Tavern Dweller
posted January 22, 2014 10:57 PM |
Edited by Duzeom at 23:00, 22 Jan 2014.
New Campaign in H4 - testers needed
Hello Everyone!
To begin with I apologize for making the thread in the wrong forum, also for my language, beacause I am not a native speaker. I am new to this forum so still I am learning how this and that.
But to the point.
I need testers! Badly!
Some time ago (if I remember correctly it was 2 years ago) I made a campaign in H4 named "Megom Chronicles: Tales of Souls". It had 9 maps, excelent plot, nice landscape and so on... you can download it from Celestial Heavens site: [url=http://www.celestialheavens.com/search2.php?map_name=&author_name=Krajewski&size=&nr_players=&playing_type=&version=&sort_by=map_name&order=asc&multiplayer=&month=&year=&minimaps=on&results1=20&page=1&action=search&submit=Search]link[/url].
Now I made the second part of the story in more than 2 years... but I can't publish it because I don't have enough testers. I need quite skillful testers, beacause I need them to play on higher or equal than advanced difficulty level
Campaign is made in equilibris 3.41, has 8 maps, and is in version 0.94 so it's completely playable but I still work on difficulty balance.
If you want to know more about Megom Chronicles Project visit my modest site: [url=http://megomchronicles.blogspot.com/]MC Project[/url]
If you want to help me please write me an e-mail: mich.krajewski[at]gmail.com or a private message.
Campaign is really great and is done with a huge devotion. Look for my other works to see that I don't make my campaigns with poor taste (I make maps for some good 10 years).
I think every great fan of H4 should play it!
Take care all of you!