Thread: Heroes Normalized | |
Known Hero
posted February 02, 2013 03:16 PM |
Heroes Normalized
This is my first mod.
I have weakened some hero, so you can play a fully random map, without getting advantage by a special hero.
I haven't upset the other abilities. I think it's a simply mod, but I'm happy to have done it
Heroes Normalized
- Mod Position:
Before "Wog Revised" and "WoG
- Recommended scripts:
[V] Enable Extension Heroes
[X] Hero Specialization Boost (If you want to use my mod, I hope that you disable this option...)
[X] Rebalanced Hero Abilities (see above...)
[X] Rebalanced Starting Armies (I haven't seen problems with or without it)
[V] Warfare (Artillery/Ballistics/First Aid) (If you want)
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted February 02, 2013 03:46 PM |
Quote: without getting advantage by a special hero.
Hmm, Tazar, Crag Hack, Mephala, Gunnar, Deesa, Kyree, Galthran, Isra all kept their uber specialties, but it disturbed you Sylvia's navigation and diplo heroes. Strange normalizing IMO.
Known Hero
posted February 02, 2013 05:09 PM |
Yes, you are right, but I basically changed the skills that give advantages especially at the beginning of a random match. I know there are heroes that are stronger when they grow up, but I did not want to completely change the characteristics of the original game.
There are other good mods for these things.
Maybe "normalized" in italian has another meaning.
If the only mistake that you have found is the name of the mod, I got a good result!
Any suggestions for a new name?