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Heroes Community > Heroes 6 - The New Beginning > Thread: [MOD] Quicksilver IV
Thread: [MOD] Quicksilver IV This thread is 4 pages long: 1 2 3 4 · NEXT»

Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted July 07, 2012 02:06 PM
Edited by bigjocker at 13:06, 14 Nov 2012.

[MOD] Quicksilver IV

Hello everyone.

After installing H6 again and after long thinking I decited to continue my Quicksilver series which started in the year 2005.
My plans are:
Bring back 1-7 tier system
Little bit H3-like things (this was best HoMM for me)
Creatures, spells, skills stats changed
Some (or more) retexturing.
Building requirements and cost changed
Dynasty weapons offline
All heroes available
And some other stuff which may come to my mind as always.

Don't know if everything will be possible, but I will try to do my best to achieve what I want.

1.download the file
2.put the file in your main game directory (it uses Data18.orc name, so if you have other mod, change it to Data19.orc or Data19+.orc if you have more mods. Or just backup any Data18.orc file you got and replace it with this one)
3.Play the game.
IMPORTANT: It works only with 1.8 version of original game. saved games may not work (the ones you played BEFORE applying patch). I'm not responsible if any dynasty bonuses wont work or you will lose them (but it shouldnt happen), apply patch on your own risk.

Changes and Fixes:
Charismatic Leader 3 - gives 6 leadership
Diplomacy - Description tooltip fixed
Enlightenment - gives 33% more experience
Architect 1 - changed back to the original
Architect 3 - changed back to the original
Plunder/Sabotage Mine - both changed back to the original
Battle March - Description tooltip fixed
Flawless Assault - have 2 turns cooldown now
(mass)Heroism - last for 3 turns again
Intimidation - fixed cooldown
(mass) Stand your ground - lasts for 3 turns again, mass version even had 0 turn lasting.

Known unfixble (for now) bugs: entering Magic Meganery and Elemental Conflux is crashing the game.


--------------Quicksilver 4.0.2---DOWNLOAD
Assailant 1- 2 Might Power
Assailant 2- 3 might power
Assailant 3- 5/6/7 might power
Charismatic Leader 1- unchanged
Charismatic Leader 2- unchanged
Charismatic Leader 3- 5/6/7 leadership
Defender 1- 2 might defense
Defender 2- 3 might defese
Defender 3- 5/6/7 might defese
Destiny's Chosen 1- unchanged
Destiny's Chosen 2- unchanged
Destiny's Chosen 3- 6 destiny
Diplomat- 10/20/30% chance to recruit, 30/65/100% cost reduced
Enlightenment- 25/35/50% more experience
Logistics- 5 land movement
Mentoring- 100% experience transfer
Pathfinding- 5 sea movement, 75% less penalty on hard terrain
Snatch- unchanged

Architect 1- 3 core, 2 elite, 1 champion
Architect 2- building upgrade and convert 50% cheaper
Architect 3- 2 additional building per day
Economist 1- find 50% more gold and resources
Economist 2- 3 extra marketplaces
Economist 3- 2 wood, 2 ore, 1 crystal
Plunder Mine- take 7 days resources
Sabotage Mine- don’t spend movement points
Scouting 1- unchanged
Scouting 2- scouting radius 2
Scouting 3- scouting radius 3

Ambush- 10 initiative for three turns
Battle March- 3 movement in siege combat
Duck and cover- unchanged
Reinforcements- 1 1,5/2/3% increaced number, but unlimited charges, 3 turns cooldown
Reinforcements 2- unchanged
Reinforcements 3- unchanged
Siege master 1- unchanged
Siege master 2- unchanged
Siege master 3- 600/800/1000 might damage
Tactics 1- unchanged
Tactics 2- unchanged

Evasive Maneuvers- 4/6/8% reduced damage for 2 turns, but no cooldown
Flawless asault- maximum damage for 1/2/3 turns, no cooldown
Heroic Charge- 1 movement, 3/5/7% damage per square, but no cooldown
Heroism- 8/10/12 morale & luck, 5% damage might for 2 turns, but no cooldown
Heroism, Mass- same as above, but costs 15 mana
Intimidation- intimidated for 1/2/3 turns, no charges, but 5 turns cooldown
Pressed attack- 1 turn, but no cooldown
Rush- 10 initiative, 25% movement for 2 turns, no cooldown
stand your ground- 3/5/7 might defense for 2 turns, no cooldown
stand your ground, mass- same as above, but costs 15 mana
Taunt- 15/20/25% reduced damage but no cooldown
Warlord's command- cooldown 3 turn

Archery 1- unchanged
Archery 2- 3/5/7% damage
Archery 3- 25/50/100% reduced ranged pealty
Cleave- 20/27/35 morale, 10 initiative for 3 turns
Counterstrike 1- 5/10/15% damage on retaliation
Counterstrike 2- unlimited turns
Counterstrike 3- unlimited turns
Giant slayer- 10/12/14% damage
parry- unchanged
Rampage- 5/10/15 might power
resilience- 5/10/15 might defense,10/15/20% maximum health
Toughness 1- 3% maximum health
Toughness 2- 4% maximum health
Toughness 3- 6/8/10% maximum health

These are not full descriptions, mostly it's only what was changed.

--------------Quicksilver 4.0.1---DOWNLOAD
Dynasty weapons now become normal (but powerful) main hand artifacts (relics). You wont be able to level them anymore, but you will still be able to carry them through campaign missions. Artifact merchants won't be selling these artifacts.
Here are the bonuses:
Angelic Alliance: 6might power, Mass Celestial Armor in the begining of the battle.
Arachne: 3 might power, firendly creatures drain life with their attacks (15%)
Assassins Blade: 5destiy,5leadership, poisoning hero's attacks
Blade of Binding: 3might power,5destiny, summoning effects are 20% more effective
Dragon flame tongue: 5leadership, 3might power, -10 luck to enemy creatures
Edge of Chaos: 5destiny,3might power,immune to luck reduction, light protection 20%
Iron Feather: 6might power,20% might defense for flyers, positive effects can not be dispelled from friendly stacks
Malathua's Cleaver: 6might power, your creatures'attack or defense (might) can not be reduced
Perfect Silksword: 5destiny,3might power,increases critical damage by 20%
Silksword of the Kirin: 5destiny,5initiative,increase movement of your creatures by 2
Souldrinker: 5destiny,3might power, increases health by 10%
Sword of the Griffin: 5destiny,5leadership,your creatures' morale can not be reduced, -5 moreale to enemy
Sword of the Wolf: 6might power,5initiative, immunity to mind effects
Sword of whistlebone: 6might power,-1 movement to enemy creatures,-10 initiative to enemy

Batu's Totem: 3spell power,30mana,5spell power earth,+1 movement to firendly creature
Heartrending Song: 3spell power,5leadership, 5spell power light, one per battle you can can heal 4x4 area (big heal)
Soulreaver staff: 3spell power,5initiative, 5spell power dark magic, you gain 50% of mana spent by enemy hero.
Staff of asha's eightfold: 3spell power,30mana,10 mana regeneration, first spell cast in combat is 100% more effective.
Staff of cleansing: 8 spell power, -25% ranged might damage from enemy creatures
Staff of sandro: 6 spel power, -3% health, -5 morale and -10% magic defense to enemy creatures
staff of sar-aggreth: 8spell power,20 mana regeneration,5spell power prime.
staff of the tides: 3spell power, 30 mana, ice barrier for friendly creatures in the begining of the combat
The Oblivion: 3spell power, 5initiative, hero attacks daze targeted creatures
Thundeer staff: 6spell power, 5 spell power air, enemy flyers are inflicted by Gronded for the combat duration.
will of urgash: 3spell power, 5destiny,5spell power fire,fire damage dealt by hero can not be healed

staff of netherworld: 3spell power,-10 initiative to enemy, steal 2 mana each round frm enemy hero (will be bale to use it and get it even without owning DLC)
sword of the pirte king: 3might power, 5leadership, freindly creatures immune to initiative reduction (will be bale to use it and get it even without owning DLC)

Sorry for such a mess, I was in a hurry when writing this. (was late to work)

Play, enjoy, test, comment and share with others. Have fun and wait for next release.

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted July 07, 2012 02:10 PM

The editor is being improved atm but hard to tell how good it will be by the time it's done. I would be curious to see your vision and definitely all heroes available with dynasty weapons working offline. Return of the old tiers doesn't seem as crucial for me but.. it would certainly be fun.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
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Supreme Hero
The One and the Prime
posted July 07, 2012 02:45 PM

BIGJOCKER, your aim is very admirable but  please don't waste any time yet!  YOu said they patches changed things like can't add custom .orc files, & presently I read on ubi forums that putting "/offline" at the end of the shortcut to the exe no longer works & that all sorts of people are losign their saves from the new ubi launcher ==> pretty big pointers there of what they want to do & what they don't want to do...[based on those things above, this may be my last post in this sub-forum]

best to wait till after 3rd or 4th expansion imo....but good luck in whatever you do.
Hope defeats despair - "a blatant clue"
too many idiots in VW
"to lose is to win, and he who wins shall lose"
bashing orcus

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Known Hero
posted July 09, 2012 01:01 PM

I dont think Balance changes would be very productive at this time, seeing as the game is in the middle of being patched and balanced.

Also i dont think a tier 1-7 system would be preferrable in this heroes, eventho this would let you balance them and give them the skills you want.

You know my oppinion about offline dynasty weapons being avaiable fully unlocked, and that this is completely unfair towards people who do fairly work to unlock and upgrade their dynasty weapon.

For the rest i wish you good luck with your project

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Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted July 09, 2012 08:45 PM

Thaks for comments. I think I'll wait for 1.5 patch and see what could be improved and what I would like to see improved/changed

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Known Hero
posted July 16, 2012 08:58 AM

Thaks for comments. I think I'll wait for 1.5 patch and see what could be improved and what I would like to see improved/changed

Looking forward to what you think could be improved
If you decide to modify the tier system to a 7 tier system will the units get different skills aswell or will you just tweak with numbers?

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted July 16, 2012 10:15 AM

I am rather curious how the game would look if the units had 4 tiers, divided in 2-2-2-1. It might be a decent approximation of the old system with less stat editing for you.

In any case take a look, see what can be changed and let us know
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

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Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted July 17, 2012 06:49 AM

Somehow after patching the game sometimes crashes (more like exits itself wothout warning), so I gues I'll have to reinstall it. After that I will need to test some things
The tier system will almost stay the same - can not change the core, elite, champion thing (I gues it's hardcoded), but I will tweak the numbers and abilities, and if possible change recruiting slots, so it will be something similar to oldschool tier system.
AND I have one very interesting idea, but can not opent it yet, because it's very reckless

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Known Hero
posted July 17, 2012 07:24 AM

Is it possible for you to mod the following :

1) all heroes are available when starting the game (instead of two)

2) all heroes get Blood/Tear points (instead of only the first)

3) Dynasty Weapon in offline game

4) Convert more advanced town requires more time (minimum 1 day, maximum 7 days)


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Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted July 17, 2012 08:30 PM

Is it possible for you to mod the following :

1) all heroes are available when starting the game (instead of two)

2) all heroes get Blood/Tear points (instead of only the first)

3) Dynasty Weapon in offline game

4) Convert more advanced town requires more time (minimum 1 day, maximum 7 days)


1. might be possible,but hardly
2. hm...didnt think about it,need to look into the files
3. partly possible.
4. I can change the cost, but not sure about the time it takes.

forgot to say, that 4 tier system is interesting actually, I will consider it

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Known Hero
posted July 18, 2012 10:27 AM

You can mod building creation times by creating extra prerequisite buildings that don't do anything. It's not terribly elegant, and you still have to go into the build screen and click it every day, but it does work.

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Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted July 21, 2012 08:17 PM

You can mod building creation times by creating extra prerequisite buildings that don't do anything. It's not terribly elegant, and you still have to go into the build screen and click it every day, but it does work.

Not sure what are you talkig about

Good news. After 1.5 patch mods are available in normal way - just by adding custom dataXX.orc files. So Everything will be easier now. Will start working tomorrow.

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Known Hero
posted July 21, 2012 10:20 PM

You can mod building creation times by creating extra prerequisite buildings that don't do anything. It's not terribly elegant, and you still have to go into the build screen and click it every day, but it does work.

Not sure what are you talkig about

You were unsure if you could change the amount of time it takes to build/convert. And I was merely pointing out that if nothing else you could add prerequisite buildings to the build-queue. A building that was cheap or free that had to be built before an action could be taken would add time to the process without changing the game in other ways. Kind of a pain in the butt since you have to enter the build screen each day, but it would work.

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Known Hero
posted July 22, 2012 04:21 AM

Another request :

Can you make more autosaves for offline games? At present, I have only ONE autosave (for current turn only). TWO autosave will be enough, one for this turn, one for the turn before.

Thank you very much!

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Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted July 22, 2012 02:05 PM

Can't change these thing guys. At least not now. Everything is very limited.
But here's something I managed to make.

It still acts on it's own, like the third AI player (you can not control it) and there's still that Boss health bar. But in the future I might be able to fix it. It was just a test

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Known Hero
posted July 30, 2012 01:05 PM

Wow that is amazing

Makes me wonder if you could give it a "peasant" skin. and then Level it like a hero, you know so that it will be like H IV.

But the possibilities with the boss alone are amazing. Creating forts guarded by a boss. Can you tweak his hp and stats?

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Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted August 01, 2012 06:15 PM

Wow that is amazing

Makes me wonder if you could give it a "peasant" skin. and then Level it like a hero, you know so that it will be like H IV.

But the possibilities with the boss alone are amazing. Creating forts guarded by a boss. Can you tweak his hp and stats?

I'm still trying to find a way to exchange the models, but creature as a hero...might be possible.

If you take a closer look you will see that i changed it's hp, so yes - it's possible to change stats.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted August 01, 2012 06:25 PM


maybe you can make some new neutrals using the boss models?
Over himself, over his own
body and
mind, the individual is
- John Stuart Mill

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Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted August 01, 2012 06:56 PM


maybe you can make some new neutrals using the boss models?

I tried but it's not possible. You can ADD creature, but you must also add new model and (maybe) new ID, which I don't know how. If you use existing model for new creature the editor says there's a duplicate and can not save it. So for now, only thing I can do is make bosses as creatures.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted August 01, 2012 07:27 PM

yeah but if you make a new map with random neutrals, isn't it possible that your Azure Dragon core creature might appear then?
Over himself, over his own
body and
mind, the individual is
- John Stuart Mill

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