Thread: Hero class calculations | |

Known Hero
posted August 03, 2012 12:56 PM |
Hero class calculations
I'm kind of bored so I'm making an excel file, where you can calculate the best-to-worst rating of all heroes based on your own preferences of secondary and primary skills.
The way it works
1. give your rating to each secondary skill considering how much you would like to have it.
2. give your rating to each primary skill (compared to secondary skills aswell)
3. Now the file calculates rating for each hero class (Witch, warlock, battle mage etc). Basicly the values you give are multiplied by the mysterious "skill advancement numbers" from the famous table. The primary skill values are multiplied by the average primary skills for hero classes at level 18. Then everything is summed and heroes get scores.
4. For a specific hero make note of the starting skills.
5. Figure out how much you like the specialty compared to how much you like secondary skills. Let's say you had 10 in logistics and -10 in eagle eye. Then having intelligence specialty might give something like 5 points.
6. The hero gets additional points for starting skills. Currently I used 1 x "your rating" for basic level and 2 x "your rating" for advanced level. So starting with basic logistics would give 10 extra points. Starting with advanced eagle eye would give 2 * (-10) = -20 points.
7. All the points are added up and the hero gets a rating. This some-what reflects how bad a hero is compared to others. For instance in the example ranking, the intelligent heretic Ayden has -192 and intelligent witch Andra has -369. The weakness-witch Mirlanda has -380. So the best is Ayden, second Andra and worst Mirlanda. But based on the preferences, Andra and Mirlanda are actually pretty much the same and Ayden is soooo much better. But that is because of the values given to secondary skills. If you give more adequate values, you get results much closer to reality.
Since the might heroes are kinda over-considered I did my ranking for a theoretical "main magic hero" with WCL rules. Each skill gives a number of points from 10 to -10. I left out necromancy because it's basicly not allowed.
The Excel file with a short how-to guide is here. Use Office or Open Office to open it. Uploading to Google Docs might also do the trick.
It would be cool to have someone decent give their estimates. The most relevant question is, I guess, how much penalty should be given for having some of the semi-useless skills like sorcery.
Example personal preferences
Secondary skill values
10 Earth Magic
10 Logistics
9 Air Magic
9 Offense
8 Tactics
7 Intelligence
6 Armorer
5 Fire Magic
4 Water Magic
0 Pathfinding
0 Resistance
0 Scouting
0 Wisdom
-1 Archery
-5 Leadership
-5 Luck
-5 Mysticism
-8 First Aid
-9 Sorcery
-10 Estates
-10 Artillery
-10 Ballistics
-10 Diplomacy
-10 Eagle Eye
-10 Learning
-10 Navigation
-10 Scholar
Example rankings
Ayden -192
Andra -369
Mirlanda -380
All numbers are negative because magic heroes generally get bad skills So -192 is better than - 369.

Known Hero
posted August 04, 2012 06:12 PM |
Nice. Where did you get table for skill probabilities?

Known Hero
posted August 05, 2012 12:32 AM |
From Strategija.pdf compiled by Rainalkar. But the table can be found in many places in this forum or the internet.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 08, 2012 11:25 PM |
Wow, gj! I have been trying to find my "Best possible heroes for a long time, so this will be perfect. I thank you!

Known Hero
posted August 11, 2012 06:40 PM |
Ironicly, for that you could just check some topics and posts of good players It's quite obvious which heroes are generally THE best.