Thread: Cat And Milena's Great MM6 Debate | |

Supreme Hero
Gonna Get Dirrty...
posted March 16, 2002 10:41 AM |
Cat And Milena's Great MM6 Debate
The lovely Milena and myself were having a discussion about MM6 the other day...
Milena plays with two scorcerers and two clerics.
I play with one knight, two archers and one cleric/ sorcerer.
Milena believes my formation is crazy and is amazed I finished the game alive, arguing that anybody can master a bow, but archers can't cast some of the more powerful spells... but I disagree as mine were air/ mind masters respectively and for dark and light magic I was able to use my cleric.. I argued that sorcerers and clerics die all the time and the massive number of HPs archers can eventually amass gives them a better chance of staying alive. I had to keep resurrecting my cleric.
So everybody, what do you think? It is also worth mentioning that my version of MM6 has the spell scroll bug...
Which formation would you play with, given the choice?
Diwethaf Gloau Sylw y Gymreag

Famous Hero
local pirate
posted March 16, 2002 12:57 PM |
anyone who'd use 2 clerics and 2 sorceresses ... well ... doesn't get my vote.

Famous Hero
posted March 16, 2002 07:01 PM |
I don't know about Might and Magic 6, but about 7 - she said that I can't play because I use the Druid. And I answered that I know people say he is not a good choice but since he IS a choice, I have the right to play with him...
But Milena??? Where is she? She's obviously not kidnapped by aliens...

Known Hero
posted March 16, 2002 07:03 PM |
did they get to fix the bug about Sorcerers were able to dish damage as much as the knight's swords with their daggers?
if not the best party's always 4 Sorcerers. Great spells, 4 Llyod's Beacons and GM Dagger can kill SUPER FAST in melee!
But anyway, I think any combination will do. There's no right or wrong and it's a matter of preference.
If I can't decide, I personally will pick a class/race with the portrait that I love the most!

Supreme Hero
Gonna Get Dirrty...
posted March 16, 2002 07:05 PM |
I believe they fixed that bug, but my version still has the turn based bug and the Firelord bug...
Diwethaf Gloau Sylw y Gymreag

Legendary Hero
-ing yummy foods
posted March 16, 2002 11:13 PM |
...personally I think having all mainly magic users is insane, but any combination should work...some are just more fun and easier....
This space for rent.

Famous Hero
posted March 17, 2002 03:06 AM |
Exactly. Lots of warriors may be easy in the beginning, but you'll need clerics and mages later on.

Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted November 10, 2003 02:27 AM |
MM6 is a great game. I usually have one Knight, one Archer, one Paladin, and one Sorcerer.
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

Famous Hero
Banned from opening threads
posted November 15, 2003 10:21 PM |
Aha The old might vs Magic rears its ugly head even fot the great M&M series. As a Crag Hack fan i have to say that Milenas choice is the crazy one even though i have only played M&M 7 and 8 i well know the frustration of having to fill your backpack with raise dead scrolls just in case your resurrector dies, which being a cleric inevitably always does. My advice for the M&M series is that if you focus on magic heroes then never go into battle without drinking a preservation potion.
Retaliation is for the foolish. Silence is wisdom

Legendary Hero
posted November 22, 2003 12:15 AM |
I think last time I played with archer, archer, cleric, sorcerer.
In early levels, both archers specializes in might. Later levels, one splits skill points between might/magic, the other stays might. Cleric for healing. And the sorcerer - two words - meteor shower. WAAAY cool, I love casting that spell.
I have MM Mellennium Edition with the Zeen games. Are they any good? Like how do they compare to MM6&7? It will take some effort to get them running on WinME, so is it worth it? I don't care about graphics and sound.

Famous Hero
Banned from opening threads
posted January 01, 2004 07:17 PM |
BTW. Did you know that ubisoft are going to continue the M&M series. Keep your eyes pealed for M&M 10.
Here is the proof
Near the bottom of the interview is the confirmation.
Retaliation is for the foolish. Silence is wisdom