Thread: RIP Nelson Mandela | |

Famous Hero
Also known as Nobris Agni
posted December 06, 2013 12:21 PM |
RIP Nelson Mandela
I knew it would happen before the end of this year.
Anti-apartheid hero Nelson Mandela dead at 95
And here's my take on it:
Nelson Mandela, elder statesman, champion of African civil rights, freedom fighter against a vile, oppressive regime called Apartheid, and former President of South Africa, four years after his release from prison, passed away at the old, old age of 95.
Nelson Mandela was a great, courageous man who used non-violent resistance to challenge an unjust and racist Apartheid system in South Africa that existed from 1948 - 1994. After the Sharpeville massacre and a series of bombings committed by the ANC's guerrilla win, Umkhonto We Sizwe, he was condemned to life imprisonment on a brutal prison in Robbin Island, his infamous prison number being 46664. His imprisonment sparked outrage across the world, and by the 1980s even former allies of South Africa were voicing opposition to the Apartheid regime. In 1990, F.W. De Klerk (another man I admire besides Mandela), released Mandela after bowing to international pressure (and rightfully so). Four years later, Mandela, after historic democratic elections, became the first president of a new multi-racial South Africa, an event I will never forget after hearing about it back then in 8th grade. Since then, South Africa has changed, some for the better, but unfortunately others for the worse (as murder and rape rates skyrocketed, and the brutal slaughter of white farmers cannot be condoned. You see, you shouldn't punish everyone for one of your kind's evil deeds). And now Mandela will rest in peace on the other side.
Farewell, Nelson Mandela. Your courage, struggle, and determination will never be forgotten - even with me. You are truly the world's hero.
No one knows my true nature here...

Legendary Hero
Words in a custom title
posted December 06, 2013 01:53 PM |
It's a very sad day not just for South Africa, but also for the whole world, because Nelson Mandela's strive to provide a more peaceful South Africa has been nothing short of inspirational, even after retiring from his Presidency. Sometimes, words just aren't enough to describe the impact Mandela had on the lives of many, regardless of race, gender, or creed, and the legacy he has left on the world. One of the greatest people who have ever walked this Earth, now no longer here to grace the world with his presence.
For me it was hard not to get emotional while writing this post.
"Through the power of the dollar you can communicate with the dead." - Artu

Undefeatable Hero
On the Other Side!
posted December 06, 2013 04:19 PM |
He lived for a really long time, 95 years 
RIP Mandela, you won't be forgotten

posted March 28, 2014 05:03 PM |
Nelson Mandela was a honorable person. He reminded me a lot about myself. He was a great leader, just like I am and he did not fear being on top.
STRAIGHT, <3333333333 RABBLE,