Thread: Deftool Small Error (GrayFace plz halp) | |

Famous Hero
of infamy
posted August 18, 2012 07:57 AM |
Deftool Small Error (GrayFace plz halp)
This is mainly a product of observation rather than any sort of inherent knowledge, so I preface this by saying I could be completely wrong.
I believe deftool incorrectly codes terrain when you main a (type 45) terrain def in it. I believe that the color seen in the minimap is within the terrain def, but this is not included when deftool creates the def. Tests that lead me to this conclusion:
All known edited terrain defs do not have the correct color (and the problem is also for many other mods to my knowledge).
Extracting a terrain def, breaking it up into frames and then repacking it with deftool also produces wrong minimap color. Note this is an identical def from a visual standpoint.
Renaming another H3 terrain file to a different one (in my case snow renamed as rough) makes the correct switch from minimap colors. So the color is within the def but not linked to its name.
I was going to do a memory comparison of a perfect and repackaged def but I no longer have the tool.
So if anyone has any thoughts, that would be good. Not sure if GrayFace is still around, or if this is easily fixable (probably if you know what you're doing unlike me).

Famous Hero
feanor on DF2.ru
posted August 18, 2012 02:29 PM |
Quote: So the color is within the def but not linked to its name.
It's one of the colors in palette.
Also, animation of water done with palette color cycling.

Famous Hero
of infamy
posted August 18, 2012 06:49 PM |
So then how can we make a terrain def that produces the right color, or even one that isn't "dark brown"?

Famous Hero
posted August 19, 2012 09:31 PM |
Haven't the Forge team (HotA's Forge) members managed to fix this problem? In one of the last screenshots in HotA thread new Forge terrain seems to have right color on the minimap.

Famous Hero
of infamy
posted August 20, 2012 01:41 AM |
Yes and they've also fixed the problem on adding a new town. Doesn't help any other modders by knowing they did it though...

Famous Hero
feanor on DF2.ru
posted August 20, 2012 02:27 PM |
Quote: Haven't the Forge team (HotA's Forge) members managed to fix this problem? In one of the last screenshots in HotA thread new Forge terrain seems to have right color on the minimap.
No, it was pure luck - right color accidentally got the right place in palette (:

Famous Hero
of infamy
posted August 20, 2012 02:43 PM |
So do you know how it works, or have an idea? I tried making a pure cyan terrain and the minimap color was still dark brown. Same for pure yellow. I thought at least cyan would turn out different, but they all seem to be some dark brown color. Kind of sucks because making a cool looking picture using the minimap with GrayFace patch to editor doesn't work if all your colors are a dark brown/green

Famous Hero
feanor on DF2.ru
posted August 20, 2012 03:15 PM |

Famous Hero
of infamy
posted August 20, 2012 03:20 PM |
Edited by kegolo at 18:55, 22 Aug 2012.
Sweet! I tried something similar but I was working in RGB so I failed...lol is me.
Edit: No I WAS doing it right, but after making the def with deftool, the colors get all screwed up. The palette changes and what were those two colors, the ones on the minimap, are now different. Still seems like a deftool bug. Is there a certain palette I should be using?
Edit2: So it seems H3 "skips" over colors it does not like as a suitable minimap color, and continues until it finds a good color (I assume a correct one in the palette). For example, if I switch colors 9 and 10 in the palette, which are the usual minimap colors, the game defaults to colors 11 and 12 or sometimes 13 and 14 for minimap colors. If I switch those, it goes to 15 and 16, and so on like that. So my new question is: do you know what the palette's constraints are? Or even simpler, why does H3 skip over the minimap colors of snow terrain when I put them in the palette as 9 and 10 for rough terrain. Shouldn't H3 "like" these colors already? Still very confused...

Famous Hero
posted September 10, 2012 12:22 AM |
I would also like to know how to tackle this problem. I am updating all terrain defs to have better quality but the minimap color is not at all similar to what it's supposed to be.
Does anyone have any idea about how to fix this?