Thread: extremely wierd network issue | |

Legendary Hero
disrupting the moding industry
posted January 10, 2013 11:54 AM |
extremely wierd network issue
Hello Everyone,
This thread is kinda old but I will still give it a try.
three people in the same local network try to play heroes.
heroes version is : Heroes 3 WT (upgraded from Heroes 3 gold edition).
all 3 of us are running Windows 7 x64, firewall is off, antivirus is down.
Problem: When one of us create a game only one of the other 2 sees it.
On certain occasions both of us see it (no idea why) and join.
even if we join, after the game begin when the third player click end turn data is not transfered back to player 1 (98% sending data).
This happens always. We tried with hamachi but the game still prefers the local network and hamachi doesnt help at all. Is there a way to force the game to use hamachi while we are in one network??
Thanks a lot!!
best regards,
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Supreme Hero
posted January 10, 2013 12:19 PM |
I'd suggest trying GameRanger. I haven't played multiplayer (online) at all, but heard it's the best one to use


Hired Hero
C# Coder
posted January 11, 2013 08:07 PM |
Edited by Cronex at 20:11, 11 Jan 2013.
The problem is a well known. Alot of people are having this problem. I did too, but I solved my problem and here's what I did, you can try it too. Though Im not sure we share the same game version. Im Playing ERA II.
Step 1 - Unplug your network cable from you router (if using one) and just go on local.
Step 2 - Check if your standard ports are open.
Application: HOMM3 External port: 47624 Internal port: 47624 Protocol: TCP/UDP
Application: HOMM31 External port: 6073 Internal port: 6073 Protocol: TCP/UDP
Application: HOMM32 External port: 2300 Internal port: 42300 Protocol: TCP
Application: HOMM33 External port: 15668 Internal port: 15668 Protocol: UDP
Application: HOMM34 External port: 38628 Internal port: 38628 Protocol: UDP
Application: HOMM35 External port: 1948 Internal port: 1948 Protocol: UDP
Step 3 - Port1 should be the host. The reason is hard to explain.
Step 4 - The game is known to be bugged easy. So don't minimize the game while playing. You can be disconnected from the game.
Step 5 - Don't set playertime. Run with unlimited turn time.
Step 6 - Play & Enjoy !
As I said, I can't promise you that it will work for you. But it does work for me.
Treat others the way you want to
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Known Hero
posted January 13, 2013 10:20 PM |
Edited by Sguazz at 22:21, 13 Jan 2013.
I don't know if with 3 players there are problems.
We are 2 friends that play with this method HERE
In a few words Windows7x64 gives problem during sending data. But I have found that all works fine if I share the Heroes3 folder giving full permission to "Everyone" and using XP Compatibility mode (of course).
For the IP problem... I use Tunngle, but with Hamachi I think is the same. Now I try to explain what to do, but my Windows is Italian...
Go to the Network Properties;
Change adapter settings;
Advanced (press Alt if you don't see the menu);
Advanced Settings...;
Click on the green arrow on the right side to move up at the first place the Hamachi (or Tunngle) adapter;
Restart (it's better)

Legendary Hero
disrupting the moding industry
posted January 30, 2013 08:55 AM |

Tavern Dweller
posted April 22, 2021 03:34 PM |
Edited by Denni at 15:34, 22 Apr 2021.
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