Thread: Players should be take control of neutral battles | |

Known Hero
posted March 27, 2014 05:04 PM |
Players should be take control of neutral battles
Would it be possible to somehow mod the game (isn't there a whole new engine being worked on - or maybe this is it?) to let the a random opponent player or even yourself in singleplayer to play the neutrals to make it less abuse-prone?
Also a thought: Neutral vs Player battles are automatically automated?

Legendary Hero
posted March 27, 2014 05:37 PM |
I think one of main issues last time it was mentioned was that it gives the opponent the advantage of knowing exact numbers of opponent troops throughout the game.. and possibly also opponents potentially current location by e.g. looking at the battle terrain for the battle. Without either of those types of information, the AI might do better than a human, not to mention the biggest downfall for neutrals are the lack of spells, not something which becomes available because a human controls them.
Quote: Also a thought: Neutral vs Player battles are automatically automated?
You mean like quick combat?

Known Hero
posted March 27, 2014 06:55 PM |
Edited by Aron at 18:57, 27 Mar 2014.
Yeah quick combat but make it a feature so players can't cheat. Would also make surrender options for monsters for more interesting instead of say Pixie-abuse or skeleton hoarding. But at the same time an issue would be that diplomacy would get even more OP.
Good point about seeing stuff, that's true. I thought about it before but then I forgot about it again.
But you wouldn't know where the battle is taking place. And again it would make surrendering of monsters more viable. It would lessen the amount of EXP someone can get thus perhaps negating Might Heroes and their uberness by really forcing them to pick skills wisely.
Both options I think would require banning diplomacy tho.
Also neutrals are greatly affected by the lack of spells, sure. But the AI will often attack neutrals or defend stacks of archers. It won't abuse its own weaknesses by moving units in such a way that they are endlessly chasing around one unit type.
Has it ever been implemented? Is it possible?

Famous Hero
posted March 27, 2014 10:57 PM |
Always quick combat:
It would render things like demon farming as well as common creature bank tactics impossible. --> Major gameplay alteration.
If a player were to take control of Neutral that would annoyingly prolong games.
As far as I know it hasn't ever been implemented though it is not impossible.

Known Hero
posted March 28, 2014 02:29 AM |
Yup I'd like such tactics to be rendered impossible. At least on a mass scale. The game was never intended for it. People just got so good at it. I mean obviously skelleton farming was intended to some degree but with everything else mixed in there it does make Necro-castles to powerfull as most complain about them.
Conflux would also stop being to powerfull.
Things would balance out I think