Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted January 08, 2013 06:28 PM |
M&M : Clash of Heroes - iPad & Iphone release
Clash of Heroes (iOS release) Q&A
1/ What is the release date for Might & Magic Clash of Heroes on iOS?
We are glad to announce that Clash of Heroes will be available on mobile devices on January 24th!
If you want to learn more about Clash of Heroes, you can check out the official site. There are a lot of details about different factions, heroes, spells, units and so on. Have a look!
2/ What platform will be available at launch?
For now, only the iOS version will be available at launch, even if we’re already working on the Android platform and also studying new platforms.
3/ Could you give us release dates per platform?
The release date is set to January, the 24th on iOS, while we don’t have any specific date on Android as the development is still ongoing.
4/ Will the iOS version be compatible with other platforms?
To start, you will be able to play on both iPads and iPhones. It means that if you buy Clash of Heroes on your iTunes account, you’ll be able to download the game on your iPad and iPhone (if you have both).
You will also be able to play on iPad with someone playing on iPhone and vice-versa. We wanted to make it easy and accessible for users.
Unfortunately, the iOS version will not be compatible with other versions (DS, PS3, Xbox360, PC).
5/ What countries will be available at launch and later on?
As the iOS version is a port from the HD version, we made sure to include all the languages previously available meaning: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Czech and Russian. We hope you’ll have fun with the whole international community!
Launch Trailer
Edit: Forgot the source
Edit 2:
Added Irina Basic Gameplay Strategy
Edit 3:
Added Irina Advanced Strategy fo Haven