmare that makes even those who have gone mad cringe. Two weeks ago, a Sociopath by the given name of "The Gravedigger," real identity not on file, was captured and is being held in the highest security prison we have for the carefully calculated and brutally executed murder of three hundred confirmed murders, with another five hundred suspected but never discovered victims. When he was captured, the Gravedigger laughed at the ten agents, telling them that this was in no ways over.

The man was telling the truth, though we thought it impossible.

String after string of murders, carefully plotted and executed as if in a giant, sadistic game of chess have happened as carefully dropped hints from the criminal have said they would. The unfortunate thing is that the hints only make sense after the murders have occurred. With everything that has happened, the police force is becoming desperate, it seems that these people are dying according to a "Game" that this monster created, and he is willing to broker an agreement.

If the Gravedigger goes free, if he is allowed escort out of the country, then he will give away the rest of his plans and the federal agents can save those who's executions are already planned. This is unacceptable, but if something doesn't happen soon they will have to fold in to this Psychopath's demands. Justice is not worth another three hundred lives.

In a desperate last bid, the team that captured the Gravedigger has been brought back together again, in hopes that with their knowledge of how his mind works that they can defeat him at his own game. But even this was apparently predicted by the captured man. His only comment other than insane, broken laughter was, "Oh, I have a little... surprise for them too."

You are this team, all the field agents and their backup, techies, forensics specialists and citizens who took this madman in the first place. You have his riddles, or the ones that are important now, and nothing other than the assumption that, with the scope of damage caused, the Gravedigger cannot be acting alone. Good luck.

What you will need for this RP:

A character sheet and bio, any standard character should work fine. For examples:

The Gravedigger
Bio: A recently captured Sociopath, the Gravedigger has killed unknown hundreds of people, and even being imprisoned has not stopped him. He delights in the screams of those who he has killed, in fact the one phone call he was allowed was only to hear the last cries of his victims before he revealed this... "Game." From a broken family and abused in every way possible by everyone who knew him, the Gravedigger is completely remorseless and brutally efficient. Even before he was captured, the Gravedigger was playing games with the law. Every agent that came after him was killed if they got too close. He is a master of traps and stalking. He was untouchable. And then one day, your group was "lucky" enough to get him... though not without a price. The Psychological trauma of having to think like him so that he could even be found drove a handful of our best agents to commit suicide, a fact that the Gravedigger seemed to know before it happened. If I had to describe him in one word, this man is terrifying.

Appearance: Better than average looks, the man appears to never stop smiling. In an ironic twist, he looks like a gentle, kind man, his smile and eyes are soft, inviting, disturbing. He does not look anything like the killer that he admits to be. When he was captured, Agent Leon beet him to a bloody pulp. Most of his wound have recovered, though large black bruises ring his left eye, wrist and right cheek. He has scars all over his body, some were admittedly self-inflicted and others were given by his mother, brothers, sister and father. He is about 35.

Personality: Arrogant, powerful and otherwise confident, the Gravedigger is a mastermind. He believes himself to be a God, playing with toys and pawns. Sometimes, he seems to talk with a body less voice named Micheal, and a non-existent man named "Seven." He says that this is not the delusion's actual name, but refuses to give any other description or name to it. He is supremely confident in his own, predetermined, victory.

Theme song: Disturbed's, "The game"
He considers only Leon to be his equal in anything. Leon is his nemesis.
He takes great personal pleasure in stating that he can still hear his own wife's screams when surrounded by absolute silence.

Leon Blackwood
Bio: Leon is, ultimately, the one who defeated the Gravedigger. Leon intercepted the sociopath as he attempted to flee his fortress, tearing the man apart with his bear hands before the others had caught up. Leon had reduced the Gravedigger to the weakest state he has ever been in, so close to death that the paramedics almost gave up.
Leon is a federal agent that has worked for years putting scum in prison. Though he has been offered a desk job many times, Leon refused every time, preferring to work in the field until the Gravedigger case. After the Gravedigger was captured, Leon accepted the desk position and has been trying to cut his recent addiction to alcohol out of his life. Little to no success has been made. He was married, until the Gravedigger killed his wife and their unborn child in that "Fortress" after recording ten hours of her being tortured. Leon has come back to stop the monster from killing anyone else, seeing every life lost as another victory for this sadist. He works with his partner, and intelligence officer named Rachel and a psychologist named Horace. They are heading this new project.

Appearance: An average looking 35 year old, Leon has a scar across his  left cheek and many other wounds - bullet, knife, spear and, recently, torture - have made scars across his entire body. In the service of his country, he has taken what most men would blanch at with a grimace and shrug. The wounds that the Gravedigger inflicted in his torture chambers before Leon broke out are mostly healed, though Leon will sometimes walk gingerly and rub at his wrist while wincing. Leon is very well muscled and strong, but tall so that his body gives the illusion of being weaker than it is. He has three tattoos on him, a 5 digit number along his arm, a partially ruined angel on the back of his shoulders and a wolf on his right shoulder.

Personality: A good man who is haunted by his memories and failures, Leon is an alcoholic. He is still in denial of what happened to his wife, and has a hatred for the Gravedigger that will not dim until both of them are dead. If anyone protests that man's death, Leon will beet the holy hell out of them. Leon is a protector and almost completely selfless, though revenge and knowing the suffering that failure will cause is all that is driving him now. Leon is prone to emotional outbursts.

Leon is a marksman and is the one who coordinated the attack on the Gravedigger. He is the only person to defeat the sociopath even once.
He has put somewhere around sixty murderers behind bars, and another ten in the ground.
Before Leon met and married his wife, he and Rachel had a relationship.
Leon was in the army until he was 26, and was deployed over-seas twice.

Rachel Tice
Bio: Rachel is and has been Leon's personal intel-agent and bureaucracy liaison for almost ten years. She has been on the field with him in almost every mission except the one where the Gravedigger killed Drake, their other partner, and captured Leon. She has never forgiven herself for not seeing that trap coming. Her job is to know what is coming and to plan for it before it can happen, and she is one of the best. Rachel works with Horace to create psych profiles for killers and to work out the vicimology, trying to use all of this information with her staff to find out both who committed the crime and how to capture them.

Appearance: An attractive girl of 37, Rachel has fair hair and very little of a tan. Her eyes and expressions seem to be questioning, as if trying to figure out what you think you are doing or how you work.
Personality: Dependable and loyal, Rachel does not let her emotions show very much. She is very logical and to the point. Unlike the others in the team, the Gravedigger did not personally attack her or her friends except when he attacked Leon and his family. She does not let her hatred get in the way of her mission.

Random facts:
Rachel has been called "Cold," but anyone that has met her outside of work knows that she is a passionate, gentle friend.
Rachel is very vulnerable despite her hard shell, those who betray her will rarely be forgiven. If she gives her heart to someone, she is trusting them with something that most people cannot even find, let alone posses.

Horace Felding
Bio: Horace is a citizen who has had lots of training in psychology and sociology. He was one of the few volunteers who, after the Gravedigger case, were mostly left functional. He graduated from Winona, which isn't that big or well known of a school, but was still undeniably important in the investigation. He figured out where some of the Gravedigger's victims were being held and was able to save them, and he figured out where Leon was being held. He has been Leon's councilor for the last few weeks, but has had little success. Horace came back due to his sens of duty and the skill that he had deciphering the other riddles the Gravedigger gave them.

Appearance: A chubby 56 year old man, Horace is out of shape and slightly overweight, giving the illusion of having muscle. Horace is a shorter man, clean shaven, and no matter where he goes, Horace wears a suit, tie and Converse (informal "formal" shoes). His body is unmarked.

Personality: An odd man, he insists on having everything about him being fancy except for his shoes. He loves being peculiar and the strange looks some people give him. His inconsistency and love of mind games make him invaluable in deciphering the riddles that the Gravedigger gave him.

Most descriptions can be a bit shorter, others a bit longer. Feel free to embellish on this back story with character bios, just leave the key events that are mentioned in Rachel and Leon's bios untouched.

I hope to have at least three people who want to join before I open the IC.
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted January 08, 2012 12:30 PM
Edited by Jiriki9 at 12:38, 08 Jan 2012.

I So wnat to be in! However, I can not promise to be able to do more than 1 post at day. On soem days maybe not even that. If that's fine with you, count me in.

EDIT: my character of cjoice would then be another psychopath, having done a similar thing about 25 Years ago, as a young man, now offering the reluctant but desperate team help in solving the riddle and getting access to the Gravedigger.
...or a young, idealistic psychologist who is said to have a hand for people like the gravedigger, but has not had success with him yet - and, unseenly, has his own problems...

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Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted January 08, 2012 01:02 PM

his bear hands

Damnit, my char was supposed to have sharks for hands but now he'd just be ripping Leon off.

I'm most probably in.
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf

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Undefeatable Hero
Presidente of Isla del Tropico
posted January 08, 2012 01:54 PM

Been waiting for a RPG to join for some time now.
I'm in.
Lemme go think of a char.
Vote El Presidente! Or Else!

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Supreme Hero
Right Back Extraordinaire
posted January 08, 2012 04:29 PM
Edited by Vindicator at 16:45, 08 Jan 2012.

I guess I'm in, hope I'll have enough time to continue this unlike the last RP (sorry about that BTW)

Lionel Amos
Lionel grew up as a soccer star, a gambler, and a lord, inheriting his father's fortune early on in his life. He lived in a modest home, preferring to spend his money on gambling and new cleats for soccer; he was a brilliant player, even receiving an invitation from Barcelona, before he got a brutal leg trauma, and went out of the game. All his hopes and dreams were snuffed out at once, and, broken, he spent all what was left of his fortune in a desperate gambling streak, but he lost all his money, not leaving even enough to repair his leg. He turned toward crime, becoming a drug seller, his personality changed forever. Formerly a cheerful, enthusiastic, outgoing individual, he become bitter and angry, and had no pleasures in life.

In a raid on the cartel he was in, he was captured, and taken to the hospital (to repair his leg, which was still mangled) and later to rehab. He successfully emerged, filled with hope, and turned toward the gambling halls as a source of money. Surprisingly, he won as much as $200,000, in a unprecedented winning streak. He bought an apartment and started working as a soccer coach, gambling his money and winning more and more. He found the woman of his dreams and married her, and had two children. Life seemed to be perfect, until the Gravedigger massacred his family, killing his wife and older kid, and brutally injured the younger one. Dismayed, Lionel applied for the secret service, and after months of excessive training, was accepted as a field agent. Made it his job to stop the Gravedigger's plots; joined the team right after the psychopath's capture.

Personality: Has two moods he is predominately, between which he switches all the time. Sometimes, he is the happy, outgoing individual from his youth; then, he sees everything as a soccer game, and makes constant allusions all the time. Frequently gambles then as well, seeming to win every toss without a try. Then, often after a big win, his other mood takes him; bitter and depressed, he talks little and too the point, constantly talking to himself then. Nothing he does while he is in this mood turns out right; loses miserably at gambling, can't kick a soccer ball... But that just makes him angrier and he decides to do it some more, often losing thousands of dollars in a single night.

Physical Appearance:

5'8", pale-skinned, brown hair, athletic, extremely fast, a few scars on his face, left leg with a giant scar, blue eyes, excellent teeth, smiles a lot, has the number 2 tattooed onto his back, like a soccer number. Wears a T-shirt and jeans practically everywhere he goes, as well as soccer cleats.

Random Facts:

Visits his six-year old daughter in the hospital every day at seven P.M., then, mood ruined, typically goes and gambles away all the money he earned that day. In the morning, wakes up, gambles for two hours, winning, before coaching soccer. Then eats lunch, and works for the team until seven. Rigorously sticks to this schedule, no matter what occurs. Also, his leg still hurts sometimes, the worse his mood is, the more it hurts.

Job For The Team:

Is one of the main investigators, as he is quite familiar with the way criminals operate. Very good "behind-the-scenes", as he still has some old "friends" in the criminal world. Excellent at seeing the "big picture" as well, also can sometimes guess what his opponents will do next (not the Gravedigger, though). Also great fighter, has a kick that can break someone's bones and excellent aim with a gun. Never "loses his cool" in a firefight, great leader.

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted January 08, 2012 06:21 PM

I'm with War on what he said. Although this is not exactly the type of RPs I'm used to I'll give it a try.
Will think of a detailed bio later. For just know that I'll play s seasoned cop who knows his ways around the streets. Heavily based on Jim Malone.

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Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted January 08, 2012 06:36 PM

By the way, what decade are we talking about?
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted January 08, 2012 07:04 PM

@ Bak:
By the way, what decade are we talking about?

The 21st, about 2023-24.

@ Jir:
my character of choice would then be another psychopath, having done a similar thing about 25 Years ago, as a young man, now offering the reluctant but desperate team help in solving the riddle and getting access to the Gravedigger.
...or a young, idealistic psychologist who is said to have a hand for people like the gravedigger, but has not had success with him yet - and, unseenly, has his own problems...

First one: He could have been in the asylum for a while but recently announced cured. In that case, the Gravedigger will have many, many little games built just for him...
Second: The Gravedigger will know about these... hidden problems, and he will play on them.
Either one would be a good character, and either one would be good to RP out.

@ Vindicator: Good to have you around. And oh, but this will be fun to play with.
Life seemed to be perfect, until the Gravedigger massacred his family, killing his wife and older kid

Accepted, and welcome to the RP.

@ Everyone else, post some character bios, and I'll open up the IC.
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Supreme Hero
Right Back Extraordinaire
posted January 08, 2012 07:11 PM

And oh, but this will be fun to play with.


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Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted January 08, 2012 07:15 PM

The 21st, about 2023-24.

Aw hell yeah.

Are flying motorbikes invented yet?
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted January 08, 2012 07:19 PM

Nope, sorry. But we do have jetpacks on a test site in Montana... Where at least part of this RP will take place BTW. Also, we have bikes that run on nitro...
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted January 08, 2012 08:06 PM
Edited by baklava at 20:14, 08 Jan 2012.

God damn it.
Ah well.

Frank Morton

Bio: Growing up in the gang-ridden neighborhood of Compton, LA, Frank had a less than ideal upbringing; his father, a workingman at a metal factory, suddenly passed away of heart attack at an early age, and he was left to his mother as the younger of two children, watching helplessly as his older brother, Samuel, the closest thing to a fatherly figure he remembered, progressed through various levels of drug addiction and gang involvement, culminating in him dying from a heroin overdose at the age of 22. Frank, 14 at the time, was left alone, with a mother that sank deeper into depression with each passing day. Resolute to get his life and family on track, and developing a firm intolerance of criminality, he joined the force as soon as he finished schooling, and worked his way up from a patrol officer to one of the leading young homicide field investigators in the branch.

Appearance: A tall and well-defined African-American, a little over 30, with strong facial features. Well shaved unless distressed, with short hair. Dresses officially for work, with suit pants, shoes, a shirt and a necktie, though he tends to make himself more comfortable by taking off the jacket, rolling up his sleeves and loosening his tie.

Personality: Everyone will tell you that Frank Morton is a good cop. They will say it confidently and assuredly, and will not ask why you're asking. An honest and hearty man, he quickly gained respect among his peers and co-workers (who often share his attitude toward criminal perpetrators, yet lack the will to enforce it), and tend to cover up certain private questionings "gone bad", as Frank is well known for his low levels of tolerance and short temper. This silent reputation as a loose canon often leads him to take on the 'bad cop' role in questionings - and Morton has no second thoughts when it comes to proving to the occasional skeptical suspect that it's not all just for show. It was, in fact, this very Frank Morton that held watch while Leon Blackwood was giving the Gravedigger the beating of his life, and none were too eager to try and go past him.

Random facts: Sends money to his mother every two weeks, visits her often. Has regular, but generally short relationships, because of work dedication. Drinks coffee, lots of, and practices regularly at the local gym. Past-times include books, cinema and sparring with friends and colleagues.
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf

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Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted January 08, 2012 09:08 PM

James Maddigan

Bio: James was the older son in a family with with three kids. His parents were always busy working and so it was up to him to defend them from bullies and other trouble. This developed a very strong sense of duty in young James, one which he quickly put to good use in law enforcement. Despite his life-long experience as a policeman, his lack of ambition and political prowess prevented him from going up the career ladder and he remained a street cop. That being said, he is the best damn street cop there is. He knows the streets inside and out and is not afraid to bend the rules to survive in them. Nearing to the retirement age, he joined the team in hopes to do some last act of good before quitting the force for good.

Appearance: James is a tall Irish-man at the age of 61. His age is quite evident on his rough face, but he is still in a relatively good shape for his age. When on duty, he wears a police uniform with a baton strapped to his leg. Off duty he prefer to wear casual yet respectable clothes.

Personality: James is a stern, but fair man. He is extremely loyal to the force and his teammates, but that does not make him gullible. Look at the world through years of experience, his trust is very hard to earn. He can be ruthless, but never more than he has to to get what he needs. He tends to be calm be it in a fight or when he's interrogating a criminal. Most of the criminals are scared to death of this calmness.

Random facts: Likes to drink, but not to a point of alcoholism. Is proud of being born, raised and trained in the previous century and generally prefers the 'old days' and doesn't mind telling that to everyone who would listen... and to those who wouldn't as well.

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The Nothingness
posted January 08, 2012 09:25 PM

Name: Bobby Jolie

Bio: Bobby Jolie grew up in a regular ghetto hood, joining the gang-environment at a young age. Because of his skittish behavior he never really got much respect, though he carried a gun with him at all times. He moved in with a few of his fellow gang members at age 17, the same year he dropped out of high school. At age 23 he got caught trying to steal a tv and got drawn into the dangerous game of the Gravedigger, he assisted the team (yet unwillingly) during the capture. He saw this as a sign and because of his assistance during the capture he got amnesty for his crimes and he joined the police academy.

Appearance: Short and skinny, Bobby isn't quite the guy you would want at your side during trouble. He used to have dreadlocks but as he wants to look respectable he now has short cropped hair and a tiny mustache. He has lots of tattoos.

Personality: Bobby is a pussy, he will not start trouble and easily runs away. He is, however, loyal to people and will do his best to help them. Bobby is straight forward honest, a trait that did not help him much as a criminal. He is also a Christian.

Facts: Bobby goes nowhere without a gun. Very talkative. He has strong family ties. Bobby is not a fully educated cop, but is still requested to assist the previous team as part of his "education".

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Undefeatable Hero
Presidente of Isla del Tropico
posted January 08, 2012 10:25 PM

Name: Frederick "Fred" Dugalle

Bio: Frederick Dugalle was born to middleclass parents in Boston, Massachusetts and had an elder sister. Frederick led a very non-descript life, though he did very well in school. When he went to college he got singled out by the intelligence agency in his junior year, where he continued his career after his graduation. The extent of Frederick's carreer is considered a State Secret.
Frederick was assigned to the Gravedigger taskforce very early in the process. When it was noted that the taskforce already had an intell-agent in Rachel Tice, Frederick remarked that he was from the "other agency" and was here to make sure that they did not "mess up". Frederick seems to have a nearly limitless 'pull', once coldy remarking that he was one phone-call away for having an area carpet-bombed, though he rarely uses it. On the taskforce, Frederick speciallised mostly in tactical and risk analysis and the leading of the strike-force.

Appearance:Like this. He always wears Jet-black suits with a black tie and black leather gloves. He is 6 foot tall (182 cm) and in good physical condition.(Though nothing outstanding)

Personality: Appears to have none. Frederick is all business, cold, calculating and remorseless. He only speaks out of necessity and when he does, he sounds nonchalant more than anything.

Random Facts: Frederick never takes off his sunglasses, never. Not inside, not when it's dark, never. For some reason, he also always knows exactly what time it is, though nobody has ever seen him look at a watch or something of the like. It is almost certain he carries a fire-arm, though he has yet to pull it out from where-ever he keeps it.
Vote El Presidente! Or Else!

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted January 08, 2012 10:29 PM

All are accepted and I'll make little... games... for each of you as well. Now, the IC is open and everyone needs to get together. Let's go stop a killer!
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted January 10, 2012 06:32 PM

First one: He could have been in the asylum for a while but recently announced cured. In that case, the Gravedigger will have many, many little games built just for him...

I decided on that one and here we have...

Gregory Gray
Gregory was born to a respectable Middle-Class family. He went through his childhood without anything unusual. He was allways intelligent, though not a genius, he had friends, he had a pet. Getting older, he did have some girlfriends over the years, though no relationship lasted long. They named his strange moods as reason, that he could sometimes be either so depressive they feared for his life, and at othertimes frighten them with his anger. He allways accepted them leaving, though not happy with it.
He left school with good grades and studied Biology at the University. He stayed there long, but finally ended, not with top grades, but enough to find a job, which he did, at a research centre. He was 27 back then. The following years were silent. Ordinary. Then, he had a relationship with a women working there. She left him, the corporation, and the country, without a word to anyone else, though he must have been the reason. Three year later, the first murder happened.
The following 4 Years soon prooved to be a nightmare for the police of the region. Murders happened, clearly by one scheme, but what exactly the scheme was, how the victims were chosen, and, most importantly, WHO chose them - remained secret. Then, they finally got closer and closer and a few weeks followed that where like a game of intense chess between the agents and Gregory. His words after the police agent had caught and disarmed him were "You have won. Congartulations! It was a good game." He still bears the scars from the following outburst of the agent who had captured him.
20 Years of a special kidn of imprisonment followed, a time that must have been hard, but, as his guards tell, Gregory seemed not really concerned. Now, just a short while ago, he has been released from Asylum by a psychologists team who all confirmed him "cured and now harmless". He has to report all his deeds still and is observed and frequently visiting psychologists. During the Gravedigger Case he suddenly went to the agency and offered his help. Though reluctantly, they allowed him in, and he really prooved a help, allthough it disturbed the others in the team that he seemed to enjoy the whole thing.

Age: 54

Well, he is still not an easy person. After all he was convicted as serial killer and has 20 years of imprisonment behind him. Yet, he mostly seems surprisingly kind and warm, not really charming, but not at all dangerous. When he is doing something directly concerned to the case, he gets extremely concentrated - and coldly logical, for example having no scruples in suggesting the willing sacrifice of victims or agents to catch the Gravedigger. When his suggestions are blocked off, he can get angry.

Physical Appearance:

1,79m high, a bit thin. His hair, once dark blonde, is now mostly gray. He wears it short, but not too short. his eyes are of a green, almost warm colour. He is not musculous or such, and prefers to wear comfortable, but simple clothing.

Random Facts:

Gregory has recently bought a cat, of which he often speaks. He has no contact to his family anymore, but secretly misses them. He thinks of the case as a game against the gravedigger, which he want sto win - and he thinks he can play it good, because he allready has played the gravediggers role.

Job For The Team:

Gregory is mainly concerned with figuring what the hints can mean, where, when, how, who is gonna be murdered, which he has quite a hand for, since he actually "knows the game".

@gnomes: how about Horace allready having worked on Owens Case as a young man or such?
..hope the character is acceptable!

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Undefeatable Hero
Duke of the Glade
posted January 10, 2012 11:23 PM
Edited by gnomes2169 at 00:08, 11 Jan 2012.

More than acceptable, thank you. I think that one of the things that will mess Mr. Gray up the most is the fact that the Gravedigger views him... well, I'll reveal that in the course of time. Welcome to the field, little pawn.

For those of you who haven't posted in the IC yet, POST IN DE IC!!!
Yeah in the 18th century, two inventions suggested a method of measurement. One won and the other stayed in America.
-Ghost destroying Fred

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Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted January 12, 2012 11:52 AM

Just to make it sure: our characters allready worked on the case together, didn't they?!

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Legendary Hero
Mostly harmless
posted January 12, 2012 01:00 PM

Gotta bail, people. Thought I'd have the time. Sorry. Maybe I'll hop in at some point, but freeze my char at the moment.
"Let me tell you what the blues
is. When you ain't got no
you got the blues."
Howlin Wolf

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