Thread: ~ Might & Magic : Heroes Online - Information & Discussion Topic ~ | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 · NEXT» |

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted March 07, 2013 08:04 PM |
bonus applied by VOKIALBG on 18 Apr 2013. |
~ Might & Magic : Heroes Online - Information & Discussion Topic ~
Developer: BlueByte
Genre: Free to Play, Online HoM&M
Platforms: PC (Browser)
Status: Close Beta (Since 2012)
Official channels & websites:
- Website
- Blog
- Ubisoft forum (English)
- Facebook
- Twitter
The Game
General aspects - quick summary
From what we know, on the launch the game will only feature two factions - Haven and Necropolis.
The game itself evolves around heroes, towns and creatures. Building towns is a slow process (may take real life weeks!), so is quite different from classic Heroes game. The resource system may change as well, it may be focused on having workers gathering resources and establishing trade routes. Hero development should be more traditional, with might/magic affinity, artifacts, abilities and creatures to personalize them.
Each faction will feature three tier 1 units, two tier 2 units and one tier 3 unit. It's expected to be added more in the future.
Battles will bring back the traditional and acclaimed hexagonal squares (hex), like in the first three entries of the series. That isn't the only change to battles (compared with H6), from what I have seeing on the videos flanking and attacking from behind gives extra damage, adding some more profundity to strategy. I also saw an archer moving and shooting afterwards in the same turn, or that it seemed. Last but not least, there'll be also co-operative battles, where an ally hero may be able to fight with you.
About the campaign, starts shortly after the Third Eclipse, where the Dragon Knights press Haven and Necropolis to settle their mutual border disputes and sign a treaty, while the Order of the Void will take part too. We will meet both Sandro and Belketh.
Minimum Technical Requirements:
Intel Pentium IV with 3.00 GHz
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ @1.8 GHz
1 GB
Graphic card:
Minimum 128mb ram and DirectX 9 support
Official M&M:HO Blog Entries
09.04.13: Frequently Asked Questions – Part 1
Answers to ten of the most common questions.
27.03.13: The story behind MMHO
Short but interesting entry about the story.
It's confirmed that it'll take place after the third eclipse (that's in the middle land between H6 and H5 stories). Sandro is the big enemy of the main story, willing to annihilate everything and attack the Dragon God of Light, Elrath. We will aid the Sacred Order of the Dragon Knights in their fights agains the cult of the Order of the void. But that's not all, other characters like the Half-Ghoul Yorath or the obsessed Archangel Erion will take part on the story as well.
20.03.13: Is MMHO a real Heroes game? (blog entry)
Today the put a lot of emphasis on leaving the primary route and exploring the surroundings in order to find hidden spots, treasures, side quests and such.
It is also confirmed that we'll meet both Sandro and Belketh. The main story starts shortly after the Third Eclipse, where the Dragon Knights press Haven and Necropolis to settle their mutual border disputes and sign a treaty.
10.03.13: Long entry about the magic of the engine and graphics.
07.03.13: Gameplay Trailer
01.03.13: The Size of the World
At the launch there'll be 6 different provinces, each one divided in several areas. Each area has its own graphical setting and they will all look different. To be added more in the future.
You'll find NPCs, some friendly, some you'll fight with them. Faction quests of an area can not be completed by other faction(s).

Portal at Haven town
In order to speed up the game, there are two types of portals:
- Portals which will bring you to another area of the province
- Portals which will bring you to another province
More at the Blog entry - The size of the world.
Questions & Answers:
- Frequently Asked Questions – Part 1 (Blog entry)
- Celestial Heavens Q&A (March 2013)
- February 2013
Trailers & Teasers:
- Gamescom 2012 Teaser
- Official Trailer overview of the game (March 2013)
- Ingame preview video - features both battles and adventure map (February 2013)
- Gamescom 2012 - BlueByte backstage (August 2012)
- electronictheatre.co.uk Interview (March 2013)
- Znork sneak peek on Heroes Online (February 2013)
- computerandvideogames.com preview (February 2013)
Polygon.com preview - customization and Co op explained (September 2012)
- PC Gamer preview (August 2012)

Famous Hero
posted March 15, 2013 03:13 PM |
New trailer with interview
Our hopes for Heroes VIII!

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted March 15, 2013 06:13 PM |

Supreme Hero
Former Chessmaster
posted March 17, 2013 09:19 PM |
Getting a somewhat good vibe from that interview.
Can't explain why.
In any case, can't wait to start playing this.

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted March 20, 2013 06:59 PM |

Legendary Hero
First in line
posted April 10, 2013 12:42 PM |
Edited by VOKIALBG at 18:35, 18 Apr 2013.
New Q&A about Heroes Online
EDIT: Thanks for this nice thread, Storm, keep it updated!

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted April 18, 2013 06:43 PM |
Quote: New Q&A about Heroes Online
EDIT: Thanks for this nice thread, Storm, keep it updated!
I apologize, in almost a month I didn't update it - some RL stuff drew away my attention - but it'll end it right now.
And thank you very much for the shiny!! 
Edit: Big blog post about towns!

Supreme Hero
Sexy Manticore
posted May 28, 2013 11:54 PM |
Cool, I just got a closed beta invitation.

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted May 29, 2013 12:04 AM |
Myself as well, first I had problems with the page not loading from my desktop computer, but on the laptop loads fine

Legendary Hero
I'm Faceless, not Brainless.
posted May 29, 2013 12:14 AM |
I did aswell
But to be honest I feel its to much like KB, and I disliked KB the legend
I'm just a Mirror of your self.
We see, we look, we gather, we store, we teach.
We are many, and you can be one of us.

Supreme Hero
of the Horadrim
posted May 29, 2013 10:53 AM |
It does feel like King's Bounty a little bit, but there's a major difference: King's Bounty had humor and a story.
| The HoMM Channel |

Famous Hero
posted May 30, 2013 12:46 AM |
So far... I dislike this game =(
Hope that new classic heroes game will be created in future
Our hopes for Heroes VIII!

Supreme Hero
Sexy Manticore
posted May 30, 2013 01:00 AM |
Quote: So far... I dislike this game =(
Hope that new classic heroes game will be created in future
Really? I'm addicted to it.

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted May 30, 2013 11:59 AM |
Quote: So far... I dislike this game =(
Hope that new classic heroes game will be created in future
Since you start the game you realize this is not a classic Heroes....it's just a Spin-Off, doesn't belongs to Heroes series.

Supreme Hero
posted June 05, 2013 04:26 PM |
I like the game so far, but title that contains Heroes is definetly misleading.

Supreme Hero
posted June 05, 2013 08:05 PM |
Edited by Zeki at 20:05, 05 Jun 2013.
I didn't get an invitation

Undefeatable Hero
posted September 26, 2013 01:36 PM |
Is this thread dead!?
There's been quite a while since the last update of this thread.. like almost 4 months! In this time valuable information about the game has been released. You can check the MMHO blog for the latest posts. Don't bother with the ubi forums, there's practically nothing there..
Also, you should check these two links below:
1. This is the Forums section of the Heroes Online test phase, which is currently in progress. If memory serves you have to make an account to be able to read the threads. There's alot of feedback there that's worth reading, imo.
2. And this is a 48 min gameplay video on youtube. My advice.. just have something to puke in near you.
Oh and by the way, when you want to discuss specific features about the game, be sure that it's been made official, cuz there's that NDA.. /facepalm
Hope this is helpful. Thank you.

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted September 26, 2013 03:18 PM |
Stevie said: There's been quite a while since the last update of this thread.. like almost 4 months! In this time valuable information about the game has been released.
I indeed forgot about this thread. I could blame it to lazyness, or the fact I kind lost the interest on this game, but the more important reason is the fact that, for some reason, their website doesn't load on my PC 
With that said, I think I could load on my laptop, I'll try to update the OP this afternoon or tomorrow.
Stevie said: Hope this is helpful. Thank you.
I will add it to the OP, ty

Undefeatable Hero
posted January 05, 2014 09:22 PM |
Any news about this? Maybe someone that got into the testing phase?
Some impressions, how the game feels, is it something a veteran would find interesting? New patches, improvements, devs talk, expectations?
I haven't been following things for a while now, just wanna know if things are good or going in the wrong direction. Last time I checked it didn't went too well.

Famous Hero
posted January 18, 2014 01:58 PM |
Edited by Hermes at 14:00, 18 Jan 2014.
I have created a large review of the game but deleted it due to rereading the NDA which prohibits me from disclosing any info... Sorry.