Thread: Necro Town 3D Recreation | |

Adventuring Hero
Town Creator
posted April 23, 2013 02:30 PM |
Edited by Silaneo at 20:33, 24 Apr 2013.
Necro Town 3D Recreation
Hi guys!Recently i have been thinking about putting whole H5 Necro City into 3dsmax to have a good base for creating my H3 city mod in the future and I guess it could be used well also for H5 modding.Well the result is seen below-I've ripped the whole city and put it to the 3dsmax's FBX file

There are still no backgrounds,lights,cameras and effects added.Heres how it looks for now in rendering.

The first thing that catches the eye is these white images on the bushes.3dsmax doesnt want to render the alpha channels.I tried to modify the textures by adding opacity map

and setting diffuse color options

and opacity options

which gave such result

but after exporting to FBX and resterting the image became fully transparent :/

Could you help me with this ? The futher i go it gets more diffucult ^^ Below is the unmodified crypt.If you could see how to make this image look right permanently,I would be grateful 
Crypt Lv2 (FBX import file)
Crypt Lv2 textures separately (If needed)
EDIT! : Strange.I tried various ways with transparency and each way proved bad after restarting FBX file, so decided to try with MAX file.And strangely it worked! Damn,i dont know why...but good to learn something from this.Well thx for reading Here's the newest image If someone would be interested 


Adventuring Hero
posted April 27, 2013 03:17 PM |
Interesting idea 
btw - weren't you think about upgrading graphic in original cities (better textures and so on) ?

Adventuring Hero
Town Creator
posted April 27, 2013 10:35 PM |
I thought about it but mainly in a possible way for creating my H3 mod.In theory i think its possible but I dont plan on making new 3d images because im just bad at it.For now im trying to make good effects for this town as it looks like i wont be able to put H5 particle effects into 3dsmax.If you think otherwise,pls tell me how, guys For now i put my own fog into it 


Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 27, 2013 11:23 PM |