Thread: Nice, challenging RMG for extra large maps | |

Tavern Dweller
posted February 25, 2014 07:55 PM |
Edited by recept at 19:59, 25 Feb 2014.
Nice, challenging RMG for extra large maps
I'm playing with my m8 via hot seats, using WOG and xxxl maps mod. We always play in "2 vs 2 teams mode" (us, humans team vs 2 computer players in team) We love it, but...
when we used to play on "normal" xl maps and jebus cross rmg, at 200% game was challenging, there were lots of really "epic battles" at the end. But since we use xxxl maps... even at 200%, strong monsters, no handicap... it's too easy - usally we have like 80 8th level monsters, tons of artifacts when we go to attack computer players, and computer opponents... well, they have like 3 x 10 monsters of 8th at best, so game is not challenging at all...
we tried different rmg - "classic" jebus cross, rmg from samiam.org, but they all have same issue - boring endings chasing opponents with no army... 
Can you help me? I mean link some nice RMG/tell me which way to edit jebus, so there would be really epic battles on extra large maps

Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted February 25, 2014 08:40 PM |

Tavern Dweller
posted February 26, 2014 08:59 AM |
@LizardWarrior - thx m8, I checked Conquistador Mod some time ago, but back then it had no "customize" option for better AI (and IMHO it was other extreme). I'm sure now it will help a lot!
Only one thing left - I'd really would like to stay with jebus cross rmg, because it's great... but on extra large maps it creates little amount of castles - can you, or some else , tell me how to edit this template ([url=http://chomikuj.pl/ploku/gry/Heroes+of+Might+and+Magic+III+-+Zlota+Edycja/_HD3_Data/Templates/Jebus+Cross/rmg,2294584019.txt]link[/url]) to make it put more castles on map?
More generally - I've been looking for very long time some kind of rmg files syntax description/tutorial... Anyone?

Legendary Hero
posted February 26, 2014 01:16 PM |
recept said: More generally - I've been looking for very long time some kind of rmg files syntax description/tutorial... Anyone? 
Look in Random Templates thread.