Thread: 1 day chinese map -Raid n Wech | |
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 14, 2013 02:17 PM |
1 day chinese map -Raid on Wech
Author: Liu Xue Lian (same as Ira the mage)
Victory condition: capture dungeon
Loss condition: 1 day...
Time completion: 10 minutes max
Struggling with, as with every chinese map.
Played it in wog with no scripts except display movement, to check how far I can move.
Menu: choose artefact:
Because only collar of conjuring is available and it is the part you miss for ring of the magi:
On first day assemble the combo:
Fight all 6 monsters and re visit the oasis after each, you can go up to 5000 movement points:
Fight everything on the way except the pegassi and the archimage. You will need the peggasi to disable armageddon double cast of AI hero (magic damper) and the archimage to travel over snow.
Very difficult battle: 1 archimage vs 7 wolf raiders
Best result: 6 steps away from dungeon, tried every thing, from keep only lizard on swamp, keep nomad in first slot, nothing works.
Who can find the solution?
Famous Hero
the Bobler
posted January 14, 2013 04:13 PM |
Why so far from the entrance? I make it to one step before the door, but no closer as for now...which objects did you visit?
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 14, 2013 04:16 PM |
I visited all movement bonuses except for pegassi and archimage. Did not take any of the 6 starting stacks.
Edit: ah I found, forgot to visit the oasis after the last stack battle, this gives extra 600 points. 1 step back, means I missed 5 steps, which puts me one step from dungeon, as you.
Probably there is one step to gain from avoiding a diagonal somewhere.
Era II mods and utilities
Famous Hero
the Bobler
posted January 14, 2013 04:55 PM |
Wait...you visited the stables??
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 14, 2013 04:57 PM |
Famous Hero
the Bobler
posted January 14, 2013 04:59 PM |
Edited by Biobob at 17:02, 14 Jan 2013.
Just to make sure
If there was any way to water walk, map would be easy, but with 10 spell points only I dont see the solution (besides killing Armageddon-Man without the Pegasi, which seems only possible by taking other stacks...)
Known Hero
posted January 15, 2013 05:20 AM |
Fairly certain taking starting stacks is not the solution because it costs you movement points compared to taking the Pegasi anyways. And you can't use any spells vs first purple hero battle because you need Anti-Magic in the second... seems completely impossible.
This is really bothering me >__> first Sir Lock now this
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 15, 2013 06:39 AM |
Aeris quamarine sent me 10 screens to show how he did it: he says you have to exploit some movement bug but I still did not understand what he did. Anyway, if it is about a bug then is no so interesting.
Era II mods and utilities
Famous Hero
the Bobler
posted January 15, 2013 11:45 AM |
I got it: Diagonal movement on rough terrain
Known Hero
posted January 16, 2013 02:44 AM |
I actually thought of that but I still can't get it >_> A last diagonal step to Dungeon won't work
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 16, 2013 12:53 PM |
So basically most of recent released chinese maps can not be completed if you are not aware about some obscure bugs. And authors specify : carefully tested.
Famous Hero
the Bobler
posted January 16, 2013 03:20 PM |
Thats the sad thing, and I made calculationss... at first I thought it was a combination of visited-tents and admiral hat bug...
Known Hero
posted January 20, 2013 09:25 AM |
Hi Salamandre, I would like you to make a new thread for "Metataxer's revenge" It is German map but it really looks like Chinese and it is tough as Chinese maps
Also, if you know some "popular" or enjoyable German maps let me know I really regret that I stopped studying German... it is beautiful language and the map made me want to study more but unfortunately it is too late now
Oh, and I would like to know what version do I need in order to complete the map cause I wouldn't like to start it all again..
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted January 20, 2013 09:53 AM |
Metataxer is tough map, wish I had the time and patience for such puzzles. 10 years ago maybe, now I am doing last updates for Era before moving away.
Time for young players to take over the flag
Famous Hero
the Bobler
posted January 20, 2013 05:31 PM |
Edited by Biobob at 17:34, 20 Jan 2013.
Hired Hero
posted March 08, 2013 09:50 PM |
can you guys please explain me this movement speed bug. i end up one step away from the castle just like Salamandre describes it.
Hired Hero
posted August 28, 2013 01:36 AM |
More necromancy from my part!
I've uploaded the solution to an album on imgur [url=http://imgur.com/a/Swfpo#0]here[/url].
Basically, it's a combination of bugs as already mentioned. One is the last step the hero can take and the other has to do, interestingly, with the way Nomads handle roads in those last few steps.
As you know, we can go NW NE SW or SE as a last step even if we have fewer than the 144 MP required. (multiplied by the appropriate factors)
If you have a low enough amount of MP, the game credits you the "last step" more than once. The last screenshots illustrate this. You'll see that I go from 150MP to 75MP even though the normal cost should be 106 MP in diagonal on dirt roads.
Hence, you have to voluntarily waste a few MP along the way. A diagonal on the rough after the Pegasi puts you in the correct MP range at the end.