Thread: Check out my new game (wog origins) | |

Famous Hero
of infamy
posted September 11, 2012 03:10 PM |
Check out my new game (wog origins)
Hey every one. So a while ago I tried to make this puzzle map in wog where your movement would be mirrored by the enemy movement on an adjacent island. It was nothing like WoG but I wanted to see if it could be done, similar to Solitaire or JimV's stuff.
Well it didn't work well. So I gave up.
But now about 2 years later, it's very close to being made into a real game. If you're interested check it out!
(Not trying to spam forum, I just feel at home here )

Supreme Hero
posted September 11, 2012 09:47 PM |
No replies, what a shame 
It looks like a pretty good, simple game, nice idea & story with a nicely big team to develop it. The graphics are quite good as well, but I would have gone for more "pixely" approach 
What is your part in the development, and by "your game", what do you mean?