Thread: HOMM3 Lord Of War help | |


Hired Hero
posted March 05, 2013 02:05 PM |
HOMM3 Lord Of War help
Hi guys,
I'm playing the Lord of War HOMM3 map for the first time (late, I know!)
Can anyone advise me which order you're expected to fight the AI?
Really just a list of colours would be sufficient...!

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted March 06, 2013 07:37 PM |


Hired Hero
posted March 07, 2013 03:02 PM |
Not exactly what I had in mind, but thanks...
In case anyone ever looks for this information in future, I'll update this thread as I work it out 
So far I'm taking on enemies in the following order:
1) Green
2) Red (mostly - haven't done the minotaur guy yet)
3) Pink
4) Purple
I presume Teal will be next given that I found access to them early on from underground, so it'll probably be
5) Teal
6) Blue
7) Orange


Hired Hero
posted March 09, 2013 09:07 AM |
Orange is very easy, doesnt really matter how much troops he has. You only need to survive for 7 turns and blind everyone, than its not a problem. Blue is harder with his titans, i dont remember this map in details, but you should fight blue at the very end if possible.

Known Hero
posted March 10, 2013 10:12 AM |
I haven't completed the map yet but I have tried it. I did the opponents in the following way:
1. Green (of course)
2. Red (except the minotaur dungeon)
3. Purple
4. Teal
And the rest opponents I wasn't able to meet.... The reason are because of the subterrannean shipyard was bad (I couldn't get to the boat in the middle of the labyrinth!) and I wasn't able to continue from Rampart to the Tower because there were rocks ahead which blocked my way (somewhere in the surface 40-98)... I wonder how the other players could pass these things. Was I so unlucky that I got some kind of failed version of the map or what ? Of course my way is not the fastest way I think

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted March 10, 2013 09:44 PM |
Scuttle boat, summon boat
Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Known Hero
posted March 11, 2013 04:10 PM |
Quote: Scuttle boat, summon boat 
Well in my game I hadn't summon boat at all I don't know if they were disabled on the map. If they weren't I guess that I was really unlucky. Then the mapmaker should have added it as a 'must' spell in some mage guilds

Known Hero
posted March 17, 2013 10:14 AM |
I just checked this map from the editor and yeah, summon boat should not be allowed in any towns So I'm still wondering the labyrinth thing...


Hired Hero
posted March 26, 2013 03:32 PM |
I'm not sure where I got summon boat from, but it is definitely necessary for that bit...
I completed it a while ago, here's the answer to my original question, for posterity:
1) Green
2) Red (except minotaurs)
- (now find more strongholds)
3) Pink
- (now find more strongholds)
4) Teal
5) Purple
6) Blue
7) Orange
8) Red minotaur guy
You get a useful artifact in the Teal area which helps with them and then makes purple easier as well, so it's worth doing them that way round...


Hired Hero
posted June 14, 2013 06:02 PM |
Nevermind - wrong forum lol!
EDIT: might as well make use of this post.
You can get Sea Captain's Hat in the underground from a Seer's Hut after you've gotten Water Walk.